So, I really should not be starting another story, but I got the idea for this one today and I just could not make myself forget it, so I sat down and outlined it and decided that I might as well just post it. It should only be around ten chapters, so not too long. I am putting a picture of Ivy up on my profile page. Anyways, I do not own The Covenant. I only own my OC's. Reviews would be really niceā€¦

Chapter One: Going Home

"What do you mean, you're leaving?" Reid asked in a controlled voice. He was angry, she could tell, but there was nothing Ivy could do about it. She had to go back to Texas. Her mother sounded terrible when she spoke to her on the phone, and the short conversations with her brother were even worse. Her father had screwed up big time, and now her family really needed her. Her relationship would have to be put on hold, even if it was Reid.

"I've told you what's going on. You have to understand, Reid."

"No, I don't. You have not been home for more than a week at a time since you were eight years old. You've always been here with us. How is going back home going to make the situation any easier?" Reid asked.

"Support, I guess. My mother needs me and my little brother does too. They're my family and they're hurting. They don't share my negative opinion of my father. It's hitting them hard." Ivy couldn't understand why Reid was so upset. The others had been sad and they didn't want her to leave, but they didn't put up a fight quite like this.

"But what about us? We just got this all figured out, and we're happy and you're just gonna leave? It's took us years to get here, Ivy."

"I know, and I don't want lose you, but right now my family is more important than a silly high school relationship." Ivy knew instantly that her words didn't come out right, but it was too late to take them back. The damage had been done. She saw the change in Reid's eyes as soon as the words left her mouth.

"Silly high school relationship, huh? I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was that unimportant to you."

"You're my best friend, Reid! You know you're important to me, but I don't have time for a relationship with you right now. It's hard enough when I'm here, I can't imagine being so far away and still trying to trust you."

"So now you don't trust me? Is there any other problems you have with me you need to get out in the open or is that it?" Ivy didn't know what to say. Reid was taking this a lot more personal than it was. It had nothing to do with him. It had nothing to do with him being a bad boyfriend. He had always been her best friend first, and out of everyone, he should understand. He knew her better than anyone else. He had to know that she had to help her family.

"I have to go, Reid." That was the last conversation they had before Ivy left her real home in Ipswich to return to the home she's never known in Texas.

That was the middle of Ivy Danver's freshmen year of high school at Spencer. She left to join her mother and younger brother, Ethan, back in Houston. Ivy's father had been sentenced to two years in prison for embezzlement and fraud. So after living in her Aunt Evelyn's home in Ipswich for as long as she could remember in order to attend the exclusive Spencer Academy, Ivy moved back home to her depressed mother and angry little brother.

Back in Houston it became Ivy's job to fix the family. Her mother was always drunk. Ethan always acted out, and when he got his drivers license, all hell broke lose. Her relationship with the Sons of Ipswich, who were always like family to her, became strained. They spoke on the phone and visited once during the summer, but as time passed Ivy lost touch with the boys. They were still close, but Ivy was no longer kept up to date on everything in their lives and the phone calls became far less frequent. The boys had moved on with their lives, while Ivy was stuck in hell. So as soon as her father was released and settled back in at home at the end of her junior year, Ivy made the decision to go back to her real home in Ipswich.

"So what's up for tonight, boys?" Reid asked following his brothers into Caleb's game room. They all sat down and Pouge turned on the football game. It was two weeks into the summer before their senior year.

"Nicky's?" Tyler suggested. Before they could answer, the patio door opened and in walked a tall, bikini clad brunette, whom they had only seen once in the past two years, Ivy.

"How's it going boys?" Ivy said with a smile as she walked into the room. They all mumbled something along the lines of "good", but it was obvious they were all speechless. Ivy simply smiled and said "good to see you too," before crossing the room and disappearing up the staircase.

After a few moments silence Reid punched Caleb in the arm and said "why didn't you tell me she was back?"

"I didn't know," was Caleb's still shocked response.