Gabriella Montez, drove into the parking lot of her new school, hesitantly. She peeled her car into a spot that was towards the back of the lot while thinking about all the schools she has stepped foot in before. They all had differences but one thing was always the same, she was the "Quiet girl." Every time she switched schools she always believed that she would change, that she would be different, but she couldn't change, how could she change? She was already forgetting the name of the school she was walking into to, East High was it? It was just another school to scrawl on her huge list of schools, thats all this would amount to. Apparently though, she would not be moving till graduation, and that was weird to her. She told herself that she would try not to be quiet this time, because she was actually going to be here long, long enough to make real friends. She walked towards the school and ran into someone, her books fell to the ground. She bent down to pick them up blushing profusely... she didn't look into the eyes of this mystery person. 'Great, the first person from this school I meet, I run into them' Her cheeks burned a firey red. The person chuckled softly.

"I'm sorry." He said moving his rough hands to help pick up the two copy books that fell to the ground. Gabriella got up off the ground, brushing off the skirt she had put on that morning. The boy handed her the books and she finally took a quick peek over at him, he was beautiful and his eyes were the bluest eyes she's ever seen, like an ocean so deep you have no choice but to drown. He was wearing a leather jacket, and it seemed as though he was coming from a motorcycle... he looked like trouble, the kind of trouble a mom or dad would cringe away from. "I'm Troy, Troy Bolton. I don't think I've met you."

"I'm Gabriella Montez. I just moved here." She replied running a hand through her curly hair. He put his hand out and she took it in hers to shake it quickly. A spark filled her body, warming her muscles and putting a smile on her face... did he feel it too?

"Well, welcome to East High Miss. Montez... do you need a guide?" He asked.

"No, I think I'll be fine Mr. Bolton, I'm not a child," She replied shyly.

"Well then, One day I think we should go for a ride on my motorcycle," Troy Bolton said with a wink in her direction. At that moment her thoughts were confirmed, he was trouble, but she was drawn to him like a mosquito was drawn to light.

"Sounds like a plan." She said blushing softly walking away with a smile that showed off her perfect white teeth. Troy Bolton stood there smiling to himself.

"Gabriella Montez," He mumbled softly to himself. "Doesn't know what's to come."


I have revised every single chapter! so read and review please and thank you! :)