Don't own Naruto, just the Egawashi characters.

"Best two out of three?" Kakashi asks, smiling big behind his mask. 'Damn, I've created a monster here. Please say yes Sakura,' he pleads internally.

"Hmmm...I don't think so Kakashi-sensei," Sakura replies with a smirk, looking towards Naruto was just coming around after having fainted when Sakura won.

"Sensei," the blond whines. "What happened. How could you lose a kid's game!"

Kakashi ignored him and looked at Sakura. Knowing how temperamental the kunoichi could be, he could only wonder what she had in store for his team.

Asuma could only laugh as he slapped Naruto on the back. "Don't worry about it kid. The students have to surpass the teacher some day." Kakashi turned to glare at his fellow jounin before having his attention brought back to the girl in question when she cleared her throat.

"So," begins Sakura. "I was thinking for your outfits something pink in spandex. Something that breathes well," she says with a glance at Gai.

Asuma stops laughing and becomes visibly pale. Kakashi smirks at his friend before he remembers he's in the same boat.

"Pink!" yells Naruto. "No way am I wearing something like that!"

"Breathable spandex..." muses Gai. "I know just the place you can find that Sakura. And some purple leg warmers to match!"

Kakashi and Asuma stare at Gai incredulously. "Gai, you do realize you're helping her pick out outfits that you will also be wearing?" Kakashi asks as calmly as he can manage while Raidou and Ibiki try not to laugh. Shizune excuses herself and as soon as the door closes, the room's occupants hear her laughing with the ANBU stationed outside Tsunade's door. This is the undoing for Tsunade, Raidou and Ibiki and they too begin to laugh.

Gai glances at his laughing comrades before turning to Kakashi. "We made a bet with Sakura and I for one never back out of a bet."

"Correct me if I'm wrong Kakashi," a beet red Raidou chokes out, "but weren't you planning on doing the same thing to Genma?"

"Some what," the copy-nin grudgingly admits.

"Oh, what's different about it?" asks Tsunade.

"Kakashi was planning for Genma to dress like that the entire month," Shizune supplies as she walks back into the room.

"Well, since you had already planned for a whole month then I guess you won't mind doing that Kakashi-sensei," Sakura says sweetly.

"Ummm...well you see Sakura," Kakashi stammers, "I'm going to be needed for missions and all so I don't thin..."

"Don't worry about that Kakashi," Tsunade says with a smile. "I'm sure Naruto would benefit from some training for a month to get new skills."

"A whole month without missions!" bemoans the blond.

"Did you really want to go on one dressed like that?" inquires Ibiki. Naruto gulps and looks the other way.

"I seriously doubt they have pink outfits like Gai's lying around," Asuma says, having finally regained his composure.

"You're right about that my friend!" exclaims Gai. "The outfits will have to be made." He looks appraisingly at his three comrades before turning to Sakura. "I'll shall rush out now and have them start making them, that way they'll be ready in time Sakura-chan!"

"Thanks Gai-sensei," Sakura says with a broad grin. After the green clad jounin rushes out with the other three on his tail trying to stop him, the entire room bursts into laughter.

"I must catch Gai-sensei!" exclaims Lee. "If he will be training for a month in that outfits than so will I!" As Lee rushes out the door one of the ANBU slips in past in.

"Did we hear correctly? Is Gai-san really helping you out with dressing him and Kakashi-sempai in those...those..." the ANBU stutters.

Wiping tears from her eyes Sakura can only nod.

Raidou sits at Genma's bedside thinking back to the bet made two weeks ago. A wiry grin breaks out as he imagines what it'll look like on Genma's birthday. Looking at his friend he can only hope that the long haired shinobi wakes up in time to celebrate on that day. With a sigh, Raidou stands up and begins to head for the door, hopefully to find some coffee. A groan from behind him stops him in his tracks. Before he can turn around he hears his name said weakly, with a scratchy throat. Turning around, he rushes back to his friend's side and sees partially open hazel eyes looking up at him. After a couple slow blinks, Genma realizes a cup of water is being held out to him by Raidou. With a small smile, the man tries to rise up and is finally successful with his friend's help.

After taking a couple of sips, Genma looks at Raidou. "So what happened?" he asks, a little less hoarsely.

"We won," Raidou replies, knowing this is the only answer his friend requires.

Genma smiles and leans back on the pillows Raidou props up behind him. "Good," he says before yawning, his eyes drifting closed again.

"Well it's about time Shiranui!" a brisk voice exclaims.

Genma's head turns lazily toward the door to his room and he slowly opens his eyes. "Hokage-sama, I..."

"Not now," Tsunade says with a wave of her hand. "You have a lot of answers I'll require after you recover." Genma slowly nods his head and starts to go back to sleep. "That didn't mean you can sleep yet Genma, I need to find out how you are now that you've finally woken up."

Genma's eyes open back up at that remark. "How long?"

"Two weeks," Tsunade replies. "Go get yourself a coffee Namiashi, this will take a few minutes."

A week later a scowling Genma is informed that he is to be in a wheel chair for a month. "Can you believe that," he moans to Raidou as his friend wheels him out of the hospital. "I mean at least I'm finally out of that stuffy place but now I have to sit in this damn thing."

"Ummhmm," responds Raidou as Genma continues his little rant wheeling his unsuspecting friend toward the Hokage's mansion. Genma continues on until he finally notices Raidou has passed the street that their shared apartment is on.

"Rai...Rai...RAI!" Genma yells finally getting the other's attention. "You missed the street."

"Nope, going exactly where I'm supposed to," Raidou replies.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Genma demands. "Why are we going into the Hokage's mansion. Haven't I suffered enough from her already? I already told her and Ibiki everything."

"Ummhmm," Raidou hums as he wheels Genma toward the mission room.

"Dammit Rai if you don't start answering me I'm getting up and leaving!" snarls Genma starting to get irate. 'I just want to go home and to bed...why can't this cursed day be over?' he thinks to himself. Every time this year he always made sure he had a mission rather than dwell on what the day was.

"I should have known you'd cause trouble as soon as you could Shiranui," says Tsunade coming up behind Raidou. "Don't even think about getting up or you'll have to deal with me."

Genma nods mutely realizing he's in no position to get away from the sannin's brute strength. He looks forward again as Raidou wheels him into the mission room. 'Damn it looks like half the village's shinobis are in here,' he thinks. When his eyes land on the giant cake he visibly pales. "Raidou, please get me out of here," he pleads while cursing himself for sounding so weak. He feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up into the Hokage's eyes.

"Okay people, where's the damn song?" Tsunade demands. The crowd laughs then start to sing Happy Birthday to Genma. Raidou puts a hand on Genma's other shoulder to offer his friend support and hopefully bring down the trembling. At the end of the song, the cake bursts open and four men jump out, leaving Genma torn between fear in surprise.

"Nice legs Kakashi," says Anko as she looks the fray haired ninja up and down.

Kakashi growls at her but before he can say anything, Gai grabs his arm and starts dragging him toward a very pale and slightly frightened Genma. "Ahhh, my youthful friend!" exclaims Gai as the other three roll their eyes. "It's so wonderful to see you out of the hospital and on such a special day!"

"Wha...?" Genma manages to choke out.

Sakura strolls up to the group. "They lost a bet. For the next month they all have to dress like this and do your bidding Genma-san."

"It should help keep the strain off you so you can recover," Shizune adds as she walks up and gives Genma a hug.

Finally gathering his wits, Genma hugs Shizune back. "How is it going to help if I have nightmares about this for the next month?" He asks with a small grin.

Asuma and Kakashi smile at one another. "Sounds like we won't have to wear these the entire month," states Asuma as the two exchange high-fives.

"No, but you do have to wear them the rest of the day," says Tsunade. "The whole village deserves to see this."

Both men immediately frown and a sullen Naruto begins to open his mouth when two hands clamp down on it. "Not one word Naruto," Kakashi hisses in his ear.

Raidou kneels down next to Genma. "You know if they had won the bet it'd be Ibiki, Lee and me in those."

Genma frowns, "But Lee is in one?"

"Yeah he thought it'd be good training or something. You okay with this or do you really want to go home?"

Genma looks around at all the smiling faces. "No, I'll stay. I trust everyone in this village...I'll be okay," he says with a smile.

"Great!" exclaims Anko walking up. "How about some cake?"

Okay, so that's the end of Dark Past. I didn't mean to take so long with posting this but I got caught up with work, school, my grandmother (the last one I had left) passed away and then back to school. I really had only meant to make it a week when I would post this but life happened and didn't include this so sorry to everyone who has been waiting to read this. I'm taking the summer off from school though so the sequels I have planned won't be interrupted. They are going to be alternates endings to tell you what happened with Kuro. The first will be a crossover and a bit of a comedy and the alternate sequel will be more like Dark Past was, with action and angst. I just had two different ideas on things to happen to him and decided I'll post them both. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!