Maria was watching Randy and Jeff's match backstage on a monitor, Randy had the upper hand on the Charismatic Enigma, she was smiling softly at Randy, she couldn't believe they were finally together.

Kelly Kelly walked over to Maria "Maria I just wanted to tell you, enjoy Randy while you can, we're going to be together, so don't get too comfortable with my man, I'm the hottest Diva on the roster and we will be the most dominant couple, he's just distracted with you, I mean you are easy, who can blame him?" she sneered and walked off to the Diva's locker room.

Maria stood in silence, she got that Kelly was jealous but why was she making it so personal? Maria had known Randy before Kelly she had always liked him, its not like Kelly was dating Randy and she stole him. Randy was single and Kelly had gone out of her way to try and get with him and he knocked her back, so she didn't see why Kelly had the problem with her.

Surely she should understand that Randy was the one who didn't want to be with her, he had been with some of the other girls and he just didn't want to be with someone half the locker room had already slept with. It wasn't her fault, regardless whether she was with him or not he didn't want Kelly she needed to get over it.

She just stood there deep in thought and didn't even see that the match was over Jeff had walked past her, she was in her own little world when she felt two arms wrap around her waist, she jumped in fright and looked down she relaxed seeing the familiar tattoos of her boyfriends arms. Randy chuckled quietly at her reaction.

"Baby what's up?" he asked smiling at her. Maria sighed and he gently turned her around to look at her. "What's wrong?" "I had another run in with Kelly, she won't let up." "What she say?" he asked annoyed. "She said that she was the hottest Diva on the roster and you were just distracted with me and I'm a whore, she said she'll make sure you two are together." "Baby you don't think that's true do you?"

"No babe I don't believe her I mean she's been throwing herself at you for months and you wouldn't I trust you babe that's not a problem its just so draining to have her say it over and over like saying I'm easy I mean I've dated two superstars, you and Phil and I've never hooked up or had a one night thing with any of the other guys and I don't like her comparing me to her like shes going around saying this stuff about me to all the roster and like it makes me look bad" she told him sighing.

"Baby first off, she's just jealous of you, you are by far the best looking Diva on the roster bar none I really do mean that. She is just pissed that because of my reputation back here she figured id be on her hit list and when I turned her down she just got pissed and she sees that I'm with you and only you and I'm so happy about that shes trying to mess it up for me."

"I know baby, I know she's jealous, I mean ok she likes you I can understand her being upset but when shes questioning my reputation it annoys me, I mean she tells me I'm a slut, I can count on one hand the number of guys I've slept with and I'm proud of that, I don't sleep around you know, I'm not going to sleep with some of the guys to get a good spot on the roster, I'm not some slut, if she wants to sleep with everyone she can but don't call me out on shit that's not true, what did I do? It's not my fault you don't like her you know?"

"babe I know you're not like that, everyone does, I mean all the guys say that you are one of the classiest females here, they think that you're a sweet girl and you are, just ignore her."

"That's fine for you to say shes calling you names like ya you slept around but I'm been called a whore and ive never done nothing bad, I dated Punk for 2 years, does that make me a slut, I was with him before his call up he didn't help me infact people hated him for being with me, the rookie with the Diva he got heat and he didn't give a shit."

"Ria I know you aren't a slut ok, why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything, I cant control her you know that."

"I know but you know what people are like around here, and shes gonna bitch about me to everyone im not mad at you Rands I'm mad at her."

"Ignore her"

"I try to but shes like enjoy Randy now cause I'm gonna take him from you."

"I don't know why she thinks that when I was single I wouldn't sleep with her, I'm sure as hell not going to mess up my shot with you"

Maria leans up and kisses him softly.

He smiles slightly and kisses her back.

"I'm sorry babe, she just pisses me off" she tells him sincerely.

"I just don't want you to worry that I'm gonna fall for her shit, I'm not attracted to her in any way shape or form. I do mean that I mean you know what I was like if I wanted her I could have but I don't. Shes just doing the rounds and that's not attractive to me, you know I've liked you for awhile, I told you that before and Ria I don't want to do anything to mess this up" he told her seriously.

"I know, I'm gonna go back to the locker room and get ready for tonight I'll see you either at the club or at the room, bye babe" she tells him and kisses his cheek and walks of.

Randy heads back to his locker room, Kelly was a fucking bitch and she was ruining his relationship before hed even gotten time to enjoy it fully.

John Cena and Adam Copeland were waiting for Randy in his locker room, they were all heading out after Raw.

"damn it" they heard Randy shout and the door swung open and he walked in mad as hell.

"Dude whats up with you?" Cena asks.

"Kelly Fucking Kelly, I swear to God if she was a dude I'd hit her"

"Why?" Adam asks

"She went up to Ria while I had my match and called her a whore, she told her to enjoy her time with me while she can because me and her are going to be together, and now Ria left and I know shes pissed about it"

"Why is she pissed, does she think you'll go after Kelly" John asks in disbelief, everyone knows Randy cant stand Kelly.

"Shes pissed that Kelly is questioning her reputation, I explained I don't want Kelly I want her and she was all like ya babe ok I'm gonna go get ready see you later, what the fuck is that shit, how am I supposed to have a good night if I know my girlfriend is mad at me? He asks

John and Adam smile, they've never heard him call any girl his girlfriend or seen him get this worked up over a girl.

Randy doesn't wait for a response he heads in to get a shower, when he finished he came out dressed in his street clothes.

Just as he's about to give out some more to the boys there's a knock on the door.

Maria opens the door and calls out "Baby are you decent?"

Randy surprised doesn't answer.

"Ya Rae, he is" John calls.

She walks in and walks up to him, she stands infront of him, she has skinny legged blue jeans with a cute tank top on, pumps on her feet, her hair tied up and bag in hand.

"I'm sorry baby if I seemed abrupt with you but when we were talking Mickie walked by and I knew that was her not so subtle way of telling me to get my butt back to the locker room and get ready cause shes driving me, it wasn't till I was ready that I thought you might think I was mad, I should've explained it to you, I wanted to tell you aswell, I'm not going to the club, my backs a little sore so I'm going for dinner and then going to the hotel to bed, but wake me up when you come in though, and have a great night, oh and by the way you look hot babe" she tells him giggling.

She goes to head out when she turns and walks back "Oh ya I forgot" she leans up and kisses him, two seconds in he seems to get back with it and kisses her back passionately, forgetting the guys are there, the two laugh breaking them apart.

Maria giggles girlishly making him smile. He grabs her hands gently. "Ya babe I was worried that that whore had messed this up for me, I told you earlier, I don't wanna go to the club if you're not so call me and I'll come collect you and we'll head back.

John and Adam smile, Randy is totally in love with Ria but chances were he didn't even know it, Randy never turned down a night down for a night in, he was definitely smitten with Maria.

"Babe, why don't you guys just come with us? If you want, you don't have too it might be boring to you"

Randy turns to the guys and they nod knowing he wants to go with Ria and they love her so they don't mind.

"Ya gorgeous we'll go" he tells her smiling.

"Good" she tells him and he grabs his stuff and takes her hand and they head to tell the divas the change in plan.

The two walk out holding hands with Adam and John walking behind them.

Maria sees Mickie and a couple of the Divas waiting, "Ladies, I hope its ok but the guys are going to come to dinner?"

Mickie smiles knowingly at Maria, "Ria, its girls only, no boys allowed" she jokes. "But Micks, I want my boyfriend to hang out with me" Maria whines making the others laugh and Randy smile.

"Ya Ria you know the rules no guys." "Micks that's only guys we agreed if a boyfriend wants to hang they can and my man wants too and some of his boys, you cant change the rules" she complains.

"I'm kidding honey, of course he can come and the guys I was messing with you" Mickie tells her laughing.

Maria giggles cutely "oh ok" and she cuddles into Randy's side, he wraps an arm around her waist.

"You know what I don't get Ria?" Candice asks


"You never invited Punk to dinner with us the whole time you were dating him and you're with Randy a little while and hes in"

Maria blushes and Randy looks down at her surprised. He never knew that.

"Well am I guess he was in OVW and not really around and when he got the call up, he didn't drink and I knew hed get heat from it so I kept him away from that."

"Ya but in two years Ria he never came with us" Candice tells them.

Randy could sense how uncomfortable Maria was getting and was about to step in.

"Candice, I don't see why it matters Randy wants to come out with me and I want him to hang with me, my relationship with Randy is separate to Punk, you guys no why I never asked Punk and why he wasn't here so don't try and make it into something it isn't with Randy."

"Baby chill its cool, it doesn't matter why, come on you ride with me and the guys and well meet everyone there" he knew she was getting upset with Candice and he did feel Candice was out of line calling Maria out like that, he was happy she wanted him to come with her seen as it seemed she didn't usually allow boyfriends and that meant a lot to him, they both wanted to spend as much time together as possible before their days off and he didn't see anything wrong with that, sure knowing she wanted him there when she didn't ask Punk made him feel good but he wasn't gonna go on about it.

Maria, Randy, Adam and John left after telling Mickie they'd see her at the restaurant and they all headed out to Randys Hummer. Maria hadn't said much and the guys were quiet because they knew Maria was in a bad mood after what Candice said.

Randy was deep in thought on the drive to the restaurant he knew Maria liked him and maybe she was falling in love with him and he knew he was definitely falling for her. He always wanted a relationship like this it was so easy just being with her.

He didn't know if it was because they were only newly together, but he couldn't spend enough time with her.

Maria didn't talk on the journey to the restaurant, she was deep in thought, she was pissed Candice had called her out like that, she knew Candy wasn't being mean it was just Candys way, if she wanted to know something she just asked she wasn't known for her tact.

She wanted to know what was up so she just plain asked it and she was embarrassed to be called out like that over Randy.

She didn't know how to explain why she wanted him to be part of their group, it was important to her, she just wanted all her girls to like her man, she knew they had hated him for how he treated her before or some had been with him and warned her but she knew after OVW they had a new found respect for him and even his biggest critics had come to realise how smitten the two were with one another and how genuine he was and they had started to thaw a little towards him.

Maria knew about Randys past but she also knew that he had changed he had let his guard down with her, and she knew she was falling big time for him, she had been in love with him for awhile but she realised she hadn't really known the real Randy and it was him who she was falling for not just the man she knew for years.

She knew a lot of the girls were jealous of her and Randy they all had at one point wanted him and all he ever gave was one night, he didn't even do repeat performances for them, but with her he wanted to be with her he wasn't pressuring her into sex infact he had told her he wanted them to wait he wanted their relationship to be different, serious, he respected her and her morals.

She was happy about what had happened in the locker room earlier that night, she thought Randy was hot and while she hadn't been ready to go all the way she hadn't a problem satisfying him orally and he certainly had enjoyed it, and she enjoyed him returning the favour.

She smiled and looked at him, he saw her smiling at him and he gently moved his hand to be on her knee, he squeezed her knee and then moved his hand back to the wheel.

A few minutes later they arrive at the restaurant and the four of them head in, John and Adam walk a little ahead knowing Randy wanted to talk to Ria.

"Babe you ok? Randy asked concerned Ria hadn't talked the whole trip.

"Ya I'm ok I was pissed at Candy, I'm used to her she's not exactly the most subtle person in the world I just didn't like to be called out like that in front of everyone like that Candy knows why, people hated Phil cause they saw him as a mood killer cause he didn't drink, Phil had his reasons why he doesn't and I respected that and he came out a couple of times with us not after Raw but other nights out we had and he wasn't a kill joy or anything but some of the guys were pissed he wouldn't drink with them, rather then respect the fact he didn't want to they tried to force him too and it got awkward so Phil never stopped me drinking or anything he just had his reasons, so he stopped coming out with us cause I was getting pissed about it, that's why he never came with me anymore, he respected that I wanted to go out and have a couple of drinks you know?"

"Ya you two were close huh?"

"Ya I love him"

Randy looks at her in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that, I love him I told you this before I'm just not in love with him and he's not with me, we moved on, and we're still BFF's hell I trust him with my life, we just didn't work out and I'd rather him be my friend then not in my life, we just got to a point where we knew it wasn't going to go any further and why risk our friendship? We were both unhappy towards the end so we just let each other go and we're both happy now."

"Oh I thought you were saying you still were into him" Randy said in relief.

"Ya Randy I'm gonna tell you I'm still into him are you crazy?

"So you'd lie to me?"

"No I don't like him like that or anyone else I'm dating you"

"Good answer"

"Do you think I'd have done what I did earlier in the locker room if I had feelings for someone else? She asked him smirking.

"No damn Ria I wish you hadn't brought that up"

"You liked it earlier when I brought it up" she flirted.

He groaned. "Seriously don't or I'll get turned on and it wont be good"

"Who says? I thought it was real good"

"Ria don't say stuff like that"

"Why are you embarrassed?"

"No but we're about to have dinner with our friends and I don't wanna go in there with a hard on"

She giggled.

"its not funny"

"Sorry baby, I wont say anything"

He smiled at her cuteness.

"you can say what you want back at the hotel when we're on our own but I cant go in there turned on babe."

She nodded and the two walked in hand in hand.

When they got to the table they saw the girls had left two seats together for them, Maria sat down and Candy turned to her.

"Rae I'm sorry about earlier I didn't think about what I was saying and I didn't want to upset you, you're my girl you know that I should've talked to you in private and I'm sorry" she told her sincerely.

"I'm sorry to Candy Kane, I took it to far going off in a huff like a little kid, I was just taken aback by being called out like that and I wished we had taken it somewhere private but its all good Randy knows why Phil wasn't here."

The two hugged and Randy smiled he knew how much Candice's friendship meant to Ria.

The rest of the night went extremely well and everyone was getting along, she could see Candice and Mickie real thaw to Randy and they kept talking to him she knew that was for her benefit, neither Mickie nor Candice had ever slept with Randy but they had seen other girls in the company jump into his bed then be in tears when he ignored them the next day.

They had had to clean up the mess he had left behind on more then one occasion. But just seeing him with Ria, he was a changed man, he was attentive to her, he didn't look at any other girls whether she was around or not, they could tell he was falling big time for Ria and they were happy for her.

They had seen him change when Ria was in OVW, he had become moody and a pain in the ass to be around, he wasn't going after any girls infact they could swear he hadn't been with anyone since Ria had gone.

He talked about her a lot more, he asked the guys and girls had they heard how she was he seemed depressed without her there and when he had heard about what was happening in OVW he had freaked out.

He had demanded time off and headed up there, Cena hadn't been able to go and people wondered why Randy had now everyone knew, Randy Orton was in love with Maria Kanellis.