Jojo had tried to evade Elaine as best he could, but he eventually got cornered by her and Mab right before sixth hour, the day before Wholloween.

"Are you coming to Wholloween or not?" Elaine asked, she seemed to be back to normal, but slightly stressed out.

Jojo flushed crimson, but nodded. He wasn't used to so much attention, since he was pushed up against a wall by two girls people passing by were staring and whispering.

"Alright Child, I'll see you later," Mab said, patting Elaine on the head and giving a smirk to Jojo.

"Ready for therapy?" Elaine asked, opening the door for Jojo. He nodded as a yes and a thank you, and was met by the Chairman's unhappy face.

"You are free to go Jojo O'Malley," he said, sneering at Elaine who was glaring at him with all she had.

"Why?" Jojo asked, stepping in front of Elaine, just in case.

"You were put in this to break your vow of silence if you don't remember, now that you're talking, you are free to go,"

Jojo had a feeling he wasn't really the point of this conversation.

"I'd like to stay," he tired.

"Denied," the chairman hissed, his eyes locked with Elaine's.

"This is about me huh?" Elaine butted in.

"Oh no, you're not even that important," the chairman grinned at her. Elaine huffed, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow.

"So low on the totem pole you have to start being a bully to children? Tsk tsk tsk. Pathetic," she smirked.

"Jojo, if you would accompany me to get your schedule changed?" the chairman asked. Jojo nodded, mouthing "I'll be back" to Elaine before going with the Chairman.

Unfortunately, even though he refused to speak to the counselor who asked him what class he would like to be in, the chairman had already made up his mind that Jojo would not be returning to Group Therapy. He was put into Business Management/Keyboarding instead.

After school he rushed over to the office and met Elaine as she was coming out of her class, looking miserable.

"I missed you," she muttered, she seemed so defeated.

"Me too," Jojo said under his breath. "But I'm gonna try and get back there alright? And I'll see you on Wholloween ok?"

Elaine nodded sadly and went off to meet Mab, while he went home to get some things ready for Wholloween.

The night of Wholloween he and his sister were all ready to go, he had on his fake serial killer outfit, and she was dressed in practically nothing. Jojo had to admire Elaine's brother when he put his jacket over his sister's shoulders to cover up some of her.

"What's this for?" she asked, slipping it on.

"You looked cold," he lied and put his arm around her shoulders.

Jojo couldn't help but feel jealous. If his sister could be with who she wanted to be with, why couldn't he have Elaine? He had never really thought about being anything more to her before Steven said anything, but now it was the only thing on his mind.

Mab was there as well, dressed up in a corset with numerous buckles on it, stripped stockings and her knee high boots. This time her socks were stripped purple and black, and she had extremely glittery make up. He walked up to her, since Elaine had asked to use a bathroom to change into her costume.

"Who is Elaine dating?" he asked.

"Elaine has a boyfriend?" Mab asked, looking down at him and raising her eyebrow. Jojo smiled, and shrugged.

"That's what she told me," he said. He watched as Mab rushed to the bathroom door and banged on it until she was let in. He heard several whispers, a groan, and eventually a laugh. Mab emerged first, smiling at him.

"You're gonna need a JSAP," she smiled.

"Which is?" Jojo asked boldly.

"Juliana Stamp of Approval," Elaine said, stepping out of the bathroom. She was dressed as an angel, with a blindingly white dress, white shoes, her hair in a bun, and a fuzzy white halo.

"I'll do my best to get one," he smiled, walking over to Elaine and handing her a black rose he bought from the Wholloween store.

Elaine blushed and accepted it.

"Why did you tell me you were dating someone?" he asked.

"Because we're good friends Jojo, I don't want to lose that," she admitted.

"We won't, I promise," he smiled, offering her his hand.

"How did you know it was a lie?" she asked, hesitant to take his hand.

"When I first met Mab, she wanted to know if we were going to date, which meant you weren't dating anyone since before I met you, and I figured you would have told me if you got asked out after we started talking," he said logically.

Elaine smirked, "Smart," and took his hand.

As Janice and Darren trick or treated, Mab watched them, and Jojo and Elaine walked hand in hand behind the other three.

"This is gonna cause quite a bit of commotion," Elaine smiled, giving Jojo's hand a squeeze.

"You want to act like just friends at school?" Jojo offered. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable in anyway.

"No, I just wanna see the look on the chairman's face when he sees us together," Elaine grinned.

Sure enough, the look on his face was priceless.

The End =D