It's not entirely canon, but not entirely AU either. Obviously, Matt and Misa never meet, and he kinda dies pretty quickly after his appearance but. Eh.

Also, I was half-asleep and barely hanging onto conciousness when I scribbled this out in a notebook I found on my floor so if it's bad, I apologize.

And all she could taste was the cigarette he'd been smoking and the lipstick she was wearing and Misa didn't think she'd ever get his taste off her tongue.

Misa wasn't sure how things happened exactly.

One minute she was happily chatting away with Matsuda about an interview, and the next she was in the arms of a -handsome!- stranger as her bags went flying and she was left in an awkward half standing half leaning position, face pressed against his chest.

The realization wasn't as sudden as it should have been, resulting in her staying in such a position for longer than she should have before giving a startled yelp and jumping back. Sometimes she knew she wasn't as smart as she liked to pretend.

He just smiled around his cigarette and handed her the bags she'd dropped. He didn't even wait for a thank you before disappearing around the corner of a building.

Misa spent the next hour in a stunned silence. Even Matsuda had been unable to explain where he'd come from, neither had even seen him until she was in his arms, he'd just appeared in a span of only seconds.


Light wasn't interested in her story when she brought it up, so Misa didn't bother to finish it.


She saw him outside her window in front of the drugstore, cigarette in hand, for the next two days and wondered idly if she was going crazy.


The next time she tripped, he was there and he caught her a second time.

She kissed him before he could let go, wondering if he was real.

And then he was suddenly gone and all she could taste was the cigarette he'd been smoking and the lisptick she was wearing and Misa didn't think she'd ever get his taste off her tongue.

And the typed version is much better than the barely awake handwritten version. Yay for small wonders. So... Er, yeah.