Disclaimer: I am so sick of these but I still must tell everyone that I don't own them, which is pretty obvious because if I did, well… you read these fics I write? Those would be episodes.

Rated: T

Summary: Sequel to In My Bed? Drake and Josh have a new sleeping routine. D/J Slash.

A/N: I'm really trying to keep a T rating here and think I can manage but can I just say that man some of the thoughts with this situation… okay anyway. This chapter might seem slow and the fic might seem off to a slow start (then again maybe not) but I wanted another night of awkwardness and their conversation, and Drake's practice. I hope you give it a chance and will not be disappointed. Who do you think is going to cave first with their feelings? Do you have any theories on how this is going to turn out or what will bring them to that point? Happy reading, I will be working on Chapter 2 later today (I have to be gone most of the day). I tried to fix all mistakes, sorry for any I missed.

Flashbacks in italics


It's Our Bed Now Chapter 1

"So Drake, is this going to be like a new ritual we have or something?" Josh asked.

"Does it bother you?" Drake asked.

"Obviously not. You?" Josh asked him.

"Seriously?" Drake said and rolled his eyes at Josh smiling.

"Yeah," Josh chuckled. "Okay well, then we need to make a pact or something right?"

"About?" Drake held his hands out like he was confused.

"We can't let this interfere with our lives. You know, it's all private and personal and all," Josh said.

"Well, yeah, sure," Drake said.

"So, okay last night I was thinking like that commercial what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. You've seen it right?" Josh asked.

Drake nodded.

"Then that's us," Josh said.

"Dude, we live in San Diego, not Las Vegas," Drake smiled. He knew what Josh meant but couldn't help but tease him, that and the thoughts of them in Vegas…

"Oh yes you are quite the comedian today aren't you?" Josh smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, sorry. You were saying," Drake said.

"Just you know, what happens in bed stays in bed," Josh told him.

"Okay. Fine. I agree," Drake said.

They shook hands.

"I mean its not like I'm going to go around advertising that I'm sleeping with my stepbrother or anything," Drake added. "Well you know, right? I mean not sleeping with but sleeping with, I guess?"

"Right, sleeping with. We're just sleeping," Josh nodded.


Josh thought of the conversation they had earlier that day while he waited for Drake to come home.

Drake and his band were practicing and he was very nervous at first to even go but Josh reminded him that he was the sober one the night of the party.

"So how did it go?" Josh asked when Drake walked in the door.

"I'll tell you later," Drake smiled.

Josh smiled back and nodded. He knew that he would have another night with the boy he loved.

He took a shower first, the same as he did the night before, followed directly by Drake even though Drake seriously thought he would wait longer tomorrow because this whole hot water thing was not working out.

Drake tried to use the shower water to wash away the impure thoughts in his mind before getting into Josh's bed yet again, for the third night. Second night with permission, well he didn't actually know if he had permission or not last night. It didn't matter, he thought, he was there anyway.

Josh smiled when Drake took a shower and was really glad that shower was water because it wasn't able to tell Drake that the person that was in there before him thought of nothing but him and more importantly the new routine they seemed to be developing.

Drake turned the light off when he came back in the room.

"You know it's really difficult to get everything ready for tomorrow in the dark," Josh chuckled.

Drake turned the lamp on by Josh's bed. "I told you I'd tell you later, remember,"

Josh smiled. Even though the reason was because he wanted to tell him something, he loved the fact that Drake wanted to go to bed already. He could definitely handle this, he thought. Drake, wanting desperately to get into his bed… okay so maybe he wasn't so desperate but he could still think it, right. "Yes you did,"

Josh walked over and climbed in. Drake waited until he was in and then he climbed in as well.

"So, what happened?" Josh asked as he did when Drake first got home.

"It was great. I took your advice. You know, I told them that their drinking totally messed me up. I yelled at them and told them if they want to drink fine but to do it when we're not playing. They felt terrible and apologized. They bought it," Drake said and wondered if this was the part he would get held or hugged or something because if not, tomorrow he needed to have another crisis.

"Awesome. I told you it would be okay didn't I?" Josh said. He looked over and smiled at Drake. He momentarily wondered what Drake would do if he leaned over and kissed him. Its not like he could pass it off as excitement, even though it would definitely be in excitement. He resisted the urge and hoped that he would be able to resist the temptation for a long time because he didn't want this to end and more importantly, he didn't want his relationship with Drake to end.

Drake looked back up at the ceiling and his mood was beginning to change when all of a sudden he felt it. Just like last night. An arm slipped under his head. His mood was coming back. This is something he could get used to, and then he realized… he already had.

Again, like last night he moved until his head rested on Josh's shoulder. Josh smiled inwardly and then almost panicked wondering if Drake could tell his pulse increased. He would hate to make his brother uncomfortable and really was trying to walk softly and play this whole thing cool but cool was the complete opposite of the way he felt.

He moved his other arm around Drake the way he did last night and was rewarded with his hand again. It was just like last night. Since it was like last night, he thought, he kissed Drake's head again.

There was something about being freshly showered, cuddled up in bed with your stepbrother, your best friend, they both thought. It was a calming force. One that made them both fall asleep again.

It was Drake that woke up first that night. The door had already been locked, he had done that when he first came in but they were still on top of the covers. He debated actually waking Josh up or not. He figured if he didn't they could stay like this all night instead of being separated on different sides. He decided though to wake him up because if they woke up like this in the morning it would be different and a little more than he figured Josh was willing to take plus it would be Monday, a school day and he really didn't want Josh freaked out at school.

He wondered how he should actually wake Josh up. He wondered if the whole kissing thing would work like on that movie, or well a few movies he recalled. Yeah so much for not wanting to freak Josh out. He could just imagine what Josh would say if he woke him up by kissing him. It would almost be funny, he thought, if it was a joke or something but since he wouldn't kiss Josh as a joke it would just end up breaking his heart when Josh freaked out and yelled at him over it. He just said his name and shook him gently.

"Hey, let's get under the covers now, it's late," Drake said.

Josh woke up and smiled at him. And looked at him. Drake mentally slapped himself. He knew he shouldn't look at Josh, or his eyes at night, while they were going to bed. Please no dreams, he said in his mind. The good thing is at least he didn't speak, that helped.

"Okay," Josh whispered. They got under the covers. "Goodnight Drake".

Yeah, well there goes that, Drake thought. "Goodnight Josh," he said.

Josh turned the light off and there was night three.
