Authors note: I have read a couple of these and loved them so I decided to see if I would enjoy writing them as much as I did reading them-and I do! Anyway please read and review as this is only my 2nd fic. Please also read Are you cross? My other fic which is a story of bonding when Sirius and Remus raise Harry after rescuing him from the Dursleys at the age of 4. Thank you! And enjoy!
Hogwarts Characters biggest secrets!
Chapter 1: Draco Malfoy
1) When his father first told him about death eaters his first question was 'What's the point?'. His father had sniffed and cuffed him around the head but he did explain, even after the explanation on 'inferior Mudbloods' there still didn't seem much point to the youngest Malfoy. There had been many questions after that, but they had all been shunned. Apparently, the Malfoy heir was supposed to just accept it.
2) Although Harry Potter is his biggest nemesis he has a grudging respect for him. After all he has battled Voldermort about five times when he, Draco, couldn't even say no to a simple dark mark. That was the biggest regret of his life, the people he could have helped and the amount of his own pride he could have saved by following his instincts.
3) Although he was glad to get on the Slytherin Quidditch team he wished he could have gone through the proper trials and got it through skill just so he could prove to everyone that he was good enough. Instead his father insisted they did it the 'pure blood way' and replaced the whole teams broomsticks to ensure that they had to let his son on the team.
Draco hated never being able to prove himself, the sorting hat had said he had 'a thirst to prove himself' and had said it was a Slytherin trait. Draco had been so glad to get to Hogwarts, thinking he would finally get his chance to shine, but in all seven years; it never happened.
In his classes, his father made sure he secured high marks simply from threats. In Quidditch, bribery fit the bill, even his friends were simply formed from his father's wishes. Draco always followed his father's orders, from fear but also from a measure of respect. The only one of his father's orders that he gave up on was befriending Harry Potter; it only took one meeting with him to know that there was no possibility of them ever being civil.
4) Draco's biggest wish is to have true friends to rely on instead of people like Crabbe and Goyle who just do his bidding and are only for show. It annoyed him when he lookd across and saw Harry being in a massive cluster of faithful friends, it was partly what fuelled the hate he held for the boy-who-lived.
5) When his father went to prison Malfoy became even more protective of his mother and if it wasn't for the task Voldermort had set him he wouldn't have returned to Hogwarts for his last year. He would have stayed and looked after her. She had showed him the love that Draco had never experienced from anyone else.
6) He hates his name and its meaning. Draco means large serpent or dragon and Malfoy means bad faith. Right from the day he was born he had been destined to be in Slytherin, after all, what Gryffindor had a name meaning snake? His name was Slytherin, he had to be Slytherin. Sometimes he wished he could surprise everyone and not fulfil everyone's expectations and just be himself.
7) Draco only puts on his arrogant posture, really he doesn't think he is any better than anyone else. He knows that there are people out there who would beat him in a duel, who have more courage, more brains and more ability. But his father's brainwashing means even now, with his own wife and kid, he cannot admit that he is not superior.
8) If Draco could be three things he would….
- be brave, when he hears of Harry's latest adventures he knows he would never have the guts to do what Harry had done. He also would like to have been brave enough to tell his father that he didn't agree with what he was doing and the deeds he was performing. Maybe if he had then he could have saved a lot of his family's suffering.
- be loyal, when he sees how Harry's friends always stick together and bail each other out of trouble he wishes he could do that to one of his friends and vice versa.
-be better in lessons than Hermione Granger. It has always frustrated him that someone with no wizarding blood in the family could be better at magic then he is when he comes from one the oldest wizarding families in Europe. He also hates to disappoint his parents, well, his mother. His mother always looked so sad, but maybe that was just because she is well aware of the beating Draco would get from his father for not being the best, like purebloods should be.
9) Draco doesn't like Pansy Parkinson very much. She is so smarmy that it gets to the point where she is downright annoying and she agrees to everything he says which makes him have no respect for her. Her father said she would be suitable, so he asked her out, never had he been so relieved as the time when his father said he preferred Astoria, the girl Draco had secretly loved and admired for months. So he split up with Pansy and married Astoria, finally he thought he was happy.
10) But sometimes he wonders what his life would have been like and if he would have been even happier if he had been placed in Gryffindor…