Lucas laid on his bed still in his black tux from the wedding

Lucas laid on his bed still in his black tux from the wedding. His wedding. He needed to stop and think about everything that had gone on in that one day. The woman he said "I do" to thinks that he's in love with Peyton Sawyer, Jamie's Nanny stole him from the wedding and Dan saved the day! It was beginning to feel a little like old times, like they were all still in High School.

"Lucas?" Karen poked her head through the doorway

"Are you ok?, would you like to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about Mom? …Today I woke up thinking I was going to get married to the woman that I love, but apparently I don't love her" Lucas looked hurt and angry. "God, Mom, you know, isn't it me that's supposed to decide who I love?!" He raised his voice, thinking about everyone he cared about never believing that Lindsay was his true love. Karen still hadn't said a word.

"All I could think about this morning was how proud Keith would be of me"

"He is proud of you Lucas, you know that" Karen said softly but firmly. She needed Lucas to know that Keith would always be proud of him, just as she was. But all Lucas did was shake his shake. She hated to see her son like this. He was a grown man but he also needed his Mom.

"I love you Lucas" she said while embracing him in a motherly hug.

"I love you too Mom"

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk"

"Ok, be careful" Karen said while watching her son walk out his bedroom door.

"How is he?" Andy asked Karen as she was sitting down with a cup of tea at the kitchen table.

"Hurt…angry…. confused. I just wish there was some way I could help him"

"You are helping, just by being here" he held Karen's hand in his.

Karen looked from her cup of tea to Andy and gave him a smile.

"Do you think he's still in love with Peyton?" Andy asked

"I don't know, I mean it's normal to still have feeling for your first love… unless of course it's Dan Scott"

"Ohh Dan" Andy said leaning back in his chair remembering today's events "How are you dealing with that?"

"I'm fine" She said truthfully.

"Dan Scott has taken a lot from us over the years, I'm not going to let that happen again" She said confidently and matter-of-factly, standing up and walking to the kitchen sink. A part of her wondered if he had changed at all over these last four years, although she doubted it.

Lucas Scott stood by the river court in the cold dark air. Faintly you could still see the writing on the court from their final year. He remembered back to that time. They were all so happy, so sure that from that moment on everything would be okay, the future was there's. How wrong they had been he thought.

"I thought I might find you here" a soft voice said from behind. He turned to find Peyton standing there, still in the dress from the wedding.

"Lucas, I am so sorry"

"Sorry?... sorry for what Peyton? Sorry for coming back here? Sorry for being jealous? Sorry for the way you treated Lindsay!? He said angrily. Peyton cut him off

"Sorry for still loving you!"

Lucas half laughed not believing what she had just said.

"I think it's a little too late for that Peyton"

"You kissed me Luke!... You felt it, it was right." Lucas shook his head not looking at her while Peyton frantically tried to get out what she was trying to say, moving closer to Lucas so that he would look her in the eye.

"Don't you get it Luke?... We're meant to be together" she said almost defeated.

Lucas looked her in her teary eyes before turning away from her.

"No, don't you get it Peyton!? You shouldn't have come back here… I can't save you this time"

Lucas walked away, never turning back, while Peyton slowly fell to her knees in tears.