Emily: I'm not going to waste any time today William, so I'm gonna jump right in to the first question.

Will: You're not going to introduce yourself?

Emily: You don't know who I am?

Will: I was told I was being interviewed, but because of the difficulty of not being able to go on land, I wasn't informed of who was interviewing me or what the interview would be about.

Emily: Jack hasn't told you about me?

Will: He mentioned meeting a young lady who was madly in love with him and his hat, but other than that, no.

Emily: Well, I'm Emily, and I'm asking questions about recent events that have taken place in the world of pirates.

Will: Oh, well, go on then.

Emily: Okay, do you ever get embarrassed when people mention the whole breaking-the-candelabra-off-the-wall thing?

Will: What candelabra?

Emily: The one that was in the Swann mansion.

Will: Oh, that candelabra.

Emily: Your face has gone red as a cherry tomato, Will.

Will: Let's move on then; I'd rather put the past behind me.

Emily: If that's how you feel, fine. Now, does the fact that people are constantly hitting you over the head get annoying?

Will: Yes; I've only hit Jack on the head once, but he's hit me more times than I can count. It's gotten to the point where I might have to start wearing a helmet every time I'm around him.

Emily: That's . . . Interesting. I must say the thought makes me want to giggle.

Will: Don't.

Emily: I'll try not to, but don't be surprised if I can't contain myself; I'm known to be very prone to giggling fits. But, on to the next question. What are your thoughts of Norrington?

Will: He's a pompous, self-serving git, and he annoyed the heck out of me on Isla Cruces. It was pathetic, really, how he was so desperate to earn back his commission; I almost felt sorry for him, at least until he started fighting with Jack and I. In the end I believe he got what he deserved.

Emily: I'd give my opinion on that matter, but it would be unprofessional of me. Anyway, I want to know what it was like stealing Jones' key out from under his nose.

Will: It was quite nerve-wrecking. It seemed as though he was a deep sleeper, but I wasn't sure, and then I had to get in his face and you simply cannot imagine how horrible the smell was. I had to hold my breath because I was afraid I'd lose my lunch all over his face.

Emily: Oh, yuck! I certainly couldn't have done it; I don't have the capacity to stomach bad smells. It would be a miracle if I could keep from throwing up.

Will: I nearly had a heart-attack when his tentacle fell on the organ keys. If it hadn't been for that music box he would have woken up and I would have been a dead man.

Emily: So, do you have utmost faith that Elizabeth will be able to keep your heart safe?

Will: Yes, I do. I will never doubt Elizabeth; she's more resourceful than she lets on, and she's a strong, capable woman. I do not have to worry about my heart when she has it.

Emily: Do you ever get in touch with Jack anymore?

Will: No, not really. My job takes me far from other people, and I don't have any idea what Jack is doing. He's probably off on another hare-brained scheme going who-knows-where. I don't really care anyway.

Emily: I heard he was going to look for the fountain of youth.

Will: Like I said; he's on some hare-brained scheme, as always.

Emily: Is being the captain of the Flying Dutchman ever boring, or is there always something going on?

Will: It can be boring at times; tedious even, but the crew and I are always busy with my job of ferrying souls. It's rare to have more than one day at one time where there isn't anything to do.

Emily: Well, I only have one more question and then I'll let you get back to your duties. If you could have anything in the world if you hugged Lord Cutler Beckett, what would you want?

Will: I think I'd want freedom from this role, but I don't think I want it bad enough that I'd hug Cutler Beckett. I don't think even his mother would want to hug him, and I wouldn't blame her if she didn't. I'd tell her I'm sorry she had to have him as a son.