This is my first attempt so if you can please review.

All characters in this fanfic belong to Kishimoto, Masashi

Edit 08/05/2008: Yes this first chapter is lame and weak, however i promise that it gets better. So PLEASE persevere. And another note, I have allowed anon reviews but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't spam me.


SasuHina: Chapter 1, Lost Love

"This time you are not running away…we are going back to Konoha together…brother" Naruto shouted breathlessly

"humph…if I have told you once I told you a thousand times…I am not going back, I will not say it again" Sasuke said breathless as well

"Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun…SASUKE! Shouted a voice from deep in the background

"hmm? What?" He snapped at Sakura as she had broken him from thought

Sasuke had been thinking back to the day Naruto had beaten him and brought him back to Konoha.

Sasuke left with Sakura to meet up with Naruto, and Ino.

"Right everyone is here lets get going" Ino said

They headed for Ino's place, Naruto held Sakura close while Sasuke trailed behind them. Ino saw him gaze into space and told Sakura and Naruto to keep walking as she wanted to talk to Sasuke. He looked at Naruto and Sakura with anger and joy.

"Sasuke, whats wrong, it seems like something is burning your cheese? Ino asked

"Its nothing really…lets just hurry before he arrives before we do, we can talk later" Sasuke lied

"Alright well then, when you are ready okay" Ino said

They arrived at Ino's place to find everyone there.

"Right, is everyone here?" she asked

"Yes, he is actually around the corner, so turn off the lights already" Neji said in an under tone voice

Ino turned off the lights and waited for the footsteps and finally the door opened.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY" everyone shouted in unison.

"What?? How? When? Who?" the birthday boy said

"Sai, honey, don't look like you just saw death, its your birthday, please, look happy." Ino said

"When did this…oh that why you sent me all the way to the other end of town to get these weird items…you wanted to get me away from here just incase…I love you" Sai said with a smile and kissed Ino

The party started and everyone was having a good time, except for Sasuke, everywhere he looked he saw couples; Naruto was with Sakura, Neji was with Tenten, Sai was with Ino, Lee was with Gaara, Shikamaru was with Temari and as for Kiba, Shino, Kankuro and Choji they were suck on a B-Rank mission. Sasuke felt so left out, he tilted his head forward and let his hair bury the expression on his face not that anyone would notice, they were all so happy and so in love.

Romantic music begins to play

The second he heard the beginning of that song his heart sank deeper and deeper into a world that become very familiar to him. He wanted to leave so badly but he knew he couldn't leave, he didn't want to be rude, so he walked towards the balcony of Ino's and Sai's apartment. He walked slowly with a glass of red wine in his hands when he heard something. "AAHHH, o-oh my" said a sweet, shy and gentle voice

He stopped, looked in his now empty glass, looked in front of him and saw soft wet skin as it glimmered in the moonlight.

"I am so so so sorry" he said as a line of pink on his cheeks from the wine as he tried to wipe the wine of this soft person's dress but he couldn't as the wine was all over this person's breasts.

"Um it's okay, I-I didn't like this d-dress much" the soft voice said

That voice was so sweet he couldn't help but look up to see who this was with such a beautiful soft voice, he looked and there she was with lavender gleaming eyes, lips of a princess and her body was perfect in everyway.

"Hyuuga Hinata?" he said with surprise