Disclaimer: yeahh no. I don't own it.
Ch. 1 - I'll See You in No Man's Land
Emily Appleton sat in her living room with her slender legs tucked beneath her equally small frame, a cup of hot tea in her bruised and scraped hands. Just hours before, she was several hundred feet below the earth's surface, helping archaeologists excavate the biggest discovery in American history – the discovery of Cibola, and now, she sat clad in her favourite silk night gown, thinking of her ex-husband. It perturbed her that he could have such an impact on her after thirty-two years of absence, but at the same time stirred up the lingering hope she had withheld from the last days of her marriage. Patrick had always been caring toward her and Benjamin. At least, when he was around. She never quite understood why he was so obsessed with that Templar Treasure. It wasn't like, she had believed, it was in actual existence. The Masons had created the elaborate story of the vast chambers of gold and jewels for entertainment. However, when her son's name was on the front page, accompanied by 'Templar Treasure', she became much more of a believer, and even more proud of her son.
Now she was partly responsible for the discovery of her own treasure, and she had never been more astounded to be offered such a large amount of money for finding the ancient artifacts. Of course, she planned on saving most of the five million dollars she had been allotted from the total that had been awarded to the group, but first, she had decided, she would purchase a new house, perhaps a new car, or even a little patch of land near the ocean where she could construct her own ocean-side manor.
Shaking her head, Emmy chuckled softly as she created such fantasies. A quick glance at the clock alerted the older woman of the lateness of the hour, and she promptly decided to head to bed. Just as she rounded the corner to her small, but quaint, kitchen, a knock on the door sounded throughout her two story house. "Who on Earth?" she mumbled, hastily wrapping her dressing gown around her frame before answering the door to whatever visitor she had. "Look, what ever your selling, I really don't …." Her words hung in the air as her eyes took in who was standing at her door.
"Hello Emily."
"Patrick!" she gasped.
"May I come in?"
Author's Note: Whyieyieyieyow! It's been a long time since I wrote anything.
And yes!! I know! It's short and slightly annoying, but I do plan on finishing this one, and very soon at that. Hope you enjoyed and I would LOOOVVVEEE some reviews. Thanks!