Author: Villemo
Disclaimer: Not mine. Be nice, don't sue.
Summary: More silliness. Yes dear no dear I really don't care dear. Jack worries and whines. Sam explains and consoles. Aren't they just too cute together.
AN: Established SJ relationship. Totally random as always, but hope you like :)


Superficial considerations

He stood by the mirror in his hallway,
experimentally patting his stomach,
before he sighed,
scrunching up his face.
Yup, it was as he had feared and suspected,
happiness was making him fat.

Ever since Sam had moved in with him
it had been one feast after another.
Not that she cooked,
oh no,
but she was an expert orderer,
and the orders usually consisted of pizza with tons of cheese
or greasy chinese takeout.
"Jack, stop looking at yourself in the mirror,"
came a disembodied voice from the kitchen.
He startled,
looking around,
how could she-
"I can hear you patting your stomach" she said.

He looked down at his once fabulously flat stomach...
not that he'd cared much when he'd had it,
it had kinda just been there,
one of the perks of the strict workout-routine he followed while in the military he guessed,
but now...
He straightened up and looked at himself in the mirror again,
juust as she came around the corner from the kitchen.
She laughed.
he said defensively
"I wasn't…"
"Yes, you were"
"Okay, so maybe I-
but Sam,
I'm getting fat!"
he whined,
in that adorable way of his,
or at least he tried making it as adorable as possible...
She smirked
"You're not fat, Jack."
"Well, not yet maybe, but I'm getting there!"
she sighed
"You know,
I really couldn't care less."
He looked at her
"I don't care how you look Jack."
He stared at her,
"You could look like a freakin rhino to me
and I still wouldn't care" she exclaimed
He feigned hurt.
"Are you saying I look like a rhino?"
a mock sad expression on his face
she laughed
"No Jack,
I'm saying that no matter how you look,
now matter how "fat" you get"
she made quotes in the air, clearly suppressing the urge to roll her eyes,
"it'll never make me love you any less!"
"It's not like I fell in love with you because of your looks..." she trailed off.
"You didn't?"
He looked shocked.
"Well, it was certainly a perk but,
Hmm, this certainly explained why she still wanted to be with him as he got greyer and greyer and she just more beautiful...
"Really?" he said, unsure whether to be disappointed or happy with this piece of news.
She smiled.
The latter he decided.
"Well in that case-
give me some of that,"
he said, reaching forward to grab the slice of pizza she held in her hand.
"Ooh no you don't,"
she said, sprinting into the living room,
jumping over several pieces of furniture in the process.
When he finally caught up with her she had already digested half the pizza,
making him promptly confiscate what was left.
Strangely she acquiesced without a fight,
and they both sank down on the coach together,
him happily nibbling on the stolen goods,
as a frown came across her face
and she quickly turned to stare at him.

"Wait! Does this mean-
you only like me for my looks?"
He looked at her,
a smirk forming,
before he shrugged, and dug into his pizza again.
Wouldn't want her to get too cocky now would we…



I have to say, I think Jack (RDA) is absolutely gorgeous, especially as he got older (although I probably had a mini crush on him already as MacGyver), so this fic is in no way intended to question that, at all, obviously :p Yum.

Let me what you think :)