





aobi- hey everyone i'm Aobi

cece- And I'm cece

aobi nd cece- and we're CAOBI

aobi- wow its been a while since i made a new chapter

cece- your telling me

aobi- -glares at cece- anyway I'm so sorry for the delay

cece- yea SHE didn't mean too

aobi- alright thats it if you dotn shut up I WILL MAKE YOU GET OFF MY PROFILE

cece- I DONT CARE DO IT -walks off-

aobi- gggrrrrrrr dont yu walk away from me Ciani Dehaila Hill -runs after her-

greg- um ok anway I'm the producer or Manger if you dont know um well dont worry they will settle this problem but for now i guess I will have to intorduce the story

......-screams- (aobi- I WISH I NEVER MET YOU cece-LIKE WISE)........

greg- oh no this is bad um ok here's the 13th chapter Caobi or AObi and Cece doesn't own Naruto except for Kikamaru,Momo,Kenuri,Yu,Mi and Aobi







Good-byes for now

"Now let's start our training shall we" Mi said

"I do more than train for you" Kikamaru said winking at him then he blushed

"KIKAMARU no flirting with your trainer" Momo complained

"But Momo-chan he so smexy" she pouted

"I….wait what does smexy mean?" Momo, Itachi, Mi, and Kenuri asked

"-Sigh- boys it means that a guy is over sexy" Sakura explained

"Oh so am I smexy Sakura-chan?" Akane asked

"No your super smexy" Sakura said kissing Akane on his cheek

"NO more of this lovely-dove stuff train you four now" Yu said demeaning

"Ok old man" Kenuri said

"What you say youngster I bet me can beat you with one finger" he said sticking out his pointer finger (aobi- which I totally forgot which it is)

"HA you are a fool to challenge me old man"

"No I believe you're the fool to take him on Kenuri-san" Mi said

"Shut up pretty boy his just an old man what harm can he do with one finger" he said as he walked up to Yu

"READY FIGHT" Momo announce

Kenuri decided to make the first move and ran towards Yu and pulled a kunai behind his back. But Yu just stand still and waited for Kenuri to attack.

'Ha this will be easy" he thought

Kenuri threw the kunai at him but it was deflected by…..his finger but it was coming back towards Kenuri's way. Then Kenuri disappeared and reappeared behind Yu and tried to land a kick towards Yu's back but Yu bind down and swooshed his foot across the floor that made Kenuri trip and Yu hit Kenuri with his finger that made Kenuri fly backwards 2 yards away from Yu which knocked Kenuri out-cold.

"Wow" was what everyone said except Mi

"I told you this would happen" Mi said helping Kenuri off the ground

"Shut up" Kenuri yelled while Mi helped him on his feet

"Now no more lolli-gagging we must train you four now" Yu said as he walked towards them

"Now I will being teaching Kikamaru-san fire and Sakura-san water" Mi added

"And I will teaching Momo Wind and Kenuri Earth so you may not be able to see each other because we have to go to a different universe to help you learn each of your elements" Yu added

"Which means Momo will be in clouds, Kenuri will be in mountains, Kikamaru in a volcano and Sakura in the ocean"

"What? We may not be able to see each other?" Kenuri complained

"Wait how long will we be away?" Sakura asked concern

"About 3 or 5 weeks" Yu said while Mi nodded

That's when Kikamaru started to cry. Then everyone looked at her. She had tears running down both her cheeks and she falls on her knees and began to starts to cry more.

"So its true….this is really happening" Kikamaru cried

"Yea it is Kika-chan I'm surprised as well" Sakura said knelling down to Kikamaru then hugged her.

"Wow I never thought this was gonna happen so soon" Kenuri said joining the hug

"Just to think I just met you all, I may not know you all well but I still love you guys" Momo said also joining the hug

"I love you too" Aobi said walking towards in a long white summer dress with tears streaming down her eyes

"Oh baby please don't cry" Momo said as he broke away from the hug and hugged Aobi tight

"You're leaving me behind like always" Aobi said crying into the hug

"I would never leave you behind….here" Momo got out a heart necklace that had two parts of it he gave the other half of it to Aobi and put it around her neck that said 'keep' and Momo said 'hope'.

"So we'll never be alone" Momo said as he kissed Aobi on the lips

"Sakura" Akane said as he walked up slowly to Sakura

"Akane" Sakura said running into Akane's embrace

"Remember I will always love you"

"Itachi I knew that since that day we dance" Sakura whispered in his ear

"Sakura I'll be waiting for here no matter what" Akane whispered

"To bad we don't have a necklace to remember you" she (they are whisperings ok)

"No we have something better" then sakura felt something go on her ring finger


"Marry me Sakura, you'll never have to be alone, I love you and that's all there is to know, your dad came to my dream as well and told me its ok so"

"Yes" Sakura whispered then Akane and Sakura started to make out

"So a why don't you give me a good-bye kiss?" Kikamaru asked Mi

"Because we have all the time in the world to kiss since I'm training you" Mi winked at Kikamaru which made Kikamaru blush.

"We must go now" Yu said

"Well I guess this is goodbye for now?" Momo added

"Yea and to think when we where young we thought it would be easy" Kenuri added

"It's far from it" Sakura and Kikamaru said

"Let's make a promise" Sakura said

"What will a promise do?" Momo asked

"Believe it or not a close friend of mine would always make a promise and he would keep it to the grave no matter what, he inspired me to be who I am now when no one else cared" Sakura said thinking of Naruto

"I know it may look tough now but guys promise me, everyone promise me that when this is over that nothing and I mean nothing will tare us apart not even death" Sakura said putting her hand out

"It's a promise" Kikamaru said putting her hand over top of Sakura's.

"A promise" Kenuri said with a grin that remind you of Naruto –putting his hand in-

"A promise" Momo said with a small smile –hand in-

"A promise" Yu and Mi said adding their hands

"A promise" Akane added his hand with a grin that reminded you of Sasuke

"A promise" Aobi said with one hand on her stomach and the other on top.

"A promise to the grave" everyone said smiling to each other

greg- chillfhanger um listen Caobi or Aobi and Cece are taking a break from the author's note but they will keep writing chapters

sakura- this is not good what if never become friends again


everyone in naruto- WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO CAOBI

greg- I dont know but we need to do soemthign ok listen readers its up to guys please vote in the reviews if you want Caobi to stay together or else we may not have another story or chapter again

sakura- please readers if you want to know how the story end you need to vote please R &R