As promised, the epilogue. Very short, so no way was I gonna make you wait a full week for less than 300 words...

Yes, that's the end, the end of my story. Oh, stuff happened after that, never doubt that. But it's no longer my story. Lord Megatron kept his word with the human government, turning Earth into Decepticon territory, the humans governing themselves under his authority. But you already know that.

Bumblebee Prime wasn't actually the last of the Autobots... Ironhide, for one, survived. They're still around, I see them from time to time... some of the new sparklings choose to follow the Prime instead of the Lord, and Lord Megatron allows it. After all, that is how it has always gone.

The Dew machine and the X-box were healed, as were the few drones who survived Duluth. They're now Decepticon Sharpshot and Decepticon Mindbuzz. Who would have guessed a half-sparked X-box would have telepathic abilities once he was healed? Not as strong as my Creator's, but Mindbuzz is formidable, especially for his size. And Sharpshot has become one of our best snipers.

I've been to worlds I could at one time only imagine, and a few that I would never have dreamed, worlds beautiful and terrible. Earth remains my favorite, and no-one begrudges me that. Jazz is as big of a flirt as ever, and Blackout loves having me over to play with Scorponok.

Life has been good. And so, as I said, that's the end of my story.