
aobi- hey my lovely readers I promised you a sequel now didn' I so here it is now guys real quick I need your vite should I keep make a another squel for fighter or end it with a lovely ending I made so when you finsh reading vote ok bye-bye


Christina Agulieria- hurt

Marron 5 ft rihanna- If I never see your face again

also pics on page of what sakura was wearing if I didn't gove much details also I changed my name so dont you wont get confused

The Return of cherry blossom deliver

2 weeks later

As weeks pass from the day sakura saw sasuke. Sakura went everyday to the same club to see of he was still there but she never had hope. Valentines was coming up soon and she was being stalked by fan boys every 15 mins.

2 days later

"come on sakura stop going to that club already today I valentines take out one your fan boys already" Ino said

"No I told you already I don't date fan boys" sakura said tired

"well what are you gonna do on valentines"

Sakura stopped for a moment to think that over.

'mm what am I gonna do…that's a good question'

'well I got the answer you are probably going back to that club again just to see if sasuke is still there right'

'yea …but this is the last time ok no more but I hope he is there'

'alright but if he isn't then that's your lost also lets change I hate being in our ninja artier on valentines day'

At the club

As sakura walks to the club with a Red Trumpet Dress and her hair in a smooth side bun. When she went into the club, it was really packed with a lot of couples and the clubs was decorated with hearts and follower with so free sweets on each table. As sakura looks around the club to find a free seat. Finally she finds one with a man that had a red hoodie on and a extra seat next to him.

"Um…excuse me may I seat her with you Mr." sakura asked

The man turned around with the hoodie still covering his face so sakura couldn't really tell who it is.

"Oh…ah sure Mrs.-" the mans put out his hand

"Haruno Sakura Haruno sir" as sakura shakes his hand

"So Mrs.Haruno what is a lady like yourself dress all beautifully come to this club with out a man near your side" the man asked

"Well Mr.-

"you can call me Saski if you want"

"Well um….Saski I am here because I'm waiting for someone but what brings you here?

"Oh me I'm here cause I'm here to perform""Oh really well I was actually here to perform too"

"Well I will love to hear you sing"

The manger walked on the stage. "alright people are you having a wonderful valentines cause I am so with out further or due here is Haruno Sakura"

"wish me good luck Saski" sakura said standing up

"Good luck sakura" Saski said

Sakura walked up on stage and sat on a stool that was placed in the middle of the stage.

"This song is for my lover that I miss"

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face

You told me how proud you were but I walked away

If only I knew what I know today

Sakura eyes was starting to water up

I would hold you in my arms

I would take the pain away

Thank you for all you've done

Forgive all your mistakes

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To hear your voice again

Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit

Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss

You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

Would you tell me I was wrong?

Would you help me understand?

Are you looking down upon me?

Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To have just one more chance

To look into your eyes and see you looking back

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do

And I've hurt myself

Sakura got off the chair and walked to the top end of the stage

If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that

I've missed you since you've been away

Oh, it's dangerous

It's so out of line to try to turn back time

Then sakura looked to the crowd with tear stained eyes

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do

Then she fell to her knees

And I've hurt myselfBy hurting you

AS sakura walks off stage to the table she was at before she felt a hand on her shoulder. Sakura turns around to see Saski holding her shoulder.

"Um….sakura I was wondering If you would help me sing this song I was gonna sing It's that the song is a duo"

"Um…sure I would be glad to" sakura said smiling

"ok here is the song we will be on in 15 mins from now" Saski handed her the song sheet .Sakura a read all the words about 15 time. By the time she was finish it was already their time to sing. So sakura and Saski walked up stage and grabbed a mic.

"alright ready sakura" Saski whispered to Sakura

"Sure I'm ready"

The manger went back on the stage.

"Ok give a round of applause to Saski and Sakura"

(a/n- S Saski and SH sakura while SS both Saski and sakura)


Now as the summer fades, I let you slip away

You say I'm not your type, But I can make you sway.

Then he looked at sakura

It makes you burn to learn, You're not the only one

I'd let you be if you put down your blazing gun.


Now you've gone somewhere else, Far away

I don't know if I will find you (find you, find you).

But you feel my breath, On your neck

Then she moved behind Saski

Can't believe I'm right behind you (right behind you).


'Cause you keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

And if I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight


Sometimes you move so well

It's hard not to give in.


I'm lost, I can't tell

Where you end and I begin.


It makes me burn to learn

I'm with another man.


I wonder if he's half

The lover that I am.

Then he pointed to himself


Now you're gone somewhere else, Far away

I don't know if I will find you (find you, find you).

But you feel my breath, On your neck

Then he moved behind sakura

Can't believe I'm right behind you (right behind you).


'Cause you keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

And if I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight


Baby, baby

Please believe me

Find it in your heart to reach me

Then he spanned sakura around

Promise not to leave me behind

(Promise not to leave me behind)


Take me down, but take it easy

Make me think but don't deceive me

Talk to me bout taking your time

(Talk to me, talk to me)


'Cause you keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

And if I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

'Cause you keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

And if I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight

"YYYYEEEEEAAAAAA" the crowd says. Then Saski takes sakura by the hand and walks her off stage then out side

Outside -on a bridge

"Wow sakura you did great I'm impressed"

"Oh thank you Saski um…can a ask you a question please?" sakura asked\

"Sure sakura-chan what Is it" Saski smirked at sakura awhile sakura blushed

"Well Saski-kun I was wondering why you cover your face form me I mean it's not like you cant trust me…..right?" sakura looked at Saski in the eyes

"…-humph-…well I guess there no hiding anymore but before answer your question let me ask mine what do you mean about 'my lover I miss' ?"

Sakura looked down at the pond.

"Well his name was sasuke Uchiha (sp?) he was a boy I loved the most since childhood well 2 week ago form now he came back and listen to me sing but after I realized it was him he left already and I still miss him" sakura eyes stared to water

"Sakura what if I was to say I wasn't who I really am" Saski said looking at the pond

"Then who are you?" sakura said as she wiped her tears away

"I'm so sorry for all the pain I have cause you I never mean to make you suffer-"

"Sasuke it that who you are?" sakura said as she moved closer to him

"Yea sakura it me" then he took off his hood to relieve sasuke himself

"oh sasuke" sakura said as she puts him in a huge then she looked at him into his eyes

"I forgive you for all you mistakes and promise that you wont leave me like last time" sakura said as she moves closer to him

"I promise my cherry blossom fighter" as their lips touch in a passionate kiss it started to rain

"I love you sakura"

"I love you too sasuke-kun"