All My Brothers – Part 1
By: Reba Jean, June, 2001
E-mail: [email protected]
Rating: PG13/R
Genre: Romance/comedy

Disclaimer: Characters are based on Sailor Moon copyright 1992 by Naoko
Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation, English language adaptation copyright
1995 by DIC Entertainment. This story is not intended for monetary gain
or tangible profit, but purely for entertainment of the readers.
Notes: This is an alternate timeline / storyline. It references plot
elements from the manga, anime, and novels by Lianne Sentar based on
the anime, and is not totally consistent with any one of these. Names
are a mixture of English and Japanese.

Theme: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man
sows, that he will also reap." Gal. 6:7

Serena sat on the edge of the koi pond idly tossing pebbles into the
water and watching the patterns of the ripples. Her friend Rei
finished raking the gravel curves around the giant black meteorite in
the center of the meditation garden at Cherry Hill Temple. The other
girls had already left.

"Why did you want me to stay? Its late, nearly dinner time and I'm
starving", whined Serena.

"I wanted to try and talk some sense into you privately", answered Rei.
"You're going to get yourself in trouble if you don't stop sneaking out
at night alone to go over and stay at Darien's. You could get mugged
or worse. Not to mention, Rini's not around any longer to play

Red faced, Serena shouted angrily, "Who told you that? I'm going to
pound them into the ground!"

"Luna", replied Rei. "She said she was worried about you and that you
wouldn't listen to her."

"Where is that nosy cat! I'm gonna throw her in the pond for your fish
to eat!" Screeched Serena.

Luna slipped out of sight around a boulder. "My, my," said Luna to
herself, "at least Rei is getting some reaction."

"Rei, I don't see that my PRIVATE affairs are any of your business
anyway," complained Serena.

"Anything that can hurt you is scout business. Even if it's your own
stupidity at getting yourself into a situation that you shouldn't,"
replied Rei.

"Nothing like that's gonna happen," pouted Serena, "Darien never does
anything; he's always a perfect gentleman." Adding to herself, "No
matter what I do."

"Oh, I'm not worried about anything he might do. You're the one that
can't be trusted to behave! You have no control with food and eat
constantly. You always sleep late. You never study. And you're
incredibly lazy," cataloged Rei.

"I'm not staying around here any longer just so you can insult me.
You're just a bossy, nosy, old grouch!" cried Serena as she ran out of
the temple grounds.

"Sorry about that Rei. At least you tried," said Luna as she emerged
from beneath the bushes where she was hiding. She trotted out the gate
following Serena home at a safe distance.


Running down the stairs, snatching her math book off the pile on the
table, Serena flew out the door. Yelling over her shoulder, "I'm off
to do math, got some problems due tomorrow and a test."

She hopped, skipped, and jogged along the street, partly from the chill
February night air, partly from anticipation. As usual, she reached
Darien's apartment much more quickly than the walk home. Ringing the
bell, she danced around juggling her math book, purse, and shopping bag
from her expedition with Mina earlier that day.

Darien answered the door clad in a solid black set of sweats. "Oh, Hi
Serena, come on in." Seeing her textbook, he groaned, "I'm not going
to do your homework for you this time, no matter how much you whine and
beg. It's late and I'm beat. Couldn't you have started earlier for
once?" Serena didn't stop to answer, tossing her jacket and stuff in
the corner. She flew at him in a move like a football tackle and
grabbed him in one of her bear hugs. This elicited a genuine groan of
pain, "Watch it, please! I'm still hurting from that dustup this
afternoon at the Power Plant Park."

Concerned, she asked. "What happened? Are you all right?"

"Oh, it's nothing much," he answered. "Lita got jumped this afternoon
and called Ami for help. I think you and Mina were still in detention.
Rei and I were the only ones close enough to get there in time. I was
checking out the new mountain bike trails and so was right there. Lita
was surrounded by like ten huge weird looking guys in old 60's hippie
outfits. They were sort of bulked up about twice normal size. Lita
took out four; I got the rest except for two that got away. Rei
blasted one guy running toward the lake and I chased after the other
guy who climbed to the top level of the old power plant. While we were
fighting we sort of rolled down some stairs. When I knocked him out he
went back to normal size."

Darien moved into the kitchen and told Serena to bring in her math and
to get started while he fixed some coffee. She actually worked, with
the usual moans, groans, and complaints about cruel taskmasters, for
about an hour. The phone rang, interrupting the current series of
whining. Darien answered the phone and passed it to Serena, "It's for
you. It's your Mom."

"Hi, Mom," Serena answered. "Say how did you know where I was?" She
inadvertently asked out loud, curiosity getting the better of her.

Unfazed her mother answered, "Well, it was either Ami's or Darien's
since your math book was gone. And I think I know who would be more
likely to help you this late when you show up at their door begging.
That poor guy is a pushover where you are concerned. You do know how
late it is don't you? Are you finished yet? How much longer do you
think you will be?"

"Well, gee, I dunno. I'm only about half done, he wouldn't do any of
the problems for me and made me do them myself," she pouted. This was
accompanied by laughter from Darien at Serena's comments. She stuck
out her tongue and rolled her eyes at him.

"Well it's too late for you to be out alone. Have Darien drive you
home when you finish," began her mother, but stopped in mid-sentence.
"I just remembered, is he all right? He rode by here on his bike this
afternoon looking for you and seemed kind of dazed or out of it. He
was all scraped and bruised and the back of his tee shirt had a bunch
of blood spots. He said that he took a spill in some thorn bushes. He
wouldn't let me look at any of it though. If he has a head injury,
that could be serious, and he should have somebody watch him."

"Hey, let me put you on hold so I can call Lita and check out
something," said Serena to her Mom. She called Lita and asked for her
version of what had happened at the park that afternoon.

Lita confirmed most of what Darien had told Serena. "But he didn't
just 'sort of roll down some stairs'. He and that guy were grappling
and fell head first down four levels of caged ladders and then rolled
down two levels of stairs punching each other. Darien took the weight
of both when they landed. The guy landed some pretty good blows before
Darien took him out." Lita said.

Serena frowned, and put her mother back on the line. "Lita was at the
park today and saw Darien take a pretty bad fall. But I guess Mr. Tuff
Guy must be all right because he landed on his head like you thought."

Ikuko sighed, "You better see if you can patch him up some. And
although it's against my better judgment, stay there tonight to make
sure he's okay. I'm sure he won't mind. 'You' behave though, Serena."

"Okay, bye, Mom." Replied Serena as she hung up the phone. "You won't
believe," began Serena, "My Mom told me to sleep with you tonight, uh
... I mean stay here tonight and make sure you're okay," she finished,
blushing furiously. From Darien's raised eyebrow and smirk it was
evident Serena was in for some major roasting.

Cutting him off before he could start in on her, Serena said, "Okay,
buddy, strip. Let me see how much damage you took today and what needs
to be cleaned up." Darien let out a loud "Yeeouch!" as Serena tugged
at his sweatshirt. "Oh, yuck! The cotton stuff is all stuck on those
scrapes on your back. I'm going to have to clean that off again.
Didn't you put anything on these cuts and scrapes?" she asked.

"Ow that hurts! I took a shower to wash off the dirt. Ouch! You're
using that stuff that really stings!" he whined.

"Oh stop being a baby, you don't even let out a sound when you really
get hurt. You're just trying to get me to stop. Now let me do your
legs." She ordered.

He backed away protesting, "I don't have anything else on."

"Well quit stalling, go put on some shorts or something. It's not like
I haven't seen you at least a hundred times when you transform." She
shouted at him as he retreated into the closet.

After she finished putting ointment on all the rest of the injuries,
she said "There all done. Was it really that bad?" Darien's back and
legs were a patchwork of gauze, tape, and Band-Aids.

"Yes. You're being mean. When I doctor you, I'm always kind and
gentle." He complained.

"Well go lay down and I'll rub on some of this liniment stuff that's
supposed to help bruises." She replied. Serena coated him with
liniment and massaged away much of the stiffness and pain. Darien was
half-asleep by the time she was finished. "I'm going to change and go
to sleep too," she called over her shoulder as she headed for the
bathroom. Serena tossed her clothes on the pile of laundry in the
corner and changed into the gown and kimono from her shopping bag.

"How do you like this? It's new," she asked as she came back into the
bedroom. A floor length wine colored kimono covered a short, low-cut
camisole of matching silk and lace. There was no answer from the
sleeping form draped across the bed. Serena tossed her robe on the
floor, crawled under the blankets, and went to sleep.

In the early morning hours before dawn, Serena awoke with a start. All
her senses were alive. "What, where?" she thought. Familiar touch,
scent, and warmth surrounded her. She relaxed. She was curled up
against Darien, her head tucked under his chin, enfolded in his arms.
He was moving restlessly against her. She tried shifting away a bit
but he just pulled her in closer. Totally distracted, she thought
"There's no way I can go back to sleep, and he doesn't even know what
he's doing to me." She turned to look at his face silhouetted in the
moonlight from the window. Fast asleep. Desire overtook her; she
turned back to him, and joined him as he dreamed.

A bit later Serena felt Darien shiver. He rolled over, murmuring
"Meatball head, I love you," and began snoring. Still keyed up, she
sighed and turned over, curled back to back for warmth. She burrowed
under the covers and drifted back to sleep.

Serena awoke to bright morning light. Gentle fingers were smoothing
her hair back off her face and a pair of deep blue eyes gazed up at
her. She was holding Darien close to her, his head pillowed on her
chest. "I could get used to waking up like this. Do you know just how
much I love you?" he asked.

She smiled and reached over and began combing his unruly mop of black
hair out of his eyes. "As much as I love you?" she bantered. Sliding
a hand back over his shoulder, her fingers encountered some of the
bandages she had applied the night before. "If you'll scoot over I'll
check and see if any of these patches can come off," she said.

"I can't move, you've got me trapped," he countered. There were
blankets, sheets, and legs twisted and tangled together.

"Well untangle yourself and roll over silly, " she replied. Pulling
back the sheet covering them, his eyes widened a bit as he gazed at
"You're blushing," she giggled.

"Well so are you, and you should be, trying to tease me that way," he
laughed. Darien reached out and smoothed the hem of her gown back down
over her hips. He pushed the straps of her top back up over her
shoulders and straightened the neckline. His fingers lingered and
traced the path of her strap up her shoulder to her neck and drew a
warm path up the side of her neck and face. Raising up, he cupped her
chin in his hand and kissed her lightly.

"Who's teasing who?" She murmured as she responded passionately,
drawing him closer.

A horrible buzzing, clanging noise filled the room. Darien swatted at
the alarm clock trying to kill the offending noise. On his third try
he hit the snooze button. "That will only shut it up for about ten
minutes," he said.

The mood broken, Serena said, "I might as well see to your back." She
padded into the bathroom and retrieved the ointment and liniment for
sore muscles. She pulled off the bandages and tape. "It's not too bad
now, everything except some of the deeper cuts are healing up pretty
well. It's a good thing you heal super fast," she commented.

"Yeah, but that's why I didn't want your Mom to see any of it
yesterday," he answered.

"So I'll just put some of this cream on and leave off the bandages,"
Serena concluded.

Darien stood up behind her, looking down. "I think I need a shower
first," he said.

Serena put the medications in her hands down on the nightstand. "I
could use a shower too," she murmured low and suggestively, batting her
eyelashes at him.

He reached around and hugged her to him and nuzzled her shoulder and
neck. "I think you're trying to seduce me. You're wearing that short
thing, you sleep with me, and now you want to take a shower with me,"
he teased.

"Mmm, maybe," she whispered. Kissing the nape of her neck, he
continued, "It's working. I was dreaming about making love with you
last night."

She answered, "I know."

Again the noise of the alarm intruded. With a sigh, Darien shut off
the noise, and headed into the bathroom. "I think it's trying to tell
us something."

Rummaging through the pile of laundry in the bathroom corner, Serena
retrieved her top, panties, and hose. "I can't find all my clothes. I
can't go home dressed in pajamas," she complained to the figure in the

"Well they're not in here with me," he quipped, "I was already asleep
when you came to bed last night. I don't know where you hid your
stuff. Take something of mine if you need to, I don't care." Serena
moved out into the other room in front of the mirror to fix her hair.

Emerging from the closet dressed in scrubs and carrying his lab coat,
Darien fished Serena's robe from the floor and threw it to her. "Do
you want to finish your math while I fix something to eat?" he asked.

"Sure, but I still need to put some medicine on your back," she

"Any excuse to get your hands on my gorgeous body," he said with a

"You're impossible! You are SO conceited!" Serena replied laughingly.
She quickly applied the ointment to his back and legs and straightened
his scrubs. Then smiling evilly, she swatted his butt and ran into the
kitchen. Darien started to run after her but stopped and again
retrieved her robe from the floor.

Serena was seated at the kitchen table, apparently diligently looking
at her papers. Darien tossed the robe at her, which landed on top of
her head. "Put that on now, if you want any help. There's no way I
can come over and think about math with you to look at. You're way too
distracting." Serena smiled at his flattery and finally slipped on the

After Darien had left for work, Serena washed the dishes and showered.
Scrounging through his dresser, she tried to find something that might
work for street clothes. Everything was way too big. The pants were
all too long. The shirts were huge. That was it, a long shirt, she
thought. Serena found a sleeveless sports jersey that just might work
as a jumper. She tried it on. That looks ok, not too bad, she
critiqued her appearance in the mirror.

Serena made it home with a couple of minutes to spare to change into
school clothes. Ikuko came by her room as she was changing. "How is
Darien doing?" she asked.

"He's ok. It wasn't nearly as bad as it looked yesterday," Serena
temporized. "I dosed him with antibiotic cream last night and again
this morning before he left for the hospital."

Her mom looked at her curiously, "The hospital?"

"To go to work. All his medical school class has clinical rotations
for the next two weeks. They work at the hospital all day and have
lectures in the evening. Then he has to work at his regular job all
day Saturday and Sunday," sighed Serena.

"It sounds like he won't have much time for anything for a while. Why
don't you invite him for dinner Thursday? He still needs to eat," said
her mother.

"Good idea! Thanks, Mom," called Serena as she flew out the door.


A ringing phone awakened Serena from a dreamless slumber. Her cat
clock shone 11:00PM. Who would be calling this late? "Hello," she
answered sleepily.

"Hi, Meatball Head!" a deep voice replied.

Serena complained, "Oh, you, you…you called this late to wake me up
just to insult me?"

"No, I just got off class and came home to a dark empty apartment. I
miss you," came the quiet reply. "Do you know how hard it was to leave
you this morning?" Warmed and touched by Darien's question, Serena
smiled at the cat curled up across the room who was listening to the
side of the conversation that she could hear.

They talked for a few minutes until Serena stifled a yawn. "Sorry, I
didn't catch what you said," she responded sleepily. "I love you too.
Oh, yeah, don't hang up. Mom said you should come over for dinner on
Thursday after you get off work. She said she knows you don't have a
lot of time but you still need to eat."

Darien laughed in reply. "Hey, so how did you do on that math test?
The usual?"

"No", came a slightly frosty reply. "This time I did good. I got a

"90? No way," said a surprised sounding Darien.

"Why doesn't anybody believe me? My dad asked if I had changed a 30 to
a 90. I'm not really that stupid; I just hate that kind of stuff, and
you know I hate studying," complained Serena.

"Sorry, I'm just surprised. I'm not trying to insult you this time.
And I don't want to hurt your feelings," apologized Darien. "I love
you and want you to be happy. And I wish you were here with me," he

"I wish I was with you too," whispered Serena as she put away the


A couple of days later, Andrew and Darien were kicked back watching the
soccer match on the big screen TV at the Sports-Bar-Laundry. "Want
another round?" asked Andrew.

"Sure, get a pitcher this time, there's still a pile of stuff to wash
and it looks like this game will run over," answered Darien. "I'm too
tired to care if I fall asleep in class tonight anyway."

Andrew returned from the bar with another pitcher and some pretzels,
pausing to stare at something in Darien's laundry basket. After
depositing the snacks on their table he sauntered back over to the
basket. With a grin, he held up a lacy bra and a short white skirt.
Digging deeper to see what else was buried, he pulled out a burgundy
silk kimono and matching short lacy camisole. He held the camisole up
against his shirt as if checking it for size. "Got a new hobby you
want to tell me about? When did you take up cross-dressing?" he

"Nah, that's more your style," retorted Darien.

Twirling the items in question around in the air, Andrew held up the
skirt and measured it with his hands. "That looks more like Serena's
size to me. Spill it, Buddy." Approaching his friend more closely, he
peered at Darien. "Nope, your ego isn't any more super-sized than
normal and you don't have that stupid grin you get when you've been up
to no good. So I'm guessing you didn't score."

"Whata you know, how do you know it's even her stuff? You know I gotta
beat 'em off with a stick," muttered Darien.

"I've helped you get away too many times before. And even with the way
you two squabble constantly, you've been gone on each other for years.
Besides, no other girl would put up with the crap you give her.

Hey man, what you two do is your own business. But you treat her
right. She was hurt really bad that time you broke up with her. I
don't like to see my friends hurt," Andrew warned.

Quietly, as if to himself, Darien replied, "I don't ever want to see
her hurt like that again either."


"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Come on back into the den,"
said Serena as she led Darien down the hall toward the back of the
house. As she passed the kitchen, her face took on a greenish hue.
"What's that smell?" she asked.

Her mother answered, "We're having Chinese tonight. It's egg foo yung.
That's okay for you, isn't it Darien?"

"Sure, anything is fine. I'm starved," he replied.

At that moment, Serena groaned and sprinted for the downstairs bath.
Darien followed. The sound of her being violently ill was audible
through the door. "Are you okay in there?" he asked concernedly. A
pale and shaky Serena emerged.

"All of a sudden I just felt really sick," she said. He put an arm
around her waist and helped her into the front living room to the couch
so she could lie down.

Sammy, ready as always to have an opportunity to pick on his sister,
skipped down the last few stairs and came into the living room.
"What's a matter – you getting tired of him? You getting sick as soon
as you see him?" Sammy taunted. Serena groaned and attempted to sit up
but fell back weakly.

Darien turned toward Sammy with an angry expression. "Leave your
sister alone; she doesn't feel well."

Sammy grinned and said, "Well then I'll just have to stay here and
"help". You gonna play doctor?"

Exasperated, Darien growled, "Out! Now!" and advanced toward the
annoying brother.

Sammy ran down the hall yelling, "Mom, Dad, Serena's boyfriend is
picking on me!"

From the kitchen, Ikuko yelled, "Sammy leave your sister alone. She's
sick. Go in the den and watch TV."

Kenji looked up from his paper, "Boyfriend?"

Ikuko looked at him with annoyance, "The same one who has been coming
around here for the last two years, Darien Mamoru Chiba. You know, the
medical student."

"Oh, that one," he said as he went back to reading.

Dinner passed uneventfully. All the food was eaten, except for the
bowl of plain steamed rice in front of Serena, at which she picked
fitfully. Darien put his napkin on the table and said, "Thanks for
inviting me for dinner, Mrs. Tsukino. It was great. I hate to quote
'eat and run' but I still have to go to lecture tonight from 7:00 till

Kenji looked up and asked, "What do you study?"

Darien answered, "Tonight it's a lecture on gastrointestinal diagnostic

Sammy laughed and said, "Good, you can practice on Serena and see why
you make her sick."

"Sammy go to your room," yelled the other Tsukino's in unison.

"I'll see you off," Serena told Darien as she walked with him out the
door onto the porch. Darien pulled her close and kissed her. Serena
rested her head on his shirt.

"I'm sorry you feel bad," he said. "I wish I could stay longer. I've
really missed not seeing you after school these last few days."

Serena looked up at him, "I've missed you too. I didn't realize just a
few days would seem so long without you. I love you so much." She put
her arms around his neck and pulled him down so she could kiss him

The forms of the two people embracing were visible against the twilight
of the setting sun. Ikuko looked down from the upstairs window. Kenji
was across the room putting something in the closet. "He's the one for
her you know", she said to Kenji.

"The one for what?" he answered curiously.

"The one she loves and who loves her. Your future son-in-law if I am
guessing right." She laughed at his appalled expression.

"She's only a little girl," he protested.

"Not that little anymore," she countered, smiling.


Everyone was outside for lunch break at school. Serena walked out
toward the group sprawled under the trees. "Hey Serena, we haven't
seen you hanging out much the last few days. Where've you been?" asked

"Yeah, no video games or scarfing down food at Crown Parlor," chimed in

Lita added, "You weren't at Ami's for study group Monday or at Rei's

Looking at Ami for confirmation, Mina said, "Come to think of it, your
keeper hasn't been around either. You two up to something?"

"Sheesh, don't you guys have anybody better than me to gossip about?
I've been at school every day, why gang up on me today?" Answered
Serena. "I've just gone home early mostly – to sleep! I've been really
tired lately and haven't felt very good either, some kind of bug I
guess. And if you think my "keeper" is Darien, look for him at the
medical school or hospital. I haven't seen him either. He's been
working 10's or 12's every day plus 3 or 4 hours of class every night,"
she complained.

"Oh, that's so boringly normal. Is that the best story you can think
of?" asked Lita.

Turning the tables, Serena started in, "Hey Ami, where is Gregg taking
you for Valentine's Day tomorrow? Or, Melvin, what are you getting

"Ooh, look at Melvin! He's red as a tomato!" Chortled Serena.

"I gotta go", muttered Melvin as he ran off.

"Serena, you idiot! Why did you have to say that – now I'll have to
ask him to go out with me," wailed Molly.

"Well you all started in on me. I guess you just can't take what you
dish out! I'm still hungry. I want some ice cream." Serena laughed
and walked back toward the cafeteria.


There was a loud knock at the Tsukino door, followed a few seconds
later by the bell ringing. "All right, just wait a minute, I'm
coming," grumbled Sammy as he left his TV show to go answer the front
door. He opened the door and peered out. An unconscious Serena was
cradled in Darien's arms. Sammy started laughing hysterically. "She
got drunk and passed out! This is so great, wait till I tell Dad and
Mom when they get back Sunday."

"Will you get out of the way so I can bring her in the house," growled
Darien. "She's not drunk. She just fell asleep on the way home."

"That's just as funny. So now you don't just make her sick when she
sees you, you're so boring you make her fall asleep. I love it."
Razzed Serena's little brother.

"Well then you can carry her upstairs to her room, if you think it's so
funny." Retorted a thoroughly pissed Darien.

"No way! She's way heavier than she looks. Just dump her on the couch
in the living room and let her sleep it off. I bet she'll be really
hung over tomorrow. She's not my problem; you're the one who took her
out drinking. I want to see the rest of my show." Sammy finished as he
walked toward the den.

Darien yelled after him, "She's not drunk!"

Talking to himself, "Well maybe a little. She didn't have that much to
drink. I think a carafe for both of us. Maybe she had, oh, two
glasses. Oh who cares," as he trudged up the stairs with Serena.

Entering Serena room, Darien placed her down on her bed. Should I
undress her, he wondered. Oh, why not? Nobody's around to complain.
Her brother would just laugh at her. She'll be more comfortable; he
rationalized. Darien took off her shoes and jacket and dropped them on
the floor. He tugged at her skirt. She always wears these tight
things. Oh yeah, it has a zipper. Duh. Skirt on the chair. Now what
do I do with these stupid panty hose? He pulled and pulled on the toes
and they stretched longer and longer. Oh well, they don't cost too
much (I hope). He tossed the tattered hose on the floor. Hmm, nah
better leave those on, she might get embarrassed. He fished for her
bra straps. Why on earth does she wear this thing with all that metal
and wire? He wondered. That can't be comfortable. She looks better
with it off anyway, heh, heh. She looks so cute asleep.

Darien picked up Serena's clothes and folded them neatly on the chair.
He looked around the room. Her notebook and markers were on the table
by the bed. Wonder what she's been drawing? He leafed through her
notebook. There were so many bunnies, unicorns and fairies. I wonder,
he thought, could I draw that? Giggling, Darien picked up Serena's
marker and started to draw. He sat back. That's not too bad. Just
fill in some color now. He admired the rabbit he had drawn on her
stomach with her belly button for its tail. It looks just like a
tattoo, he thought. Maybe I'll do another one. Yeah, there. He
rolled her over. Let's hide part of this one. He pulled her panty
down on the left for more room to draw. Let's see; tomorrow's
Valentine's Day. A big red heart with a mask and rose together and a
bunny on the other side. I wonder if she'll like it.

Darien covered Serena with her blanket, kissed her, and went
downstairs. He stopped in the den. "She's all tucked in and still
asleep. Thanks for all your help," he sarcastically told Sammy as he

The next morning a loud shriek shattered the quiet. "Sammy, did you
draw this on me? You little creep. I'm gonna pound you!" yelled
Serena at her brother's door.

"I didn't do it. Darien said you got really wasted down at that fish
place at the docks. You wanted to get a tattoo. He said you promised
to pay him back for it." Sammy lied quickly.

"Nooo way!" screamed Serena. "Oh, my head hurts! I'm gonna be sick!"
And headed for the bathroom. Now awake and ready to play this for all
it was worth, Sammy followed her down the hall.

Watching Serena hugging the commode, he commented, "You got another one
on your butt! I told Darien you were gonna be hung over! You were
passed out. It was so funny. Wait till I tell Dad and Mom how you got
so wasted you got two tattoos." He had an even funnier thought.
"Unless it's something else. You've been sick a LOT lately. You're
pregnant! Oh boy, is this going to be fun!" Sammy ran down the stairs
as Serena threw everything in reach at him.

Returning to her room, she turned around and peered at her rear in the
mirror. There was a big "tattoo" on her left cheek as well as the
bunny on her stomach. "Crap" she muttered to herself, as she dialed
Darien's phone number. "Hi, this may sound strange, but what happened
last night? Did I really get a couple of tattoos?" she asked.

Silence answered her. "What?" he asked.

"Did I really get a tattoo last night?" she repeated.

Laughter followed. "Who told you that?" asked Darien.

"Sammy" she replied.

"And you BELIEVED him?" Darien smirked.

"Oh, you are so aggravating! Just tell me!" She yelled into the phone.

"Sorry. It's just marker. I thought it would be cute." Darien

"You what? You drew all over me with marker while I was asleep? It's
permanent marker too. Why did you do something so dumb! I get to
thinking you must have been born about 30 years old cause you're so
stuffy and then you go do something as dumb as my little brother! Oh
you are so deadmeat!" She screeched.

"Hey, it's not that bad. It comes right off if you wipe it with
alcohol. We use it to mark surgery patients all the time at the
hospital." Darien answered.

"It better come off!"

"I thought it was cute and you would like it," he whined.

"Oh, I guess it's kinda cute," said Serena as she peered at her
backside in the mirror. "Oh, it's a heart and stuff. That's sweet."

"Are you still coming over here for breakfast? Or are you too mad at
me?" asked Darien.

"I'll be there. You better have a really nice present for me though.
It's going to take a pretty big bribe to get out of this one," Serena
said with a smile.

"Oh, I think you'll like what I got," he replied, reminding himself to
conjure lots of flowers and go buy some candy as well.

Serena shut her door and flopped down on her bed. That thing that
Sammy had said; she couldn't forget it. No way! That couldn't be it.
Let's see; she counted on her fingers. Uh-oh. The days were right.
But I don't have any kids until I'm 22, none until Rini. This can't be

Serena dressed and headed for the closest pharmacy. I'll buy one of
those test things. She looked at the shelves. All those
contraceptives next to the tests, I never even thought about any of
that. I've been to the future. Nothing like this ever happened. She
bought three different kinds of tests and flew back home.

It was blue. The other one changed color too. Serena was in total
shock, for once unable to cry. This can't be happening to me!

It was almost time to leave. What will I say? What will he do? I
can't see him. But I have too. Oh, God, help me.

Serena walked slowly, for once, toward Darien's apartment. Once there,
she nervously rang the bell. She fidgeted with her bag, which
contained a Valentine's Day gift and the third home pregnancy test.

Darien opened the door; his eyes alight, happy to see Serena. "Hi,
beautiful, come on in," he said as he hugged her close.

Serena gulped nervously, "What's that cooking?" She was queasy and
that smell was only making it worse.

"I'm fixing an omelet," answered Darien. Serena ran for the bathroom
and threw up on the floor.

"Serena, you're sick again. What's wrong?" Darien asked with a
worried tone of voice.

"It's eggs. Every time I smell them, I get sick. I get sick other
times too. But eggs are the worst." She gasped and lay down on the
floor. "If you'll get me the paper towels and spray, I'll clean up
this mess in a few minutes."

"I don't care about a mess on the floor. Let me help you go lie down.
I'm sorry I fixed something that bothers you." He said while hovering

Serena dragged herself off the floor, washed up, and stubbornly
insisted on cleaning up after herself. After Darien had disposed of
the offending omelet, Serena went into the living room and collapsed on
the couch. "How long have you been getting sick, having these
problems?" asked Darien.

Serena answered, "About a week, maybe two. I'm tired all the time
too." She looked up at him, tears running down her face. "I'm not
sick, at least not like with the flu or something. I guess this is
normal. I'm so sorry."

"What do you mean? I don't know what you are trying to say," asked a
confused Darien.

"The stick was blue. It was positive," she sobbed.

"What was? I don't get it?" he responded.

"I'm pregnant. It's a baby, not a disease. That's why I'm getting

Darien was stunned to silence for a moment. "But we haven't done
anything!" he protested. A glint of anger appeared in his eyes, "At
least I haven't." He moved toward her, "Who was it then?" he asked in
a low voice.

Serena backed away fearfully, her hands raised in protest. "It was

"No way!" he countered.

She laughed bitterly. "You remember a couple of weeks ago, you told me
you dreamed about making love. Well you may have been dreaming. You
may have been asleep. The result is the same. I woke up and couldn't
help it, didn't want to stop you. But you started it!" she accused.

He sat down, deflated. Serena lashed out, "I thought it would be
different, better." Pausing a moment she added, "And you better not
ever tease me again about kissing you in my sleep. You slept through a
lot more than that. Look what you've done to me!" She collapsed to
the floor, curled into a weeping ball.

Darien looked crushed, his eyes bright with unshed tears. He could not
even name the feeling. He moved over and knelt next to the weeping
Serena, picked her up and held her as she cried.


Author's soapbox: Crisis pregnancy is no laughing matter when it
involves you or your friends. It's not the end of the world but does
mean major life changes. For life affirming alternatives try the local
phone book or a local websearch on crisis pregnancy centers.