Seriously guys, review!! I really need the motivation!!

Meeting Anigo

Harry fell to the ground and did a somersault, hitting his head on a nearby table in the process.

He hissed and sat up, gripping his head. He REALLY hated portkeys.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm the headache that was threatening to appear.

He was concentrating so hard, that he didn't notice a person walk up behind him. But he did notice when he felt a wand digging into his temple, and an arm around his neck.

Harry tensed and reached up to grab the wand, trying to pull it away from his head.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" the person hissed in his ear, Harry could tell it was a male.

"Harry Potter" he said back, trying to twist his head around to get a better look at his attacker "I was invited here".

"Ah" said the person, moving their arm away, but not moving the wand "So you are the creature Headmaster Ruin has been so interested in".

The person moved slightly and held out a hand for Harry to take.

Harry's eyes wandered up the well muscled arm and to the person's face. He gasped when he saw it.

The boy looked to be about 17; he had long, shaggy blonde hair and ice blue eyes. He had the look of an aristocrat, and man was he working it.

He grabbed the boys hand and let him pull him up. Harry felt a sudden pull in his chest when their skin touched, and couldn't stop the gasp that it caused. He saw something unreadable flash through the boy's eyes, but when he looked back, it was gone.

"Come on," said the boy "I'll take you to Headmaster Ruin".

Harry nodded obediently and followed the boy.

"I'm Anigo Black by the way" said the boy after five minutes of silence "It's a pleasure to meet you Harry Potter".

"No," said Harry "The pleasure is all mine Mr. Black, but may I ask you a question?"

"Fire away," said Anigo, as they rounded another corner.

"I was wondering what type of creature you were, you don't look any different to normal people".

Anigo stopped dead in the middle of the hall and gave Harry a sly grin. And then he disappeared.

Harry looked around in confusion and went to turn around. But he found himself restrained by a pair of firm arms around his waist.

He looked over his shoulder and saw Anigo smirking at him, looking quite pleased with himself.

"I, my dear Harry" Anigo whispered in his ear, as he grazed his sharp teeth along Harry's pulse point "am a Vampire".

Harry felt a shiver go down his spine when Anigo's sharp teeth lightly punctured his skin. When Anigo pulled back it left a faint purple mark.

"What are you doing?!" Harry managed to squeak out, his face turning a cherry red colour and his breathing becoming irregular.

"You smell...delicious" Anigo whispered in his ear "I'm just making sure none of the other vampires who reside here can try to make you their mate".

"What do you mean by mate?" asked Harry.

Anigo smirked at him and pulled back. "That," he grinned "is something you'll have to figure out on your own".

Harry was about to question him but Anigo cut him off.

"We're here" said Anigo, pointing at something behind Harry.

Harry gave him a look of confusion and turned to see what Anigo was pointing at. It was a large wooden door, with Headmaster Ruin printed in large black letters.

Harry turned back to say goodbye to Anigo, but he had disappeared. Again.

Harry sighed and gave a small snicker. He hoped he'd get to see Anigo again, he was nice, if slightly creepy.

Once Harry finished thinking he took a deep breath and turned towards the large wooden doors. He took a step forwards and slowly opened them.
