Hello everyone,

I would love to say thank you first of all to all of you who have read this story. I was a young teenager when I first thought of it, in my own little bubble and in my own little world. I was alone most of the time, and writing was the only way I could connect to the world. You all provided me with a platform where I could express myself through these characters. You gave me your time to entertain you. Granted, I didn't keep my end of the promise by completing this story, and for that I am sorry.

Life sometimes takes our attention away from the things we love to do and instead gives us challenges to face. I was going through that at the time I was writing this story (as well as the other one). I don't really know what made me check the website again today after so many years, but all I can say is this: You have all left me speechless with your love. Many of your comments left me teary. It felt like reading old letters from old friends.

To be honest, I don't think I will ever finish this story. So this will be the concluding chapter.

Thank you. Thank you for all your love. Thank you for all the dedication. And thank you most of all for reminding me of my love for writing.

Take care and love always,
