Never Meant to Be Together

Summary: Troy Bolton is rich and everywhere he went everyone respect and liked him. Which Gabriella Montez is known as the poor and slutty girl everywhere she went. What will happen when the two people that were never meant to be together fell in love accidentally? Will people approve of them? Rated "T" for language and possible sexuality. TROYELLA!

Chapter 1- The Beginning

"Gabriella, I won't be home until midnight, ok?" Gabriella's mom yelled from her bedroom.

"Why?" Gabriella sighed.

"Gabi, it's always been that way ever since you were little." Her mom walked over to her.

"I know. It's time to change it. We barely talk." Gabriella couldn't help but frown and avoid eye contact with her mother.

"Sweetie, I'm very sorry. It's hard being a single mom." Maria (Gabriella's mom) sighed heavily. "I'm trying to earn more money so we could live better."

Gabriella looked around her apartment. It was very small. A two bedroom 1 bathroom apartment. Not to mention that the kitchen and living room, which is also small. "Fine, mom." She continued to work on her homework.

"Bye, honey." Her mom left and shut the door.

Gabriella's mom work as a singer at this popular bar in uptown Albuquerque. She usually doesn't come home until 3 in the morning. Or maybe even later. But Gabriella didn't blame her mom. Her mom had her when she was 18. So Gabriella never met her father. So she never experienced fatherly care.

"Dude, I'm serious. You need a girlfriend!" Chad said to Troy.

"I'm better off without one. I mean, look at Zeke. Sharpay is like making him follow her around like a dog." Troy chuckled at the thought of Zeke.

"Whatever." Chad stuffed a handful of chips in his mouth. "Sharpay might not be your type, but how about Riley in Algebra class?"

"No way!" Troy exclaimed. "Have you ever talked to her?"

"What's wrong with her talking?" Chad asked.

"She talks Algebra and Chemistry 24/7"

"That sounds nerdy. But she doesn't look like one." Chad was slightly surprised.

"But dude, everyone in school is going to start spreading rumors about you dumping Jenna and not moving on." Chad grabbed another handful of chips as he referred to Troy's ex.

"Fine. How about Gabriella in History class?"

"You're kidding, right?" Chad stuffed some more chips in his mouth.

"Why do you think that?"

"That bitch, you mean? Gabriela Montez?" Chad looked at Troy awkwardly.

"Yeah, Gabriella Montez. She's hot." Troy grinned.

"She's a total slut. I'm warning you. If you want to get close to her, you'd probably have to hang out with her Einstein-nette friends." Chad shook his head disapprovingly.

"C'mon, she's not that bad." Troy grabbed some chips for himself.

"Have you heard the rumors about her?" Chad questioned Troy, expecting him to know what he's talking about.

"Not really. What about it?" Troy gave Chad a clueless look.

"I heard that her mom is a stripper at the club."

"Seriously?" Troy asked.

"Yeah! And that her mom slept with a random guy and got pregnant and had her when her mom was 18."

"Wow." Troy grew speechless. How come he never heard of these rumors going around East High?

The next day at school…

Taylor grabbed Gabriella by the arm and whispered something into her ears that made her upset.

"Is that true?" Gabriella asked, frowning.

"Gabi, yes. You need to clear all those rumors up. Your mom didn't sleep around and got pregnant and had you at age 18, right?" Taylor asked hopefully.

"No… Of course not." Gabriella gulped. Her mom never told her how she got pregnant but she knew that her mom had her when her mom was only 18 for sure.

"Gabs, are you ok? You look kind of pale." Taylor snapped in front of her face.

"Yeah." Gabriella gave her a weak smile. "I was just thinking." Her mom taught her to be truthful all the time. So lying to her best friend made her sick inside.

The bell rang shortly after their conversation. Taylor said her goodbye and ran off to class. Taylor's classroom was very close. On the other hand, Gabriella's was all the way down the hall. Great, I'm late again.

"Montez, detention." Ms. Darbus yelled to Gabriella as she sat down at her seat. She already has another 3 detentions to serve for the next few days. But her mom never knew because her mom was never home when she's home.

"Hey, slut." Jenna Singleton, also known as Troy's ex greeted her rudely.

"Hey, bitch." One of Jenna's friends, Caroline also greeted her in the same way.

Gabriella simply smiled and looked away. People had always been treating her like that ever since she was in Kindergarten.

"Literature is a strong passion of everything. You can use literature to show love and devotion, hate and anger, bore and rudeness, kind and beauty…" As Darbus continued to lecture about literature (which no one actually listens or understands) Gabriella took out a book and started to engage in it.

"Hey slut, is reading the only thing you do for reality?" Jenna asked turning around in her seat.

Gabriella ignored her comment and continued with her book. Reading was the only thing that she does that is peaceful. She wasn't really close to anyone. And every time she logs on myspace and email, she gets nasty messages that use to break her heart, but she got use to it. A book is the peaceful place where she engage herself into when she feels sad or happy.

Troy laid his head down through boringness. He hates Mrs. Walker's class. Mrs. Walked was an old lady that wore her glasses down to her nose.

"Well, detention for you Mr. Bolton." Mrs. Walker glared at Troy. He forgot that Mrs. Walker always gets pissed off by people laying their heads down.

Sharpay Evans, who was across from Troy shook her head at him judgmentally. Troy had known Sharpay ever since he was in 5th grade. So I guess you can say that they are kind of friends.

Troy mouthed to Sharpay 'what?' Sharpay eyed him and looked at Mrs. Walker. Messaging Troy that he should have remembered Mrs. Walker's famous rule; never lay your head down in class.

Troy's mouth formed an 'o' shape as he understood what she was referring to. Again, Sharpay shook her head at him.

After 1 hour and 30 minutes of lecturing from Mrs. Walker, class was finally over.

Sharpay walked over to Troy. "Haha! You got detention!"

"So?" Troy walked out of the classroom.

"That means I won!" Sharpay squealed.

Troy looked at her with a confused look. "What?"

"Remember that we bet each other whoever gets detention first in this month has to pay the other person 20 bucks?" Sharpay said smartly.

"Oh!" Troy chuckled. "I'll give it to you at lunch. Meet me by Chad's locker. I'll be there."

"Ok. Bye, Troy." Sharpay walked to class. Troy always thought Sharpay was an obnoxious little sister. Troy always thought of her as a sister. They were pretty close. But don't know why they never had feelings for each other. Sharpay was just never his type, nor Troy was never Sharpay's type.

A/N: So what did you guys think? Was it good? I know that this chapter wasn't that interesting but it's the first chapter, right? And the chapter name kinda suck. And I thought the name was kind of sucky too. But that's the best I could do. If you want to watch the trailer, the link is in my profile. PLEASE REVIEW! OR I MIGHT NOT CONTIMUE! Lol (I'm not trying to be mean.) ;p xxx Natalie.

P.S.- I'll update on Email my Heart as soon as I get reviews for this one. And thanks for the reviews on Email my Heart! I appreciate it!