A/N: Wow, it's been forever since I wrote a fanfiction. Anyway, let me start of by saying that I don't own Sailor Moon, and am not profiting off this story. Also, please excuse any OOCness that may occur, and don't flame me for my pairing choices in this fanfic (Usagi/Seiya, Chibi-Usa/Peruru, and minor Setsuna/Mamoru). Please review and let me know what you think (or on some areas I can improve on).

Neo Queen Serenity walked through the palace rose gardens, her umbrella in hand to keep the rain from falling on her. This day was the day of her daughter, Chibi-Usa, turned eighteen which would allow her to marry her destined love, Helios. However, she noticed her daughter was shying away from the man that she was to wed in a few weeks. Whenever she was asked what was wrong, Chibi-Usa would plaster a smile on her face, and tell her nothing was wrong. However, Serenity's motherly intuition told her different. Despite the smile and happy front her daughter put on, she saw the same look in her eyes that Serenity herself had in her own eyes a long time ago.

It was then she stopped in front of the red rose bush growing in the garden. Her delicate fingers reached out and brushed lightly against the petals. Long ago, when she was just a teenager, these roses would remind her of Mamoru, her then boyfriend that was destined to be her husband. Now, these roses reminded her of another. 'Seiya, you have no idea how much I miss you' she thought as her fingers continued to dance across the petals. When Seiya had come into her life, it had been so difficult for her to even accept the fact she had developed feelings for this man.

"No matter how much my mind tried to tell me I still loved Mamo-chan, my heart still yearned for him. It wasn't until after he left did I understand my own feelings. Now here I am in a loveless marriage, and my daughter is now facing the same fate as myself" she whispered to herself as a tear gently rolled down her cheek, falling to the ground and blending in with the rain drops. Sure, she still cared for her husband, and that wouldn't change, but even he knew that the love and passion in their relationship was gone.

They rarely saw each other save for public gatherings and important political meetings. It was a mutual choice for them to remain married for the sake of their daughter and the kingdom. 'I'm glad that he has found love with Setsuna-san, but it still hurts to not have Seiya here with me' she thought, her body beginning to tremble, and a soft sob escaping her lips. She then realized that she had to keep her daughter from feeling this pain and regret. 'I need to find Chibi-Usa before she goes through this pain' she thought as turned away from the rose bush, and walked quickly towards the palace.