
'Mama!' Hotaru shouts waving at me. It had been months since I left the hospital, months since I'd regained my memories. Our happy family was once again whole. We no longer had the threat of the world ending to worry about, our main focus in life was Hotaru. Haruka was chasing her again, the child a few steps ahead but not for long, Haruka grabs her and spins her around. 'No.' she laughs.

'Haruka be careful.' I shout at them walking slowly behind.

'Those two.' Setsuna laughs.

'I love them.' I say.

'Me too.' She agrees and we carry the basket to the park watching Haruka and Hotaru play. Usagi, Mamoru, Minako and Makoto are already seated, Rei and Ami are pushing Chibi-Usa on the swings. My life is once again mine. And I plan to live it exactly as I please. Surrounded by the people I love and who love me.