Three Months

As an 18 year old Sakura slept peacefully that night she dreamt of bringing her beloved Sauske-kun back from Orochimaru's grasp. It had been six years since he left the village.

She had encountered him four years ago but was unable to bring him back. Many nights she dreamt this dream but it never came true.

When she woke up the next morning she was well rested and for a day at work. After apprenticing with Tsunade-sama she became one of Konha's best medical ninja aside from Tsunade.

During her shift two of her regulars were rushed in. "Do they always get injured?" said Sakura "You should know that they do they are your team mates" said another medical ninja, while looking for their files sakura thought of the good old days when they were team 7 back when Sasuke was still here.

Sakura walked into their hospital room "Well you guys never change" she said smiling

"SAKURA-CHAN!" yelled Naruto "Naruto keep it down some of us are trying to recover" replied Kakashi and with that Naruto shut up "arigato Kakashi-sensei"

"No problem Sakura" replied Kakashi as he fished out Icha Icha Paradise.

"How many times have you read that stupid book sensei?" Naruto said

"I lost count about six years ago" said Kakashi , as Sakura began to space out There was a knock on the door "come in" yelled Sakura no longer spacing out, the door open and in entered Hinata

" I heard Naruto-kun was here" Hinata said quietly "Hai he's here its nice to see you Hinata" said Sakura

"HINATA-CHAN!" Naruto yelled loudly "Baka keep it down" Kakashi replied while hitting Naruto over the head.

"Naruto-kun are you okay?" Hinata replied "Hai I'm okay just recovering it was nice of you to stop by Hinata-Chan" said Naruto as Hinata blushed madly "Naruto-Kun I was wonder if you would like to go on a date with me?" said a nervous Hinata

"Sure Hinata-Chan, we could go to ichiraku for ramen" "Does he ever stop thinking of ramen?" Whispered Kakashi to Sakura "No he doesn't" she whispered back

"Sakura-Chan when do I get out of here?" asked Naruto "you go tomorrow afternoon you too sensei just take it easy" and Sakura and Hinata left the room "

I was really surprised you asked him Hinata" Sakura said "I'm still shocked he said yes" Hinata said "Naruto's a good guy even thought he can be an baka sometimes" Sakura said laughing. "Arigato Sakura"

"Your welcome Hinata" oh and have fun on your data, oh and if you want I can help you prepare for your date" Sakura asked "Arigato Sakura I would like that" "You can call me when you set a date but my shift is done now so I will talk to you later"

A tired Sakura walked home to prepare her dinner and relax for the rest of the evening,

She thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye but when she looked again there was noting there. When Sakura arrived home she took off her shoes and headed for the kitchen and started preparing for her dinner that evening, she suddenly felt like someone was with her watching her every move,

"Who's there" she asked, she turned off her stove, she heard a noise coming from her bedroom, she slowly crept to her bedroom door and slowly she opened it and peered inside the dark room, she entered the room then she heard a oh so familiar voice.

"It's been a while Sakura"