1Chapter 1: The Storm
Aang and his friends including Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Teo, Haru, and the Duke were all on Appa. They were flying through the Fire Nation deciding what to do next.
Katara looked up at the sky and saw thunder rumbling. "Guys, we should land and make shelter. It looks like rain."
"Good idea." Aang landed Appa and they all got off and started walking.
Zuko noticed a small building ahead. "Hey, why don't we stay there? That looks cozy enough."
"You want to go in some strange building in the middle of a forest?" Katara put her hands on her hips and glared at Zuko. "You are crazy!"
"Well, if someone's living there and he or she is not with my father, we can leave!" Zuko said.
"You make it sound so easy..." Katara shook her head.
The gang walked up to the door of the building. Well, more like a house. Toph's 'vision' perked up.
"The vibrations sound familiar. But also, not familiar." Toph told them.
Aang knocked on the door. The door opened and reaveled...
"Uncle?" Zuko's eyes widened
"Zuko?" Iroh raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here? And with he Avatar?"
"I joined the avatar after the eclipse." Zuko explained. "I realized that my father sucks and the only way to stop the war and bring peace and kindness back into the Fire Nation was to join the avatar and deflate my head a little."
Iroh gaped in shock. He pinched himself to see if he was dreaming. He wasn't. Iroh smiled and hugged Zuko..
"I'm so proud of you!" Iroh exclaimed. "I hoped you would come to your senses before it was too late!
"This is a really touching moment." Sokka said shedding a tear. "But can we please come in? It's starting to rain."
"Of course! Come in, come in!" Iroh stepped aside to let everybody in. "I see some unfamiliar faces."
"Oh, yeah." Aang stepped in. "Iroh, this is Haru, Teo, and the Duke. Both Teo's and Haru's fathers and The Duke's friend got captured when we invaded the Fire Nation. Haru, Teo, and the Duke, this is Iroh. He's the Fire Lord's brother, but he's on our side."
"Hi." The Duke greeted.
"Pleasure to meet you." Haru bowed.
"Yeah, same." Teo added.
"And it's a pleasure to meet all of you!" Iroh bowed. "Now, who wants tea?"
Zuko sighed happily. "I missed your tea."
Iroh smiled teasingly. "My plan is complete! Mwahahaha..."
The gang heard Appa growl outside. Aang looked concerned. "Crap, that doesn't sound good."
The gang headed to the door...
The door slammed open revealing Mai, Azula, and Ty Lee. Sokka screamed and jumped into Haru's arms.
"...Gained a little weight lately?" Haru asked.
"Maybe a little..." Sokka replied.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Katara demanded.
Iroh and Zuko walked into the foyer to see what was going on.
"Azula!" Zuko exclaimed.
"Toph." Toph said in a deadpan. Everyone stared at her. "Great, now that everyone knows each other, what the hell do you want, Azula?"
"The Avatar and my brother and uncle dead." Azula glared at the three.
Zuko gaped at Mai. "Even you, Mai?"
"Hey, you left me! What did you expect me to do?" Mai asked.
"I'm sorry about that, but I left you a letter!"
"You did?" Mai asked, confused.
Azula turned to Mai. "Of course he didn't, Mai. He's obviously lying!"
"He is not, Azula! Remember, I can tell if people lie!" Toph yelled.
Mai glared at Azula. "You suck."
"Well, Zuko turned me against my father!" Azula told her. "GOD! We came here to kill Zuko, Iroh, and the avatar and bring their bodies to my father!"
"Okay, what kind of crap villain are you?" Sokka asked. "You're not supposed to reveal your secret plan!"
"It's not that much of a secret." Iroh commented.
"Guys, come on." Ty Lee said. "There's a big storm going on outside, and I really don't feel like traveling in this weather."
"Me neither." Mai sighed.
Azula groaned. "Fine!"
"Okay, so what are we supposed to do until the storm is over and we can be on our way?" Sokka asked.
Ty Lee stroked her chin in thought. Then she gasped and smiled. "We can play sleepover games!"
Everyone stared at Ty Lee. "Say what?"
"You know, like Truth or Dare, I Never, and stuff like that!" Ty Lee explained. "It will be fun!"
"Well, I guess it would kill time." Katara replied.
Aang and Sokka gaped at her. "Katara, seriously? Truth or Dare with the dangerous ladies?" Sokka asked.
"Got any better ideas?" Katara asked.
"Uh...we kill the girls on the spot."
"HEY!" Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko all glare at Sokka.
"I'm kidding! God..." Sokka shook his head. "All right, fine. We'll play."
"Whoo!" Ty Lee jumped up and down and clapped her hands.
Azula glared at her. "Never do that again."
The group sat down in a circle.
I'll start the games in the next chapter. Let me know what you think! Oh, and Truth or Dare ideas are welcome!