Two Stone Hearts Sasuke Love Story Chapter 42

Sasuke POV

Sleep came easy as both me and Runa were tired from the night at the festival. When she showed me the tape of the performance and told me that we were going to do something like that I was concerned about the pain and hurt I was going to be in as well as the others. When I woke up I looked to see that Runa was gone but there was a note beside me from her. It told me to bring Naruto, Hinata, Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, and Sakura to our secret spot for special training. I sighed and got up and put on my training clothes and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading to Naruto's house. I walk up and knock at the door but to my surprise Hinata answers the door.

You: Hinata what are you doing here this is Naruto's house? She looked at me and blushed a bright red.

Hinata: It was late and Naruto didn't want me to travel at night back home so he invited me to his house and I said yes. I looked back to see that Naruto was just finishing the dishes from their breakfast.

Naruto: Hey Sasuke what brings you here this early in the morning and where is Runa? I looked at him and back to Hinata.

You: She just told me to get you and go get Ino, Sakura, Kiba, and Shikamaru and meet at mine and her secret spot for something special about the talent show. They both nod as Hinata takes off to her house and to Sakura and Ino as Naruto changed into training clothes and then we both took off towards Kiba's and Shikamaru's house to pick them up.

Naruto: So do you know what this special thing is about the talent show that would take all of us. I nod but didn't say a word. So are you going to tell me what it is? I shook my head no and smirk.

You: That would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it so come on we still need to get to Kiba's place and then to Shikamaru's place. He nods as we arrive to Kiba's place and from there went to Shikamaru's place. We then all met up at the lake they all look at me confused as to why they are all here.

Sakura: So where is this secret place Sasuke that is where the training for the talent show is taking place? I look around but a voice spoke that could only be one person that I had not seen all morning.

Runa: We can't show you the way but don't worry I can get you all there oh and Sasuke sorry I left so early in the morning working on setting up the stuff for practice. I feel her grab my hand and then kiss my check. Well Tenten and Neji are already there practicing so let's get going so everyone grab hands and hold on tight. They all gather around and hold on tight as she does the jutsu to move us to the secret spot. In a puff of smoke we left the lake and appeared at the tree to see that both Neji and Tenten were practicing on the trampoline. I could tell the others were not sure about what they were seeing as both Neji and Tenten stopped and walked towards us.

Naruto: So Sasuke you can do this stuff? I looked at him and nod but look down.

You: Just a little but trust me it is harder than you think right Neji? Neji nods as he is breathing hard and we all turn to Runa who was holding a script of a story.

Runa: Okay this is how it goes the story is about a human prince falling in love with a demon princess. They nod following so far. But the human queen wishes for her son to marry the human princess and the demon father wishes for his daughter to marry the demon prince. They agree but deep down they looked nervous. Okay now for the parts is everyone ready? They all nod and I nod but I know my part already. Okay good now the demon princess will be me and the demon prince will be Naruto. Naruto nods but looks nervous. The human prince will be Sasuke and the human princess will be Hinata. I nod and look to see Naruto talking to Hinata about something. Okay the queen will be Tenten and the king will be Neji. They nod agreeing to the spot. The friend of the demon princess will be played by Sakura and the friend of the human prince is Kiba. They nod and Runa continues. The human guard is Choji and the demon guard is Shino. The human friend for the human princess is Ino and the demon friend of the demon prince is Rock Lee. Who I didn't even know was here but he had somehow appeared here. Okay now White Blaze will be with the demons and Akamaru will be with the humans. We all nod and then she smiles. Okay guys that is it now it is time to practice just using the trampoline and trapeze. They all nod and she smiles.

Your POV

I had just gave everyone their parts and the scripts. I knew the next thing was going to scare some but I knew they could all do it.

You: Okay first I need everyone to stretch good before we start on the real stuff. They nod and start to stretch and I see that Sasuke is stretching as well. I then walk over and grab some leather grip gloves for the trapeze. About twenty minutes later I called them all to stop. Okay guys that is good now it is time to see what we can really do. I start to hand out gloves and they put them on. Okay now you will need these to start on the trapeze sense that is where we are starting today. They nod and then she looks at me. Sasuke lets head up and show them how it works. I nod and we walk towards the pole to see no ladder going up.

Sasuke: Where is the ladder to take us up to the top Runa? I look at him and whistle and two ropes with loops in the end come down.

You: We take these up to the top Sasuke put your foot into the loop and hold on to the rope and we go up. He nods and does as I said and I put my foot into the loop and the next thing we both know we are going up. We stop at about three stories but I had to makes sure they knew the performance would be five maybe even six stories.

Sasuke: Just like before right I have to start with a lot of power behind my jump to make it across. I nod and he grabs the bar from the nail. With that he runs and then jumps across and does a spin and then grabs the next bar and swings and goes to the next bar doing a flip and then a spin. He ends on the platform with two flips and lands great. I smile he was getting better fast which was good.

You: GOOD JOB SASUKE NOW HOW ABOUT I SHOW YOU HOW IT IS DONE!?!? He looks at me confused and I whistle again and a special set of bars come down there is a circle with bars hanging down from it about six of them hanging in the middle of that is two ribbons. The above that is a circle of thin wire for walk across. I knew it looked hard but I had done things like this before I then look down to see that Blaze had removed the net and replaced them with the trampolines about five of them and four going up the poles two on each side. But the thing that got everyone was that the poles went up three more stories and there was above the wire a circle bar special for the end of the show where both me and Sasuke would end up. OKAY NOW WATCH THIS AND TAKE IT ALL IN THIS WHAT THE STAGE WILL LOOK LIKE FOR THE TALENT SHOW OH AND SASUKE THIS IS PART OF THE FINAL ACT SO WATCH CAREFULLY!!! Everyone nods and I take a big breath I had only done things like this years ago and I was a little nervous but I had to push that aside and do this to show them it was possible. I then grab the bar that had swung towards me and just jump off the platform and my legs swing on to the bar and I swing then flip up and grab the ribbon and wrap my one leg and arm around them. I then spot the bar that I needed and jumped from the ribbon to the bar and I stand up and jump from bar to bar doing spins and flips from bar to bar. I then do a long flip to the wire and pray my feet stick the landing. They do and I leap and jump and walk across the wire that was when I heard something and I look to see that Sasuke was trying to get up to me. I smile and jump down and garb the bar that was below me and swung my legs so I was hanging upside down. Sasuke what are you doing you are not ready to do all of this. He looked at me and smiled.

Sasuke: You looked like you were having fun so I figured I would join you so tell me what I am going to do. I smile he was going to be a great student when it came to this.

You: Follow and assist me and just perform how you like it needs to look like we are dancing in the sky you think you can do that? He looks at me and nods. Blaze put the net back up and lower the stuff back to three stories. Blaze does that and we hold onto the bars tight as we get closer to the ground. Okay now Neji and Tenten would you be so kind to work with everyone on the lower trapeze and the trampoline. They both nod and start to split up into groups to work the group to get them use to the idea of the jumps and the bars. Okay let's begin Sasuke just follow me and we will be able to get this taken care of and help the others but only we use this trapeze in the middle so let's get use to this together and put on an amazing performance. With that Sasuke and I practiced the scenes that we would do together and the ones that would be our solos and both of us quickly got them down which shocked me. It was around lunchtime when I figured we could all use a break and then Sasuke and I need to work with Naruto and Hinata on the parts we would have with them after lunch and then call it a day and head back home for some rest.

Sasuke: Sure that would be great. With that we jump the platform that we were closest to and grab the ropes to take us down to join the group. They look to see we are done with the upper trapeze and I waved them over.

You: Okay guys how about some lunch and then Naruto, Hinata you will be joining me and Sasuke in the upper trapeze. The rest of you need to come up with your own thing. They looked at me confused. Okay how is the easy way to say this. I think and then it hit me. Naruto and Hinata need a special move together. Same with everyone else so think hard and then try it on the lower or if you need something special then tell me and I will make it so you can work with it. They all nod and then looked confused as to what to do next. Oh sorry everyone hold hands and I will take you back to the lake. They nod and I teleport back to the lake. When back to the lake we broke the circle and I looked at them. Okay guys meet back here in an hour take a good break and grab lunch and then here and don't be late otherwise I will send Blaze to find you. They nod and all of them take off but Sasuke stayed by my side.

Sasuke: How about we go grab a bite to eat back home and rest and watch a little TV how does that sound? I nod and he takes my hand and we both head back home to grab some lunch and rest a little bit before heading back to practice some more.

End of Chapter 42