Short, sweet, to the point disclaimer: I don't own CCS, so don't sue me.


Sakura, of course, was positively radiant. How could she not be so beautiful? Her dress was white and shone as though it was silk, but light pink flowers of all kinds were embroidered in no particular pattern all around it. Every now and then, if you looked carefully, you could spot a slightly darker pink cherry blossom. She wore simple white sandals, and her hair, which as she'd grown had become a stunning reddish-honey color, fell to its usual short length with a slight wave present then because of some expert styling.

By then, of course, we were all grown up. It had been years since I had last thought myself in love with my second cousin, Sakura. After that shocking realization at the age of fourteen, I thought on it for some time, and learned that in truth it had been love. Love, but the kind between sisters and cousins, and added to my deep adoration, it felt to my young self like love. It was not. Standing there, seeing her in that dress, only confirmed that truth more. Even so, she was undeniably beautiful that day. I was so proud of her, for finally making sure this day would come, and I was all smiles.

Syaoran was looking particularly dashing, as well. His tuxedo was black as tradition dictated, but the material looked brown in the right light, in such a way that you had to look twice to confirm what your eyes had seen. The burnt brown matched the color of his hair, and complemented his amber eyes well. There was a small pink peony embroidered on the pocket of his jacket, and a smaller pink cherry blossom beside it.

My business partners and employees were under strict orders not to bother me with designing this and approving that on such an important day.

Tomoyo smiled. Sakura and Syaoran looked absolutely perfect.

Nothing could have gone wrong, and actually, on that day nothing did go wrong.

Looking at their clothes reminded Tomoyo of the many things Sakura and Syaoran had insisted on. One of those had been the clothes themselves. Once hearing that the famous-throughout-all-of-China Li Syaoran, heir to the Li business and clan, intended to marry, designers had thrown themselves at Syaoran and Sakura with many dress and suit designs for them to try, hoping theirs would catch the eyes of the rich Li. They were all after the money, of course.

So, insistence number one was that their clothes for the occasion would be personally designed by Daidouji Tomoyo, the famous designer who had become very popular in Japan in a mere year.

That perfect day was spent, for me, in happiness. On that day, I would have said I was only happy. Now I know better. I had buried some feelings so deep that not even I knew they were there. Jealousy of Sakura and her soul mate, living their crystalline perfect lives with each other's support. Envy of Syaoran – not for stealing Sakura away, necessarily, but now he would forever be her support, the one she'd turn to in times of dismay. No longer would I be the one whose shoulder she would cry on. Sadness for being unable to find my own love, accompanied by a longing for the same thing. Annoyance at the chef of the cake and the rest of the food, who had found a nice spot to hover for the duration of the wedding – right behind me. To think I'd be annoyed by that now is hilarious. These were only some of the feelings that even I didn't realize were there.

The second insistence was something Tomoyo would always be grateful to Sakura for.

As previously mentioned, Syaoran was a rather famous person in China, and actually somewhat of a celebrity.

Thinking this, and remembering, Tomoyo rubbed the camera in front of her happily.

The media was all over this celebrity wedding, and every company was after them, pleading for the coveted permission from Sakura or Syaoran to film their wedding, so the clips could be used for their own reports.

Finally, Sakura had heard enough of this, and yelled. There was only so much a woman being constantly harassed by others could take. "Look, my Tomoyo-chan's always been the one to film me, got it? So why is this any different? I'll be damned if some busybody reporter records my wedding, when the one person who can rightfully claim that place is my best friend! So scat, because my answer is no, and I refuse to change my mind! Syaoran will back me up with no hesitation, so just get over it and sulk out of my sight please! I have enough worries without the press breathing up my neck!"

The words had made Tomoyo beam with pleasure. It was a mark of how frustrated Sakura had been that she had actually sworn at the reporters.

That was how Tomoyo had ended up earning herself the spot of the only person allowed to film the wedding.

As I said, I was jealous, at the time, of Sakura, for finding her soul mate, even if I didn't even realize that I was. So, what was the lie I fed to myself? I told myself that I was simply too busy living my dream of being a fashion designer to bother with love, and that if it came along, I would just go with it. Someday, I told myself, my one and only would come along, but until then I would be working too hard to meet him, probably. Whatever I thought, I certainly thought that it wasn't the right time.

What was another insistence she could think of? Ah, well one of them was easy – he was sitting right behind her, after all.

"Daidouji-san, did I mention that they look absolutely perfect in the clothes you made?"

Tomoyo smiled. "I would compliment you back, but I'm afraid I haven't tasted any of the food yet. Thank you, Hiiragizawa-kun."

He was another friend of hers, but they had never really been close or talked before. They were both friends of Sakura, and that was their main reason for meeting. They got along well, but Tomoyo was only realizing that now. This was really the first time they'd talked without others nearby.

He was also that insistence spoken of. Much like the designers and reporters, chefs had been vying for permission to bake the cake. But Sakura and Syaoran agreed that Eriol would be the one to bake it, no doubt about it. Eriol had become a gourmet chef.

Who would have guessed it? The reincarnation of Clow Reed would find his happiness in the world of cooking. Somehow, it fit him, but nobody could explain why.

Yes, it was another lie that I fed to myself. That my prince charming would come at the opportune time, and I'd fall in love with him at the right time, and love would come for us when I wanted it to. I should have been smarter than that. I should have known it would come when I least expected it.

Tears appeared in Tomoyo's eyes as Sakura and Syaoran said their vows to each other. Tears of happiness, Tomoyo thought. I'm so happy for them.


His voice was oddly near her ear, and the use of her first name surprised her. She looked at him. His deep sapphire eyes caught hers. She smiled. "Yes?"

"Sakura-san won't come to you anymore."

That he said it cemented the fact. Tomoyo shrugged. "I know. I'm glad that Li-kun will be there for her, and he'll be better at helping than me."

"Are you sure you're fine with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" asked Tomoyo, perplexed. It was an honest question. She truly didn't believe that she could be unhappy about that.

I didn't even think that my prince charming and I might have already met. Such was the extent of my folly. I lied to myself that I was happy. Without even realizing it, I was miserable. I was miserable and angry at my life. But I never noticed, because I wanted to be happy, so I lied to myself, and to the rest of the world. And they believed me.

Eriol looked at her for several quiet moments, and she found she could not look away from him. At last he turned away.

"Tomoyo-san. If you ever need somebody to help you with baking cinnamon cookies, I wouldn't mind. I have a few good recipes."

Her eyes widened. "How…"

"Magic. I've used it a few times to check in on my cute little descendant, and on Sakura-san. And on occasion, I've also checked on you. Please hear me. I'm always willing to make a batch. Do you understand? I consider you a friend."

Tomoyo was too thoroughly shocked to answer immediately, but she nodded at last, and turned back to the wedding taking place.

"You may kiss the bride."

They kissed. For them, all was perfect.

Tomoyo was happy, and smiled and clapped with the rest. She was so proud of Sakura. She was still crying, in what she thought to be happiness. But at the same time, she was doing what she always did – hiding her true thoughts.

She couldn't help but think it. How did he know? Whenever she was upset, truly upset, and had nobody to turn to, she always baked a batch of cinnamon cookies for herself. It was just something she did to help calm down. It usually worked. How did he know? Not even Sakura knew, not even her own mother knew.

He was the one person who didn't.

The bouquet was tossed, and Tomoyo happened to catch it. She looked at it for a long moment, and then laughed merrily.

"Ah, Daidouji-san? Do you have some secret lover I have not heard about? I promise not to tell," Eriol joked behind her.

She turned to see his blue eyes, somber a moment ago, laughing at her. And she shook her head, still laughing. "Don't be silly."

"It's who I am," Eriol said with a shrug.

Tomoyo smiled. Her mind had begun to think of Eriol as a curiosity – so serious one moment and a bit of jokester the next. He was a puzzle.

She didn't really mind.

He saw beyond the lies, even the ones that I couldn't see beyond. And though he put me through many tears and moments of sorrow with that sight of his, in the end, I fell in love with him for it. I fell in the love person who cherished me not for my beauty, not for my apparent happiness, but for who I was, a lonely woman whose life was falling down.


A/N I don't know much about weddings. I haven't attended one since I was four. So if I'm wrong, deal with it.

I hope you like. I'm taking a chance here on this story, putting it up without finishing more of it, but hey, let's see where it goes, alright? I apologize in advance if I end up never finishing this… I really would like to finish something besides a one-shot for a change, but my muses never seem to agree.

Please review; it'll probably inspire me to continue this, which is something I'd like to do.