Sam's Dark Past

Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly. I think I should say CSI: Crime Scene Investigation as well.

Chapter X

This is another author note, yes...I just wanted to say that I have COMPLETELY REDONE CHAPTERS 18, 19, 20 AND 21. I have also changed the ending of 17. I've also done a lot of changes to many of the other chapters. Why? Well because I felt like it. Also, it will be necessary for JESSICA'S DARK PAST, which is on my other profile, King Nate. You're going to want to read that after you've read this, trust me. Oh, and you're definitely going to enjoy it! I think you'll enjoy the redone stuff on here as well. If any of you want to review the changed chapters, you can do so anonymously I'm sure...You probably won't be able to review this note here, I don't know about that...but either way, enjoy the changes made and enjoy Jessica's story!