Randy Orton- WWE Superstar and resident Play boy

Randy Orton- WWE Superstar and resident Play boy

John Cena - WWE Superstar and Randy's best friend.

Maria Kanellis- WWE Diva and Randy's worst enemy

May contain other superstars - - - to be determined as story goes on

Randy Orton has hated Maria since she started in the WWE, he had to work hard for his contract yet by appearing in some stupid contest she was handed hers. These two butt heads at every corner . . .What happens when Randy realises his nemesis is the girl of his dreams? Will he admit his true feelings that he can't live without her? What will happen when his true feelings are tested? Will he be there when Maria needs him most or will the

cocky legend Killer let past wounds stop him from fulfilling his destiny?


( I know there are a lot of destiny stories with regards to randy I'm not trying to copy anyone, its just randy always talks about destiny so it seemed appropriate)


Randy Orton walked down the hallway of another arena, in another town, he couldn't even keep track any more. It was getting a bit draining. He couldn't even remember the last time he was home. He really wanted to see his family and friends, one of his childhood friends had recently got married to his high school sweetheart and he wasn't able to attend as he was away touring he world. He knew he was lucky to be living his dream but sometimes the sacrifices seemed too much. It seemed all his friends back home were in serious relationships and getting married. He was the odd one out, he was the only single one of the gang left. It was quite hard having a serious relationship when he was never around. It was hard to maintain a relationship when he couldn't even tell what he was doing the next day let alone make definite plans. The one thing he loved was being on the road with such a great group of people, they were a second family, he got along with most of the Diva's and Superstars except for one girl Maria Kanellis, he scowled just thinking about that dumb bitch. She irritated him so much, she was so stupid. Trying to have a decent conversation with her was painful, she was so dumb. She was popular backstage to quote Cena she was sweet and bubbly. Randy snickered yeah right more like annoying and boring. They hadn't got along since they were introduced, truth be known Randy knew that was his fault, he didn't like the fact she had got a contract after being in some stupid contest and he had had to work for his.

It wouldn't bother him so much if she could wrestle but no she was just tits and ass to management. He would respect her a little if she even wanted to train but no she was quite happy to be the eye candy and ask stupid questions. Here he was working his ass off to get recognition and be popular and that idiot was a fan favourite by being stupid. He hated everything she stood for. He had got rid of some of the other wannabes but no matter what he did he couldn't get her to quit and he knew Vince would not fire a fan favourite, he was stuck with her for the foreseeable future. And he let her know his distain for her at every opportunity. He had heard from the guys that she was a nice girl; she had an interest in the business and wanted to learn how to wrestle. Randy thought talk was cheap and so was she; she talked the talk yet hadn't bothered to actually look for someone to train her. John had told him that she didn't understand why he had such a strong dislike to her. He had said that he had hurt her feelings being an ass to her. Randy had just laughed, he didn't like her why pretend otherwise? He was professional with her but that was it, they would never be anything but colleagues. He didn't understand why Vince McMahon insisted on having the stupid Diva Search contests, none of the girls in these contests could wrestle, and they were a waste of time. It disgusted him.

He spent most of his time ranting and raving about her. She pissed him off, just by her presence around him. He knew it amused John, John the ass licker was friends with her. They were fucking inseparable and it annoyed Randy. How could his best friend hang out with the one girl that pissed him off most in the whole world? John continuously told him that Ria as he called her was a really intelligent girl, she was fun whatever Cena, Randy was suspicious, he figured John put up with her because he wanted to get in her pants. John denied but Randy didn't believe it for a minute. He betted Maria was sleeping her way to the top. Stupid slut. Well she better stay away from him she was probably a walking STD. God he hated that girl!!

Maria had just arrived in North Carolina for Monday Night Raw, she had headed to arena early as she had asked The Undertaker, Mark Callaway to train her a little bit. Taker had been hesitant but after witnessing Randy Orton unleash his cruel insults to Maria he had agreed. She wanted to prove to Randy and everyone else that she could learn to wrestle. She knew Randy hated her which hurt her as before she had joined the WWE she had had a huge crush on him, she thought he was gorgeous and those sexy eyes, god she even liked his smirk. She thought maybe she could be his friend, but no from the minute she started on Raw he had despised her. If she talked he didn't listen, like her first day she went up to shake his hand and introduce herself as she wanted to show respect to those who had paved the way before her, she had went to talk to Randy who was talking to Triple H and she had said hello to Triple H first and when she went to talk to Randy he muttered that she was a glorified ring rat and walked away leaving her standing there speechless and humiliated.

She headed to the women's locker room to get changed; she put on her tracksuit pants and a sports bra. She tied her hair back, and grabbed a towel and water and headed to the ring; she wanted to warm up before Taker arrived. Taker had told her 3 o' clock, it was half 12 now she wanted to be here before he was, she knew that some of the veterans ribbed the younger talent and told them one time and arrived way earlier or way later, well she was here now and she would stay until Taker arrived, if he didn't turn up until after the show she would be here waiting, she would sleep in the arena to prove to Taker she was serious about having him train her. She got to the ring and she got in it, she stood in the middle and looked around, she would love to have the fans chant her name in a match because they were rooting for her, not shouting we want puppies as they did now. She started stretching and then she started running the ropes to get a feel for them, she also started practicing talking bumps. She'd flip herself over and land how Triple H had thought her only last week, Paul (Triple H) was great he had an hour to spare and saw her in the ring practising by herself and he got in and helped her with the basics, she had been grateful for the help.

She continued to practice what Paul had told her, only stopping to get a drink of water, she sat in the ring drinking her water when she heard "Good, girlie you're punctual, you can't wrestle but you can tell the time". Turning she saw Taker there with a grim look on his face, she knew he didn't really want to help her but he felt sorry for her and she was grateful, any help would be appreciated, she just wanted to learn her craft. Maria realised it was half 2, Taker wasn't ribbing her he was here early to test her see how committed she was. "How long you been here kid, you've worked up a sweat?" he asked. "Since half 12, I didn't want to keep you waiting, Look Mr Calloway, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this, I know you don't want to teach me to wrestle but I do appreciate it, if you decide you want to continue training me after today then I can promise you I'm 150 committed to this. I wanna be the best female wrestler in the business. I'm determined to prove all my critics wrong. If you decide you don't then thank you for today it'll be another stop on my long journey". Mark looked at the kid, surprised by her; she was one determined young lady. He knew Orton's comments had got to her. That in itself was going to light a fire under her ass. He could see this working out.

"Kid, you can call me Taker, I'll be honest with you, I don't want to train you, it'll be a pain in the ass and a waste of my time if you decided this isn't for you, I'm not your friend, I'll teach you what you need to know and the rest is up to you. It's going to hurt a lot, you will get injured, you will be sore, if you cant handle that then lets stop now as I can go back and get a nap in at the hotel. I don't usually train any one let alone girls but I will make an exception in your case, you got a lot to prove. It ain't easy living this life; you may find you'd be better off being eye candy. I don't like quitters and kid if you mess me about it'll piss me off real good. If I ask you to be at an arena you be there on time every time, I call the shots don't tell me how to wrestle because you don't know how. You show me respect at all times, this is my yard and you're just a guest in it." Maria looked at him and nodded confirming she understood, she got up and headed out of the ring. Mark was pissed he couldn't believe she had given up all ready. Maria placed her towel and water on a chair and got back in the ring shocking the hell out of Taker. "I'm not a quitter, you can beat me until I'm black and blue and even then I wont give up"

Taker was impressed but hid it under his glaring expression. "Ok kid, take a bump" he demanded. Immediately Maria dropped to her back, tucking her head in so as not to knock herself out. Taker was impressed he didn't have to teach her the basics. "Who showed you how to take a bump kid?" he asked. "Paul, he had an hour free last week and saw me in the ring practicing and showed me how to take bumps" she replied. "Ok so we don't have to go from the start, kid you take a good bump now lets move on to some other basic moves. Over the next hour Taker showed her how to do a hip toss, which she could do on him, that impressed him, he was at least double her weight, he showed her how to do basic arm bars, chin lock, side lock. He then had a little fun with her and had a little match, she was able to hold her own, he then picked her up to do the tombstone Pile driver, he was impressed when she moved her head so it was secure between his thighs and her arms wrapped around his waist, this kid had obviously done her homework. When he dropped her she played dead, which showed even in a fake match she knew to sell the move, he had been wrong about her.

Unbeknownst to them Randy Orton was sat in the bleachers watching. He had been sitting there for over an hour watching Taker teach Maria, he had been wrong about her, he had been impressed with her hip toss of Mark, that was no easy task with the big man and he had watched their match in fascination she could hold her own. Not well, but she wasn't too bad either. Before he could stop himself he headed out to the ring to Taker and Maria. "Hey Taker since when do you train?" Randy asked making his presence known. "Since now Randall, Kid I'm heading back to the hotel, I'll meet you same time next week and I'll show you some complex moves, you did ok for a rookie". Maria looked at him shocked "Thanks again Taker I do appreciate it" he nodded and left the ring. Maria headed to get her stuff when Randy called her "Maria, what do you say I train you for a bit" She turned shocked and looked at him "You serious?" He nodded. "Ok" she knew she didn't have any thing to do on Raw tonight so she didn't mind being tired, plus Randy never spoke to her willingly so didn't want to piss him off.

Randy had shocked himself by asking her to stay but it was done now, he'd help her for awhile and then go back to ignoring her. He spent an hour showing her more difficult moves, he showed her how to do a spine buster, she tried on him but didn't get too much power as he out weighed her by over 100 pounds, he showed her how to do a ddt, which she picked up quickly, then he showed her how to do a running bull dog and she nailed that, then it was tilt – a- whirl and she nailed that too. Next thing he knew the Superstars were arriving for practice, he had been in the ring with her for over 2 hours and they hadn't fought once. They left the ring as Triple H was practicing with Johnny Nitro. Maria stopped him half way up the ramp by placing her hand on his arm. He turned around and raised an eye brow in question. "I just wanted to say thank you, I know you don't like me so I appreciate you taking time to teach me how to wrestle, look I know you don't like me because of the Diva Search Contest and I can respect and understand that but that doesn't define me as a person, I did what I did for an in into this business, right or wrong it was a decision I made, I want to prove I'm more then tits and ass, I want to be a wrestler, I wouldn't be here other wise. You may not respect me or like me as a person that's ok too, but I wanted to tell you, you were one of the reasons I got in this business, you may only be a few years older then me but I saw you in OVW when I went to a few shows and I thought you were amazing, thank you for being an inspiration to me, I was going to tell you that on my first night, but it didn't work out like I thought, I just wanted to say that to you and now I have I will leave you alone, I wont bother you again Mr. Orton" and with that she left leaving a shocked Randy Orton on the ramp. He had inspired her? She had come to see him in OVW? Wow, he had never known she had felt like that. Well to be fair it's not like he talked to her or even gave her a fair chance. He headed to his locker room to get showered up before he headed to the weekly roster meeting.

Maria headed to her locker room shocked by what had just transpired. Randy Orton and her had hung out for 2 hours and not fought once, she hurried into the shower, knowing she still had the meeting to attend. She quickly dried her hair and pulled it up into a messy bun, she then put on a baggy pair of denim jeans, her tennis shoes, she pulled on a bright pink tank top with the slogan it doesn't matter what your name is on it. She didn't bother with make up and looking at her watch, she hurried to the meeting room, she hated being late for these meetings as everyone stared at you. She was the first to arrive and she took a seat near the back of the room, out of sight. The other superstars started to arrive and Maria found herself sitting next to her idol Shawn Michaels, she hadn't spoken to him in the six months she had been here as she was so shy, every time he talked to her she stammered nervously and she didn't make any sense it was embarrassing. WWE Superstar, Mark Jindrak was at her other side much to her disgust he had been hitting on her for weeks and it was getting a bit ridiculous, he had even cornered her in a deserted corridor a month ago if it hadn't been for Matt Hardy who knows what would have happened? "Hey hotness" Mark whispered in her ear making her cringe.

Randy Orton had arrived barely on time to the meeting and found himself sitting behind Maria Kanellis. He smirked when he saw Shawn next to her, every one knew he was her idol and she couldn't form a coherent sentence when he was around much to every ones amusement especially Shawn's. He frowned when he saw Jindrak sit next to her, he had heard Jindrak talk about Maria in the locker room. He noticed she became increasingly uncomfortable with what Jindrak was saying. So he took it upon himself to rescue her. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Maria's neck loosely his hands dangerously close to the top of her breasts. "Baby I thought you were going to save me a seat" he told her nuzzling her neck. She turned and pouted "I was babe but Mark took it". Randy smirked. "Jindrak get the fuck off my seat" he told him glaring, daring him to contradict him. Mark glared at Randy and got up and moved. Randy snickered and moved to sit next to Maria. Maria leaned in to whisper "thank you" in his ear. Randy nodded and turned his attention to Vince McMahon who was talking. Randy could feel eyes glaring at the back of his head and when he turned around he saw Jindrak staring a hole threw him. He moved his glance to Maria and Randy moved his hand to rest on her knee. She looked at him from the corner of her eye and he mouthed Jindrak she understood and moved her head to rest on his shoulder and rested her hand over his. The Superstars around them thought they were in the twilight zone, they knew you'd have to witness this to believe it Randy Orton and Maria Kanellis holding hands?

The meeting ended and Randy left t go get ready for the night, as she wasn't on Raw, Maria asked Stephanie McMahon could she go back to the hotel? Stephanie had heard she had been practicing for the afternoon from the crew and road agents agreed as she knew the young girl was probably feeling beaten up. Maria headed back to the hotel, when she go tot her room she put on her bikini, she headed downstairs to the hot tub, Paul had told her after a gruelling training session she should go into the hot tub it would help relax her muscles. She got into the tub and sighed it was heaven. She closed her eyes and dosed until she felt a presence, looking up she saw Randy Orton in his swimming trunks looking hot. He got into the tub across from her and she closed her eyes again. Randy studied her while her eyes were closed, she was stunning. Shaking his head to get rid of the thought, he asked her shocking himself as he hadn't even meant to speak "what's the story with you and Jindrak?" Maria opens her eyes and stars into the blue eyes of the self proclaimed legend killer, "he had a crush on me, no actually he wants to sleep with me, he's been hitting on me for awhile now, normally I'd be flattered but after last month it's a bit weird". "What happened last month?" "He cornered me in a deserted corridor and tried to kiss me and touch me, Matt Hardy and I were going to lunch and I'm always on time so when I was half an hour later and I didn't let him know where I was he came looking for me" she had never been so happy to see him in her life. "You seeing Hardy?" Randy asked, surprised by the jealously he wad feeling. Since when did he care who she dated? Subconsciously he realised he had always been attracted to her, he hated her but he couldn't help noticing how gorgeous she was, not that he'd admit that to anyone. Maria shook her head "no, he was the first person who worked for this company who gave me a chance, he treated me with respect and not distain like the rest of the company." Randy winched knowing he had done that to her, judged her without getting to know her.

Maria had had enough of the hot tub and got out. "Thanks again for today Randy" she told him and shocked him by bending down and kissing his cheek and leaving. Randy sat there in a daze, butterflies in his stomach just from a simple kiss. Great he thought I'm in trouble. He was beginning to have a crush on Maria. When and how the fuck did that happen?? He would have to keep his distance from her. She was trouble with a capital T.