Author's notes: Konnichiwa minna-san! I hope you will enjoy my second story. I don't know if you will like it, but, I do hope you would.
Thank you for those who reviewed and read my first story. (Bows my head)
Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice.
Mikan Sakura is a 15 year-old carefree girl. She is indeed a very beautiful young lady. She has wavy, silky brown hair which shines naturally. She ties her hair, half ponytail. Her petite body is like a model's body. She has fair complexion just like a porcelain doll. She is also well-known in their place because of her kindness and friendliness. Who wouldn't be charmed by her beauty and attitude?
But she's not oh-so-perfect 'cause she is always clumsy, idiotic and naïve.
Mikan Sakura is a resident in the kingdom called 'Hyuuga Kingdom'. She is living with her grandfather. Her parents died on a car accident and she doesn't have any relatives except for her grandpa. That's why she loves her grandpa so much.
Mikan takes a full-time job when it is vacation time and she takes part-time job when it's school time.
(a/n: Well, let's begin the story. It's vacation time for Mikan)
Mikan finished her job early. She remembered that she was asked by her grandpa to go to the town market and buy some food if she finished in her job early.
'Hmm… I wonder what I should make today. Should I make chicken curry?'
She was thinking on what to cook when she passed the center of the place where events are held. Her thoughts were disturbed by the noise that the people, especially the young ladies, made. The mob was gathered on there.
'I wonder what's going on there' Mikan thought.
Out of her curiosity, she went to the gathered mob and saw a messenger from the Royal Palace holding a piece of paper.
She looked around to see if she knew someone who was there. She spotted Riku, one of her classmates.
"Konnichiwa, Riku-chan!" Mikan shouted as she waved her hands up to Riku's direction.
"Ah! Mikan-chan!" Riku waved back as she walked to where Mikan is.
"Riku-chan, I wonder what is happening here?"
"Oh! The messenger said that the queen has an announcement and it is about the prince! I can't wait to hear the announcement!"
"Umm... You see… I don't know who this prince is… Would you mind to tell me? Ehehehe" Mikan said innocently.
Riku was shocked! She looked at Mikan as if she (Mikan) was from another planet. "WHAT?! You don't know the prince?! He is Natsume Hyuuga! He is so handsome. His features are so manly and GOD! How I want to hear his godly voice! He is so-" She exclaimed while looking at some direction with a dreamy look.
Mikan sweat dropped at the 'not-so-needed-information' and decided to interrupt Rika "Oh! Ehehehe... Thanks for the information! Sorry, I got to go now!"
She was about to go and continue what she is suppose to do which is to buy food when she heard the messenger read the letter aloud:
"Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning to my kingdom's people. I hope all of you are doing fine. But, let's get straight to the point. I am planning on arranging a marriage for my son, Natsume Hyuuga.
I will come and visit your town this coming Saturday at 10:00 in the morning, with my son, Natsume, and I will choose a lady from here.
The chosen lady will have the chance to live in the palace with us so that she will get to know Natsume. If he didn't like and made complain about the girl I will send her back here. The lady will be there for 2 weeks if Natsume won't make any complain about her. Of course, in the end he will tell if he approve her or not.
However, I will give financial or any support to the chosen lady's family while she is away. If Natsume liked the girl, she will stay there with her family and marry the prince.
Signed: Queen Naori"
After the messenger finished reading the girls were giggling and whispering to each other. Some are saying:
"Oh my God! I don't know what to wear!"
"I can't wait to see the prince! I'm so excited!"
"I've got to look my best! I can't let the prince see me like this!"
"I think I'm going to faint"
But for Mikan, she just thought "Oh I see, so the prince is coming with the queen... What's so great about it anyway?"
"Oh well!" Mikan said as she just shrugged her shoulders and decided to do her task.
Hyuuga's Kingdom
Natsume Hyuuga is the prince on the Hyuuga Kingdom. He is a 16 year-old handsome young man. He really is a gorgeous, smart young man. Even though he is arrogant, cold, and never smiles. He only smirks but despite that many girls are after him, but he isn't acknowledging any of them. He dislikes girls who are after his looks and money.
Natsume is only kind and only talks to person who is close to him and was able to go through his cold barrier. One of them is his best friend, Ruka Nogi.
Ruka Nogi is his cousin who lives in the palace with him. Natsume treats Ruka as his brother and best friend. He started living there when he was 8 years old. If we speak about looks and traits, Ruka is also a gorgeous and smart young man. He is friendly and nice. He loves animals especially his rabbit 'Usagi-chan'.
(A/n: Back to the story)
"WHAT?! Mom arranged a marriage for me?! Why was I not informed about this?!" Natsume said to Ruka, his best friend.
"Urgh! I will go meet mom!" Natsume exclaimed as he walked to the door.
Ruka stood up and was about to follow Natsume.
"Ah! Natsume! Chotto Mat-" (a/n: Ruka was about to say 'Chotto Matte')
BANG! The door closed loudly.
'Well, he sure is mad… I wonder what auntie is thinking this time.' Ruka thought. So, he just patted his rabbit's head while sighing.
Natsume was walking grumpily on the hallway. He thought
'What is mom thinking?! She knows that I do NOT want to marry anyone except her.'
'Tsk… what the heck am I thinking?! How can I marry her when-'
Natsume was now in front of the queen's door.
He was about to knock when his mother said "Natsume, I know that you are there. Come in."
Natsume opened the door abruptly. He saw his mom sitting on her chair. It seems as if that she's really waiting for him.
But he didn't mind these suspicious things. He immediately began to say "MOM! What the heck are you thinking?! You began to arrange some marriage for me without my consent! You know very well that I won't marry anyone except her. I only marry one girl and that is her!"
'But I think that's quite impossible now, huh… Now that she is--'
"Natsume, I know that after this thing, you will thank me. From this, you will find the happiness that you have been longing for since you were young."
Natsume was puzzled by what his mom said.
So, he asked "Urgh! What are you talking about?"
She just smiled and looked at him. "Trust me my son; you will thank me after this. Just be true to yourself! I know that you will be happy. Maybe this is what they call 'mother's instincts'."
"Whatever! I really can't understand you. But I'm telling you now that I will never like or approve this thing!"
"Hahaha... Anyway don't forget that we will visit the town on Saturday and we will have to choose a lady for your arrange marriage. We will see then if she will be your bride."
"Why do I have to go there?! Anyway, you will still be the one to choose a girl not me, right?! Natsume reasoned out, scowling.
"Well, I want to see your reaction on that day. Maybe I will let you choose. Who knows? It's final, then, Natsume. You will go." Queen Naori said smiling at him.
Natsume just nodded half-heartedly because the queen's words are always final.
Mikan just finished in buying food. Since she didn't have anything else to do, she decided to go home.
While walking, her thoughts drift back to the announcement a while ago. 'Hmm… I wonder if that prince is really that likeable… The women in the town were as if in heaven with those love-sick eyes…'
'Oh yeah… today is Thursday so it will be held the day after tomorrow.'
She was busy thinking about it that she didn't notice that someone was behind her.
This someone grabbed Mikan at the same time said "BOO!"
"WWAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Mikan shouted in fear.
"NO! Please I'm too young to die, yet! I still need to finish my studies and make my grandpa proud! I still have to-" She pleaded while her eyes were shut not looking to that 'someone'.
"BWAHAHAHA!! You should have seen your face Mikan-chan!" The certain someone said as he/she laughed at her.
'WAIT! I know that voice! It's-'
"TSUBASA-ONII-CHAN?!" Mikan guessed as she opened her eyes and looked at the stranger.
"Onii-chan! Why did you scare me like that! Mou" She pouted as she crossed her arm and glared at him.
Tsubasa stopped laughing and joked at her. "But, Mikan-chan, you shouldn't have closed your eyes! BAKA!"
"Mou! Onii-chan! Hmp!" Mikan said as she glared at him more.
"Oww… Don't glare at me like that. Come on, Mikan-chan!" Tsubasa smiled devilishly as Mikan backed away from him.
"No! Don't tickle me! WAH!" Mikan laughed as her onii-chan chased her. (a/n: they're pretty childish, ne?)
Mikan calls Tsubasa Andou, onii-chan because she treats her as her big brother. He is not her biological brother. Tsubasa is their neighborhood who transferred there when she was 10 years old. He had been like a brother to her since then.
(a/n: back to the story)
The two reached Mikan's house chatting. They grew tired of running so they stopped and just chat. Their (Mikan and grandpa) house is somehow look alike to a temple. There are trees around the house and flowers that made the surroundings more beautiful. Her grandpa always made sure that the backyard is clean. Mikan really liked this place a lot.
"Wow! It's as if it's been a long time since the last time I had been here. It's because of my job… Oh well! At least I get to see this place, again." Tsubasa commented.
"Hahaha! Onii-chan, you know you can always come here, anytime! Come on, let's go inside, so you can greet oji-san (grandpa)."
When they entered the house, they were very shocked on what they saw.
Her dear grandfather was lying on the floor, unconscious.
Mikan immediately ran to her grandpa and Tsubasa called for ambulance. Tsubasa also called for his mom for help.
The ambulance came after a short while.
At the hospital
"This is bad; your grandpa just had a heart attack… If he didn't have medication, the next time it attacks, he might be in coma or worst, die." The doctor explained to Mikan.
"If you will excuse me, I have other things to attend."
Mikan was so shocked on what she heard. Tears cascaded on her cheeks as the words of the doctor slowly sink to her.
"Onii-chan!" Mikan turned to Tsubasa and he comforted her by hugging her.
"Okaa-san, otou-san, what am I going to do? I don't have enough money to support grandpa's medication. The money I have saved from work isn't enough... I don't know what to do anymore but I won't give up." Mikan thought.
Suddenly, Mikan felt really weak and her vision became all black.
The next morning
"Nngghh..." Mikan mumbled as she regained her consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes and remembered what happened.
She immediately sat up looking at her surroundings and was surprised to see her grandpa lying down on another bed next to her.
"Mikan-chan! You're finally awake! How are you feeling? I was worried when you suddenly fainted. You've been asleep since yesterday afternoon" Tsubasa exclaimed to her as he walked inside.
"I'm sorry, onii-chan. Maybe I was just stressed."
"You should rest, first. Don't think too much, or you will only worry us more."
"Us! Mom, me and your friends.
"Arigatou, onii-chan!" Mikan said as she smiled at Tsubasa
"Anyway, is grandpa still unconscious?"
"Yeah, but the doctor said he is getting better though he still needs the medication."
Mikan looked down sadly and said "I don't have enough money to support grandpa's medication. Onii-chan, do you know any job where I can earn money? I know I have my job but it's not enough."
"Why don't you try and join the activity for the fiancé-to-be of the prince. The queen said she will support the chosen lady's family. Whatever support it may be. Who knows, you might be the one who will be chosen." Tsubasa's mom, Tsukino, suggested to Mikan as she walk to where she is. She just came in and heard Mikan's problem so she suggested it.
"I'm sorry Mikan. If only we have money to help, I wouldn't suggest it."
"Okaa-san! What are you suggesting? I don't like this idea at all. I'm against it." Tsubasa protested.
'Maybe auntie was right, it would help grandpa but, I wouldn't stand a chance against those who are going to join it.' Mikan thought sadly.
'But I have to think positively! Or else, I won't be able to help grandpa at all. That's right! I'll take the risk!'
"Aunt Tsukino, I think I'm going to take the risk and join it. But, I won't stand a chance against those girls who will also participate." Mikan told her.
"NO! Don't join Mikan! That prince will only enslave you there! Don't believe that crap!" Tsubasa protested once again
"TSUBASA! Don't mess Mikan's mind. Let her decide!" His mom scolded him.
"If only we have money to help you, Mikan." She added.
"It's okay, auntie! It's enough for me to know that you're there for us!"
Tsubasa sighed and said, "Alright! I agree this time but if you are not chosen I will be the one to help you, and no more joining contest like that. Deal?"
Mikan beamed at him happily and said "Yeah! Arigatou, Onii-chan!"
"But I have a problem though. I don't know how I will dress. I don't have a nice dress at home." Mikan said problematically.
"Don't worry about that. I have a dress at home which I used before. It's simple but pretty." Mrs. Andou replied.
"Thanks auntie, 'nii-chan." Mikan said as she hugged both of them.
That night…
It's already dark outside and Mikan stayed at the hospital to look after her grandpa. Tsubasa decided to stay with her while his mom went home to make dinner for Mikan and Tsubasa so she can bring it there.
"Mikan, I will just go to the comfort room, okay?" Tsubasa said to Mikan before he went out the room.
The place was very silent. Mikan looked at her grandpa who had been sleeping for almost 2 days already.
"Oji-san, I will take the risk of joining the activity tomorrow. The queen with the prince will choose a fiancé-to-be for him-the prince. If I am going to be chosen, which is quite impossible (a/n: for her it's impossible) you will have your medication supported by the queen. Don't worry; I will do my best for you to have that medication." Mikan said to her sleeping grandpa.
"Mikan, Mikan! Mikan! Wake up!"
"Nnghh.." Mikan who was disturbed from her sleep, opened her eyes to see her aunt Naori.
"Aunt Tsukino! What is it?"
"Mikan! You're going to be late for the event later. Hurry up and come with me." Naori said as she out the room quietly, so that she won't to disturb Mikan's grandpa.
Mikan looked dumbly at Mrs. Andou only to realize what she was talking about.
"Oh no!" Mikan stood abruptly and followed Mrs. Andou immediately.
Tsubasa's house:
Tsubasa's house is just one block away from Mikan's. It is always kept clean. There are also plants on the backyard that made it look more peaceful.
(a/n: Just describing the place a bit. Back to the story.)
"Aunt Naori, I haven't seen 'nii-chan since this morning. Where is he?" Mikan asked while Naori is putting make-up on her face.
"Oh! He went to his workplace. He said he is going to excuse himself from work today. He will be back before the activity starts. He said he wanted to come with you so that in case you are not chosen, somebody will accompany you. That's what he said."
"Urgh! That 'nii-chan!" Mikan complained as she smiled at how thoughtful Tsubasa was.
"Well, he is very close to you. He does not have any sibling that's why he cares for you as his little sister. Maybe that boy has a sister-complex. Hahaha…" Mrs. Andou joked.
After a few minutes...
"There! It's all done. I can't believe I can make such a masterpiece." Mrs. Andou exclaimed happily praising Mikan.
"Hehehe.. Thank you very much." Mikan said blushing.
She now faced the mirror and was shocked at herself. Though the make-up was light and simple, it made her prettier. Her dress was just below her knees. The dress is color white with sakura blossoms as a design. It has ribbon tied to her waist. (a/n: gomen, I'm not good in describing a dress.) She wore pink sandals which matched her dress. She also wore a necklace which has a Sakura blossom pendant.
"Ah! Maybe it's Tsubasa! You wait here, Mikan. I'll just open the door." Mrs. Andou said.
"Mikan-chan, are you ready? Let's-" Tsubasa's words were cut when he saw Mikan.
"Whoah! Mikan, is that you?" Tsubasa joked as he looked at her.
Mikan blushed at his joke and said "Mou! Onii-chan, you're teasing me again!"
"Hahaha.. I was just joking. Are you ready? Let's go, now."
"Mom, we're going now!" Tsubasa said to his mom, before they went out the house.
"Okay! I'll just catch up later. Good luck, Mikan!"
"Thank you, auntie!"
Activity field:
When Mikan and Tsubasa reached the place, there were already lots of people gathering at the place. The girls who sat at the front row chairs were fussing about their make-up, dress, looks and other girly stuffs.
"Well, I think that's where I suppose to seat. If I'm not chosen, you will pick me up there, ne?"
"Hahaha.. of course."
A few moments later, the cars of the royal family arrived. One car was where the royal family was and two for the guards. The guards were the first one to go out the car. Then, one of them opened the door of the car on which the royal family was. The first to go out the car was the Queen Naori.
When the prince went out, the girls squealed "KYAAAAAAA!! It's the prince, for real!"
Natsume didn't even bother to look at them. He continued his way up to the stage where he was supposed to seat with his mom.
"KYAA! This is for real! I get to see him face to face." One girl said aloud dreamily.
"You're right! He really is handsome."
"I think I'm going to faint!"
"I will be the chosen lady, for sure!"
These were some of the comments and words of the girls. All the girls were having dreamy look and chatting except for Mikan. She was looking at him intently. It's as if she's inspecting him.
'So, that's the prince. He is quite familiar. I feel that I know him somehow.'
"Urgh! What am I thinking?! It's impossible! Ehehe!" Mikan thought as she hit her head lightly.
Natsume who was now VERY irritated by the noise opened his eyes. His eyes were shut a while ago when he sat down and didn't even bother to look at the girls in front of him.
He looked at them with his bangs covering his eyes so the girls wouldn't fuss about him looking at them.
The girls were still chatting about him when he noticed one girl who is not chatting about him. He couldn't see her face because she is looking down. He was curious about this girl who was not fussing about him when she suddenly looked up and met his eyes.
Natsume felt something weird. He examined her face again and felt mad. He remembers something rather someone, he doesn't want to remember. He felt himself get annoyed and so he glared at the girl who was clueless why he was glaring at her.
What Natsume didn't know was someone was observing him.
Suddenly, a host went to the stage with a mike and said:
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Now is the time for us to present the ladies to our royal family."
The girls stood up and bowed to show respect to the queen and prince. The queen smiled at them while Natsume did the opposite, scowl.
"The royal family will now choose the lady. Here is what's going to happen. The prince will be blind-folded and you girls have to hold out your hands and the prince will touch your hands. In the end, he will pull the girl he has chosen near him. That girl is the lucky girl who will be the first one to experience living with our Royal family and might be the next princess." The host announced which shocked everyone including the prince, Natsume.
Natsume moved near to his mom and whispered "MOM! I don't know about this!"
Queen Naori said while still smiling (a/n: pretty weird, huh?) "Just go with the flow, Natsume."
The host continued his announcement saying:
"May we call on the prince?"
Natsume went down the stage unwillingly.
"Good morning, your highness." Greeted the host.
"Hn" was the reply he received.
"Your highness, I will put the blind-fold now." And so he did.
While the prince is being blind-folded, the some girls were saying:
"Oh my God! This is it! He is going to touch my hand!"
"I want to faint"
"I can't wait! I know now that I will be the chosen one."
While in Natsume's thought 'Tsk! don't be too arrogant! So full of yourself!'
'I just hope I choose the right girl.'
After putting blindfold to Natsume, the host led him to the girls who were aligned.
"Now is the moment of truth. Your highness, you may start now." The host announced.
The thrill will now begin…
Author's notes: Hope you liked it! If you did please review!
If you didn't liked it, it's okay! I still want to thank you for reading it! ^-^
Arigatou, minna-san (bows my head)