i r i d e s c e n c e
The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.
red: to dearest Kahlia, for being awesomecakes :)
Love isn't always hearts and chocolates.
Especially for one Albus Dumbledore.
It isn't giving roses to the one he loves, beautiful red ones – with long stems and their thorns chopped off.
(He always thought roses were hideous things anyway.)
And it has nothing to do with the fact that Gellert had given Ariana one a few days ago, telling her how sweet and beautiful she was.
He watches a ladybird crawl onto a leaf, noticing that it was actually two, one on top of the other.
(Everyone has found love but him.)
(Even the beetles.)
a/n: written for Pinky's Colours Challenge/thanks Cuba for looking it over.
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