Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Hey everyone! I hoped you liked the first part of the chapter, it was kindof just a jump back into the story-line. Thanks for being so patient! Review would definitely be appreciated. I'm just going to label this chapter 13, it's just easier to keep track of. Thanks again for your support!

Chapter 13: Confession of a Sandstorm

A pair of figures made their way across the golden dunes, two small trails of barely visible footprints lagging behind them like a flag. Their cloaks waving like wayward hands, waving goodbye to Suna and hello to the green landscape of Konoha. They had long ago passed out of the soft, fine sand of the deep desert and into the middle ground between forest and dunes, the scrub land with its hard flat ground and scarce bush or two. Huge boulders rested upon each other, their bodies making small cave-like shelters that an infrequent desert animal or two would scamper out of at the pair's approach.

Wordlessly the pair ran on, the time and energy for conversation had run out long ago. The pale-eyed Hyuga would, every now and then, glance over at the pink kunoichi, it was hard to keep his eyes away from her for very long, but the desert snakes dug holes large enough to sprain an ankle in and he had to be careful not to make that mistake. He didn't want to rob Sakura of precious energy that would better be used towards getting home if she had to heal him. He noticed how heavy her breathing was and wordlessly he gave the signal for a rest.

The pink nin halted with an exhaled breath. Sakura's feet were beginning to get sore from the constant running, but aside from that and the sweat pouring off of her brow, she had no complaints. The wind was her only worry, and often Gaara's dire warnings of an impending sandstorm would make her breath catch in her throat. What if the Kazekage was right? She cursed herself for her stupidity, Gaara had lived in the desert his entire life; he would know when a sandstorm was coming. What if she had needlessly put Neji in harm's way? Her heart ached at the thought of the pale-eyed man hurt because of her. She glanced over at him, his chest heaving as he pulled out his canteen and took a sip from it. Catching her glance, he smiled at her, wiping his chin with his forearm.

"Neji…" the flushed Cherry Blossom said, breathless as she pushed her worries out of her mind, "I'd forgotten how long this journey really is!" she smiled slightly at him, her cracked lips hurting from the movement; she smothered some lip balm on as she glanced at the sweating Hyuga male.

"Well," Neji began with a mock-exasperated look on his face, "If you hadn't insisted running all this way, I'm sure we wouldn't be half so sweaty and exhausted as we are now." He took a sip from his own canteen and readjusted his cloak so it kept him insulated against the sand better.

"You have to admit we wouldn't be half so far as we are now either," Sakura said with a grin on her face, her eyes met his and a blush that would've been visible except for her exercise-flushed face, crept up her neck, but as they stood there for a few precious minutes, enjoying the desert breeze cooling their sweat, the strange restlessness that had overtaken Sakura that morning returned with a vengeance, "Should we keep moving?"

"Hai," Neji gave a half-nod and tucked his canteen back into his cloak. There was something odd about the wind now, it blew from Suna, hard and fierce with an evil feel to it; it was beginning to make him nervous, and almost like a talisman to ward off disaster, he touched the thick canvas bundle tucked into his belt.

Without another word, they set off towards home, the dust from their impact on the earth blown towards them in the ever increasing wind. Sakura could feel Neij's nervousness, and she was beginning to feel the first tendrils of uneasiness sliding around her chest. Exhaustion was making her limbs tremble slightly, but the adrenaline that was being released kept her going. The sky was becoming darker and darker as they ran on, the sun disappearing altogether behind some clouds. The Cherry Blossom turned her head up timidly, glancing in the direction of the sun.

"Neji-", Sakura panted, "Look at the sky…" the very corners of the sky were becoming a golden brown color, reminiscent of the sand they were running on. As she leapt into the air again, propelling herself forward, a huge gust of wind caught her in midair, hurling her light frame forward. Grunting, Sakura landed on the hard desert floor, wincing at the slight pain coming from her scraped hands and legs. Instantly, Neji was at her side, his arm wrapping around her waist as he helped her up.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concern in his eyes as another huge gust of wind almost knocked him off balance as well. He turned in the direction of Suna, his pale eyes widening in shock, the continuous stream of high wind knocking his cloak off of his head, "Oh Kami-we've got to move, NOW!" he effortlessly picked Sakura up and bolted towards Konoha, his feet barely touching the ground.

"Neji-what's wrong-" the kunoichi began, but a quick glance over Neji's shoulder told her all she needed to know: a huge wall of dust, reaching upwards into the unseen, was sweeping their way, the winds so strong that Sakura couldn't even look at it anymore. Fear made her heart pound as she trembled in Neji's arms and wordlessly she buried her head in his chest to avoid looking at the spiraling clouds of deadly dust.

Neji's moon-pale eyes scanned frantically for a place to hunker down for the storm, the frightened Cherry Blossom still in his arms. He cradled her gently but firmly, he couldn't risk her falling behind or getting hurt, he needed to keep her safe. His hands clenched around her unintentionally, strengthening his grip as his eyes lighted upon a shelter.

The ground was completely flat and hard, but a large group of stones was perhaps only a half-mile away. They leaned upon each other, like mourning friends seeking comfort and in between them was a small crevice large enough for one or two people to squeeze into. Steeling himself for the run of his life, Neji clenched his teeth and pushed off, sprinting across the scrub-land towards salvation.

The wind flung itself at his back, almost knocking him off balance several times. The roaring columns of sand were right behind them, he could feel the grains nipping at his heels as the ever-present wind snarled and hissed at them, pushing the storm closer and closer to the couple. The distance that stretched between the pair and safety was rapidly decreasing, the hard brown earth flying away under the Hyuga's legs.

The smooth stones, worn down from many years of such storms, were almost in reach. Neji's heart was in his throat, Sakura squirming in fear in his arms, as his exhausted legs leapt towards the opening in between the boulders, making it by a hair; the storm erasing his footprints almost as soon as his feet had created them.

Instantly, with reflexes that would have made Kakashi jealous, Neji set Sakura down and grabbed the canvas tarp, flinging it over the door just as the sandstorm rolled over the rock formation.

For a moment, all was silent as the two sat there in the dark; the only sounds were Neji as he tried to catch his breath and the howling of the wind as it tore over the stone. Slowly, so as not to dislodge the canvas keeping the wind and sand out, the Hyuga tucked it securely into the rock's sides, placing smaller stones over the corners to hold it in place. The wind beat against it occasionally, but it would hold.

"Are you alright?" The pink kunoichi spoke up first, her hand coming gently down on Neji's shoulder, his back to her, "I should've listened to Gaara…I'm sorry I dragged you into this…" she finished lamely, withdrawing her hand from his skin. She hoped he wasn't too angry with her, getting to Konoha had seemed so important this morning, but now the pink medic nin saw how dangerous impatience could be.

"Sakura-", Neji turned around, his eyes growing accustomed to the dim light, "It's not your fault, you had no idea that it a sandstorm was coming." He felt exhausted, his limbs were trembling , but the last he wanted was to make Sakura feel responsible for their present circumstances.

"But Gaara-"

"Even Gaara doesn't know for sure when one is coming," Neji said, "He can't predict them perfectly; he said there was a chance. He didn't say that there would definitely be a sandstorm. Unfortunately, his hunch turned out to be correct." The pale-eyed Hyuga attempted some humor, but he could tell from Sakura's voice that she was on the verge of tears.

"But Neji…" Sakura's voice was very strained, "You could have gotten hurt, because of my impatience." She turned from him, her eyes almost spilling over, she didn't want to turn back into the weak, puling Sakura; the Sakura who cried at the drop of a hat. She took one deep breath, steeling her emotions and pulling herself back together. Crying wouldn't get them out of this situation, only logic would.

The medic nin felt two strong hands upon her shoulders, turning her to face a broad chest. The smell of fresh sweat and skin, stronger since the kunoichi's sight was useless in the cave, greeted her and she could feel Neji's breath on her hair as he shook her lightly.

"Don't think that way Sakura," the Hyuga said, "I won't allow you to blame yourself for this. There was no way you could have predicted this." The pale-eyed man couldn't hold her close like this for much longer, she was like a drug; the urge to kiss all her worries away was simply too great for him to overcome. His grip on her arms softened, drawing her closer to him. He tried to stop himself, but his resolve, worn away by exhaustion, was finally weakening.

A moment of tension grew, like words being left unsaid, Sakura's mouth was open, but she felt no need to say anything. She felt Neji's hands pull her closer, until her body was touching his, the great feeling of expectation settling on her like a mantle. Time seemed to slow down, as she felt more than saw his handsome face bend down to meet her lips in a timid kiss.

Horrified, Neji drew back a little. What had he done? He may love Sakura, but he couldn't believe he had just compromised their friendship! What if she didn't feel the same way? He had just ruined the bond they shared. Things would only be awkward between them now. He mentally kicked himself as he thought of something to say.

"Sakura-", he began, but a pair of sweet soft lips shut him up as Sakura pulled his face back down to hers. The Hyuga smiled against her lips, maybe things wouldn't be so awkward between them now…

"I had no idea you felt this way," the medic nin said as she rested her forehead against his , eyes closed while enjoying his proximity, "I always thought you viewed me as a sister." She rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. They had almost five years of cuddling to make up for.

"A sister?" Neji smiled down at her, pressing kisses into her hair, no longer afraid she would feel it, "I was afraid you were still hurting from the Uchiha!" he couldn't stop smiling, he felt like he could outrun another sandstorm, rip apart Hokage Mountain with his hands, climb the sky and retrieve the moon, all for the love of the Cherry Blossom. His limbs shook, but his heart felt like it would fly out of his chest.

Sakura laughed, her eyes no longer filled with tears and her heart no longer unsure of how Neji felt. Exhilaration flowed over her like a river as she reached up to kiss the Hyuga again, the feel of his lips on hers enough to make her unafraid of the roaring sandstorm outside. But after the kiss, she could feel Neji's exhaustion in his trembling limbs; gently, she led him to the side of the rock and sat down next to him, cradling his shoulders as he rested his head upon her.

"That was quite a run," he sighed, his eyes fluttered against her cheek, the eye lashes tickling her, "I think Naruto would have been jealous." He could feel Sakura's smile against his forehead as she pressed her lips to his hair.

"Shh…" she whispered softly, "You're exhausted, you need to rest for the next half of the journey." Softly, to soothe him as he relaxed against her shoulder, she stroked his long hair, enjoying the silken feel of it between her fingers and the warm head of the Hyuga now pressed against her neck. She pressed her head back against the smooth rock and closed her eyes, happy.

The sandstorm passed over the rock outside, howling its fury, while the two contented nin's rested inside, safe and sound in the knowledge that they were in love.


"Hokage-sama," Hyuga Hiashi stood in front of the ash-blonde woman, his pale gray eyes deadly serious, "I've come to have you sign some papers for me." He presented a small stack of files, the signature of the Hokage being required upon all of them.

"Well? What are they for?" Tsunade was impatient, Sakura and Neji had not returned yet, and, while she had received the note from Gaara telling her about the success of the healing, she desperately wanted her apprentice back. Things weren't the same with Sakura gone; it had taken five long years for Tsunade to understand that.

Wordlessly, the Hyuga handed the papers over for Tsunade's inspection.

"Official marriage papers?" the amber-eyed woman stared at them, "An official betrothal? Hyuga-san, these are hardly done anymore." She attempted her best smile at the imposing leader, while thinking of how horribly backwards he was in his thinking.

"Hokage-sama, if you will continue reading, you will understand that this arranged marriage is for the betterment of two involved parties," Hiashi sternly said, "It is not a love match, but a way to ensure stability and prosperity between two Houses-"

Tsunade turned her attention away from the Hyuga leader, smiling to herself as he blathered on about honor, duty and responsibility to one's clan. Her eyes perused the papers, skimming them more than reading them. But her face blanched when it came across the two people who would be getting married: Nakano Tenten and Hyuga Neji.

"Hyuga-san," she attempted to keep her voice calm and tried not to think of Sakura, "What is this?" she pointed to the two names on the list.

"Ah yes, Nakano-san, Tenten's father, approached me recently about marrying his daughter to my nephew. They own a shipping company in the land of the waves, a very wealthy shipping company," Hiashi smiled, "The girl is a good shinobi from everything I've heard, and her father has many political connections in the other Shinobi Nations." The Hyuga's eyes snapped impatiently to Tsunade's hand, "Will you sign the papers already? I have many preparations to oversee for this match to take place."

"What about Neji?" Tsunade questioned, "Does he want this as well?" she hoped against hope that the Hiashi would recognize that Neji was attached to someone else.

"Neji will marry where and when I tell him to," Hiashi's voice contained all the authority of a born Hyuga leader, "Besides; he is attached to no one. No girls have caught his eye; he recognizes that he is a Hyuga, and must marry for the improvement of the family. If he had at least shown some interest in a girl of reputable name then I would have allowed him to marry where he chose, but since he has not, I will take the initiative." He glanced at Tsunade's shaking hand and wondered why she suddenly looked so pale, "Hokage-sama, are you ill?"

"No, no, I'm not ill," Tsunade recovered her composure and forced a smile, "Just a little tired, must I sign these today? Could I have a little time to think about this before I sign one of my best shinobi away to marriage?" she attempted a laugh, but it came out like a bitter cough, "You must admit Hyuga-san, this is a big step for Neji to make."

She hoped she could stall until Neji and Sakura got back, but inside she knew that a Hokage could not stop an arranged marriage between two willing families indefinitely. Hiashi had every right to marry Neji to Tenten if he wanted, and as long as Tenten's father agreed and the marriage contract signed, there was nothing that Tsunade could do to stop them. The paperwork that she had to initial was mere formality, just a way to show that the Hokage supported the match, but utterly unnecessary in the long run.

"I would appreciate it if you would sign them now," the Hyuga smiled, his eye twitching ever so slightly, "As I have said, I have many preparations to see to if this match is going to take place." His shoulders were rigid with impatience and Tsunade knew that she was fighting a losing battle. She could either sign the papers and maintain the favor of the Hyuga family, or stand against them and make some very strong political enemies in the Village.

The two powerful figures stared each other down, amber against pearl, Tsunade's eyes softening as she realized that she had little choice but to participate in the breaking of Sakura's heart. Perhaps it was best this way, if Neji had never mentioned to his uncle that he had feelings for Sakura, then perhaps he did indeed only view her as a close friend, a sister. But that didn't help the Hokage as she knew how well Sakura loved Neji.

"I'm so sorry Sakura," she whispered softly, as she initialed the papers in a tense silence.


"Sasuke-kun?" Ino ran through the empty Uchiha compound, long pony-tail swatting the air behind her, "Sasuke-kun? Where are you?" she turned the corner and into the courtyard. Fresh mounds of earth were being removed to make room for the plants by Sasuke's own hands in between training sessions and the whole area smelled of new beginnings.

The dark-haired man was sitting under a newly planted tree, his clothes dirty from working in the garden and a small piece of parchment in his hands. He looked up as Ino came over, dead eyes registering the sight of her as she wordlessly sat down next to him.

"What is that?" she peered closely at it, only managing to catch the seal of the Council of Konoha in the corner before Sasuke snapped it away, folding it up and tucking it away in a pocket before looking over in Ino's direction.

"It's nothing," came the reply, "Ino, call your mother and father and tell them that the wedding will take place the day after tomorrow. We haven't any time to lose; we must show the Council I'm not wasting any time." Without another word, he rose and made his way over to the shed in the corner, leaving Ino in a state of shock.

"But Sasuke-"

"Ino, we don't have time to argue about this," the Uchiha's voice came from inside the shed, he sighed audibly, as though regretting what he had to say "That note was from the Council, they feel that I am not taking advantage of the time and opportunities given to me. They also remind me that I am living on borrowed time and their generosity"

"Ino, we need to be married, and soon." He walked over and stood in front of her, "I am sorry, but we can't delay even to next week, it must be the day after tomorrow." Sasuke moved into the house, his steps heavy and tired, like a man being constantly beaten into the ground.

The blonde woman looked over her shoulder, making sure the Uchiha was safely inside, before placing one timid hand upon her lower abdomen.

"Don't worry Sasuke," she whispered gently, her hand upon the new life inside her, "We'll be safe from the council soon." She smiled softly, her heart alight with the hope that she carried inside her. The doctor had just told her the good news this morning, but had warned her against telling Sasuke just yet. There were many things that could go wrong in the first few weeks and she didn't want to risk getting his hopes up for nothing.

Smiling to herself, the blonde woman crept into the house, unaware of the crazed pair of red eyes watching her every move.


"Well Kisame, this complicates things," Itachi's feverish eyes glanced at his blue companion, "If my idiot of a brother knew anything, he'd realize that Yamanaka girl was pregnant." He shook his head, smiling cruelly, "My little brother- the last hope of the Uchiha family." His voice dripped in sarcasm.

"It looks like we'll have to move our plans up a few days," Itachi continued talking even though Kisame was only half-listening, "He said the day after tomorrow; my death or his is drawing closer and closer." The elder Uchiha smiled softly,

"The day after tomorrow Death… you'll just have to wait until then."

Well, I hope you all enjoyed that! Remember to review…having only 60 reviews for a story makes me kind of sad…Thanks for your patience! The next chapter will be following soon.