
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

-Douglas Adams

Author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Many scientists have theorized the existence of parallel universes; of "alternate realities," if you will. Imagine an alternate universe where, instead of advancing in military technology, countries still trained assassins of ancient arts, designed for stealth and deceit, and demons raged across the world. Imagine another where travel between different worlds was possible, and the very darkness inside you're heart could eventually manifest itself and destroy the ones around you.

While the theory of alternate universes may seem plausible to some, and ludicrous to others, proof of such things has so far been nonexistent. However, if there were in fact other universes out there, where different people lived in different worlds, at different times, would they experience different things? Or would the fundamental struggle of good and evil remain the same?

And what of those everyday challenges that we all experience? We grow up, work hard to survive, some fall in love, others fall out of love, and all die. Do these experiences change simply because we live in different universes?

Regardless of where we live, or how we live, people are basically the same, although there are those select few that set themselves apart from others. Some may possess attributes that cause them to be alienated from the world. Others may wield special powers used for helping restore peace and balance. There are also those that wish to use their abilities for evil, and destroy the world.

What if one of these people somehow managed to discover an alternate world, and a means to travel there. Would they combine the abilities they posses from their world with the ones of the new universe, ultimately bringing them closer to their final goal: destruction?

Update: I changed the summary a bit. Sasuke will still be in this fic, and he will play a major role, i just changed what that role is. Also, Orochimaru will not be the main antagonist like I had originally planned. Akatsuki will be.

I would just like to say that this site needs to allow more room when typing summaries. It is just too difficult to get a good summary with what they provide.