Hello! Thanks for clicking on my story. This is my second fanfiction story, and I plan on making it a good one. Bleach and its people are Tite Kubo's. Not mine. Yo...

Rating: M

Pairing: Ishida Ichigo

Ichigo sat staring at the computer screen, watching as the screen saver moved around. "Wow…" he thought, "im watching a screen saver... What the fuck am I doing?" His thoughts were interrupted as he heard a voice all from down stairs.

"Nii-san(1)!! Someone's here for you!! "

Ichigo answered. "Yes, im coming Yuzu.. Thanks" Ichigo pulled himself off of his chair and walked down the stairs. Thinking that he was going to see Inoue or Chad, he sighed quietly. When he reached the bottom of his stairs, he turned the corner, and pure shock appeared on his face.

"I-Ishida!" his face flooded. "W-What are you doing??" He felt his pants tighten as Ishida spoke.

"Well, Kurosaki… I was walking around and I thought that I could drop in. That is, if you don't mind." He fixed his glasses and looked at Ichigo questionably.

Ichigo nodded and turned around, to hide the faint blush that was slowly creeping onto his cheeks. "Yeah, I guess… Whatever." Ichigo turned and began walking up stairs. Behind him, he heard Ishida taking his shoes off and following him.

Since Ichigo could remember, he had always had the biggest crush on Ishida. He sometimes found himself backing up, or walking behind Ishida so that he could watch him walk. Some nights, he would touch himself, all the while moaning Ishida's name. He didn't know how much longer he could hold it inside. He thought that Ishida would hate him for such love. But Ichigo didn't care in the least. To him, Love was love.

Ichigo reached his room and walked in, sitting back on the computer chair he had left moments ago. Ishida followed suit and sat on the floor.

"Ya know Ishida; ya don't have to sit on the floor… You can sit on a chair or my bed. Doesn't make a difference to me…" Ichigo shrugged and began to watch the screen saver once more. He heard Ishida moving around behind him, but he didn't know exactly what he was doing, so he turned around to look. "Ishida, what the hell are you doing?"

Ishida was walking around Ichigo's room, inspecting everything. He slowly walked up to one wall, and grabbed a small trinket and looked at it. Ichigo just stared at him.

"Ishida, what are you doing? I didn't say that you could just walk around and inspect my room…" Ishida looked at him with a blank look.

"Ah, Im sorry Kurosaki. I forgot my manners." He replaced the trinket and fixed his glasses again.

"Whatever…" Ichigo looked away, "I don't really care…" He spun the chair around as he got off of it. "Ishida, don't touch anything while I'm gone." Ishida looked at him.

"Fine. But, where are you going?"

"The bathroom, geez! Do I have to inform you of everything??" He sighed and walked out of the room, leaving a very confused Ishida standing there.

'Hm, Kurosaki is gone… Let's have a look around.' Ishida began to investigate once more, moving about. Ishida began to look though random drawers, trying to dig up some dirt. As he opened one of Ichigo's bedside drawers, he came upon a little red book. Ishida looked at it curiously.

'No way in hell Kurosaki would have a diary! This is way to perfect' Ishida opened the little book to the first page. He began to read.

"April 14th 2007--

It's hard to put up with Rukia, Living in my damn closet and all… As well has hiding her from my family... Dad tried to kill me again, but gave him a good kick in the face. Yuzu is sick again, Poor girl. She is so busy taking care of us, that he never takes care of herself--"

"Wow…" Ishida said aloud before he remembered and covered his mouth. 'I would have never thought that Kurosaki would be one to be all mushy and stuff…' He turned the pages till he got to the diaries last entry.

"June 8th 2007--

I can't take it any more. The pain of hiding everything from him, not being able to tell him how I really feel, I want him to know what I do at night, thinking about him touching me, running his slender fingers all over my body-- "

Ishida's face began to warm. 'He?! What the hell? Who is Kurosaki talking about??' Ishida continued to read.

"-- Letting me fuck him senseless till he's screaming my name. I want to yell his name as I come-- Uruyu Ishida, I Love you."

I book fell onto the floor with a loud 'thump' as the realization of what he had just read hit him like a million bricks. 'Kurosaki.. He… He's a …. And he loves…' Ishida heard the door open and he knew it was too late to hide the book. He looked at Ichigo as he saw Ichigo's eyes grow wide.

Ichigo's eyes flashed from Ishida's stunned face, to the open diary lying on the floor. "Ishida... I…I told you not to go snooping around…" Ichigo stared into Ishida's face, looking for the least bit of emotion. He ran over to the book and picked it up, looking at the entry he had read. 'No... He... He read it…' Ishida looked at Ichigo.

"S-so it's true then... W-what the entry said. Kurosaki... Your… gay?" Ichigo looked hurt. The word stung him like cold water. Ishida stared at Ichigo as he slowly turned away.

"Ishida... Im sorry I know its wrong…" he took a large gulp of air, holding the book so tightly his hands began to turn white, "but, I can't help it. I-I mean, We've been great friends and all, Its just.. I-I like you more then a friend…" Ichigo turned around the face Ishida.

"Kurosaki… It's wrong. Being…Gay… It's just not natural…" Ishida saw Ichigo's head fall.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. ….I think it would be best if you left…" Ishida nodded and walked past Ichigo.

"Kurosaki... Just so you know... I-I kinda have a crush on you too… But, I've learned its wrong… And I've learned to live with that fact. We'll be friends Kurosaki… But, nothing more…" Ishida left the room, slowly closing the bedroom door behind him.

Ichigo let the book fall to the ground once more. As it fell, it opened to the entry Ishida had found. Ichigo began reading it as tears filled his eyes. Tear drops fell onto written words, as the ink bled, Ichigo remembered Ishida's words.

'I kinda have a crush on you too…… Be friends... nothing more…'

(1) Nii-San- Brother