Disclaimer: Need I say more?

Troy and Gabriella seemed to have the perfect relationship. You must remember though that even the best relationships it sometimes has its problems. Troy and Gabriella had a HUGE problem and her name was Sharpay. Sharpay was a bitch with a capital BITCH. She wanted Troy for herself and what Sharpay wanted, Sharpay usually got.

One day when Troy was walking to school and Gabriella was out sick Sharpay caught up with him. "Hey JEZZY," she said using his private nickname. Troy sighed. "Could you not call me that, Sharpay?" Troy didn't want the word to get out that he was JEZZY.

Only Chad, Gabriella and somehow Sharpay knew his secret and the story behind it. Sharpay snuggled up to him and sighed in annoyance when he pushed her away. "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THAT," she yelled at him. He ignored her and continued walking away.

Okay, Sharpay thought, no more Miss nice girl. She would have to take the game one step further. That night she visited Gabriella's house. "Oh Gabriella you poor thing" "What are you talking about Sharpay I just have a cold"

"Not that. I saw Troy today and he was in JEZZY mode." "So what," Gabriella shrugged. "Well I overheard him telling Chad that you were not in the book and you never will get in." Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"He said you were a whore and a bitch and called you all sorts of mean things. He couldn't stand to be with you forever" "Sharpay, guess what," Gabriella said, "I don't believe a word you're saying and if he did say all that, he must have been talking about you" Sharpay turned red. "Apologize now!"

"No. I will NOT apologize and for your own sake you'd better shape up. You're like on a downward spiral to bitchville if you don't stop and you know what, you will fit right in" Sharpay's mouth dropped open. Then she stomped away.

One day Troy, she thought to herself, "you will be mine"