This is a random conversation between Suze and Cee Cee in her bedroom. Its gonna be in a story but it sounded funny on its own so I thought why not? I'll make it into a one-shot.

(Cee Cee is asking the questions).

Disclaimer: I do not own any Meg Cabot characters.

"Brat Pitt or Jesse?"


"Channing Tatum or Jesse?"


Michael Jackson or Jesse?"

"EWW! Michael Jackson's a perve!"



"ok fine. Prince Wiliam?"

"Ooh. Wills is a prince………"

"Well noticed."

"Shut up. You know what I meant. But, I'd choose Jesse."
"Over a prince?"

"Yeh. Jesse is my prince."

"Sweet. Whatever. Um…damn! I wanna make it hard!"

"'Coz I do! Hmm…..AHA!"
"What now?"
"Jesse or Zac Efron?!"

"NOOO! That's so totally unfair! You can't make me choose!"
"Yes I can!"
"No you can't!"






"CAN'T! Look, Jesse is my boyfriend, and Zac is-Zac is-well, he's ZAC EFRON!"

"ok, if there was a space on your bedside table and you could only put one picture on there, who's would it be?"
"I'd put Jesse's picture on there, and a poster of Zac on my wall."

"Why not a poster of Jesse?"

"Don't you think it would seem obsessive to Jesse if he came in here and saw a huge poster of himself on my wall?"

"Wouldn't it seem obsessive to Jesse if he came in here and saw a huge poster of Zac Efron on your wall?"

"No, 'coz every 1 in 3 girls has a poster of Zac Efron. It's a well known fact."

"I didn't know that."

"So? You have pictures of Zac tucked in your draw."
"I don not!"

Sooo…that's it. Pretty random, but I'm gonna pop it into a story im gonna make. Its called Slumber Party Secrets, which is the sequal to The Coke/Island Advert.

I haven't posted either yet, so bear with me. I'm having trouble updating at the mo.
