I really felt like typing up another right away… so I did! Aren't you proud? Remember, this is the chapter that completes this fanfic! (Maybe that's why I'm so excited!) Thank you for the 1,000 hits! (In such a short time too!) Note: Sakura's thoughts are in the ''.


Bleeding Hearts

Last time:

'I got her now.' Ami put on a look that had "I feel sorry for you" written all over it. "Sasuke is moving far away from here."

Sakura nearly dropped her daisies. "He… he didn't tell me…"

'I know more than she does? I totally deserve Sasuke more than this girl!' "Well, you better hurry up, because he's leaving soon."

Before Ami could react, Sakura was already running for Sasuke's house to see if what Ami said was true.

Chapter 10: Bleeding Hearts

'Sasuke… You didn't lie to me… Did you?'

Sakura was running as fast as she could to Sasuke's house.

'Sasuke… you… you said you loved me! Then why don't you tell me anything? I'm your girlfriend! I should at least know when you're moving!"

The sky was turning a darker color. The clouds kept rolling in. Sakura didn't care. She had to find Sasuke. She would keep running, even if it killed her.

'Sasuke? Are you really gone? Did you actually leave me? You can't do this to me!'

It started to rain. Tears started to run down Sakura's cheeks. They blurred her vision and stung her eyes, but she continued to run. Her cheeks were red from her being tired and crying.

'I said I loved you! And… and… you said it back! How… how could you say something that deep and not follow through?'

Sakura's legs were starting to feel like Jell-O, but she would never give up. She just had to get to Sasuke's house before he left. It was pouring now. Wet hair matted Sakura's face and her clothes stuck to her back. With every step, her shoes gave a "SQUISH" sound.

'I hate you Sasuke! … No… I take that back… I love you Sasuke… but… sometimes I'm not sure you feel the same way… even though we did kiss…'

Sakura started to sob louder. Her chest was hurting, yet she kept running. She would run no matter what the circumstance was.

'Don't you leave me Sasuke! Please… PLEASE… be there. Just this once, I wish things would turn in my favor.'

Sakura's feet stopped. As she did so, they slid a bit because of all the rain. She was there… the Uchiha's house.

She approached the household. She knocked quietly on the door.

No answer.

She knocked louder.

No answer.

Sakura pounded her fists on the wood of the door.

Still no answer.

Sakura cautiously opened the door calling, "Itachi-san? Are you home?" She took off her shoes as she entered. Her feet sounded loud in the empty house.

When I say empty, I mean EMPTY. When Sakura turned the corner to enter the family room, she saw an empty room.

Sakura wandered each room, remembering what memories each room contained. 'That's where the table was… Itachi sat right over there…'

Sakura finally went up to Sasuke's room (which she had never seen before). It was empty too. She was so excited to see what Sasuke's room looks like, but the emptiness was disappointing to her.

She looked around the room, hoping to find something. She started to wander around aimlessly when she heard a crinkle under her right foot. She looked down to see an envelope that had "SAKURA" in big pink letters written on the front.

She bent down and picked it up. Sakura tore it open at the top and took out the letter inside.

It read:

'Dear Sakura,

I'm sorry, but I didn't have the heart to tell you I was moving. I found out right after we became a couple. My brother got an offer for a really good job. It was an opportunity, so he just couldn't say, 'no'.

Just remember one thing Sakura-chan:

I love you.


P. S. Look in the backyard. I leave it all to you.'

'What's in the backyard?'

Sakura tiptoed through the hallways, as if she was afraid to wake up the spirits. She turned another corner to find… yet another empty room.

'Exactly how large is this house anyway? Maybe I'm just going in circles…'

Sakura stopped for a moment and sat down. She began to reread the note. 'Look in the backyard. I leave it all to you.'

'What does he mean by that? Whatever's in his backyard belongs to ME? I could never take up such an offer!"

What was actually in the backyard remained a secret to the little pink-haired girl. She had to know. She got up, dusted herself off, and started heading towards the backyard again.

'Just remember one thing…'

'Sasuke…' Sakura approached the living room, almost to the dining room.

'… Sakura-chan…'

'… you really do…' Sakura approached the dining room, almost to the kitchen.

'I love you.'

'… love me…' Sakura approached the kitchen, almost to the backyard.

Sakura wiped away her tears of happiness. 'This is the first time I've ever been loved…'

She emerged from the giant house, entering the backyard. "He loves me!" the girl yelled.

Sakura stopped thinking for a second. Her heart skipped a beat. What she was staring at was a yard… no… a field full of flowers! Sakura could hardly believe her eyes.

She looked around the garden and named the different types of flowers. 'Daisies, roses, hydrangeas, tulips, sunflowers…'

Sakura stopped when her eyes fell upon a specific flower. 'Bleeding hearts…'

The stem was bent like an old man whose back just went out. The pink hearts hung by threads from the green backbone. The tiny hearts were each sliced open, and white blood was spilling out. The raindrops dripped off the flower's end.

Sakura felt the unusual flower's wet shape in her hand. That's when she noticed yet another envelope. She picked it up from the ground. This one also had Sasuke's handwriting on it. In big pink letters, it read, "SAKURA-CHAN". Not disappointed from the last envelope, Sakura opened it eagerly.

She was surprised when all she found was a flower. It was a tiny forget-me-not with a little card attached.

'I'll be back.'

Sakura sat in that field for hours, even though it only seemed like a few minutes. The rain pounded down upon her. She didn't care. She sat and repeated her two favorite sayings in the entire world.

'I'll be back.'

'I love you.'

'I'll be back.'

'I love you.'

'Don't worry Sasuke, I'll be right here until you get back.'

She sat in the field with a small bittersweet smile on her face, surrounded by bleeding hearts. Fore once, she fit in with others; she was just another bleeding heart out of millions of other people.

Good ending? Bad ending? Please review! Okay, well… my next SasuSaku fanfic is called "What Can I Do To Make You Love Me?" It'll probably be just as long as this one… so… be prepared! Sorry if I used "…" a lot. Bye readers of this fanfic!