Disclaimers and Warnings

Hello, everyone. This is Aedem here with some disclaimers and warnings.

Alright, here we go:

This is a yaoi based fanfic, and as such, it is graphic in both content and language. You have been forewarned.

There will be hints of Shota(not too bad or graphic though, as I detest it. If anything, it will be alluded to then dismissed), NonCon, , Incest, drinking, violence, smoking, and other such things not rated PG.

Possible OC's later, but none in actual romantic relationshps with the characters.

It is a possibility that I may have the characters go OOC for a while. Forgive me please.

Spelling and Grammar might not be at its peak. I beg for your forgiveness. I usually type in the early early morning (like 3-4 am) or really late at night (11 pm – 1 am), and I get little sleep because of school and such. I am still a high school student after all.

I do not own any character used, not even my own OC's, as they are not copyrighted to my name. But I beg you, please do not use them. It is only common courtesy.

All names, titles, and characters are trademarked to Kazuya Minekura, and I am merely using them for entertainment purposes.

This is not canon stuff. Though sometimes it may seem like it.

I will use actual dialogue from the manga.

Now with all of that settled, enjoy!