It was someone none of them believed they would ever see again

It was someone none of them believed they would ever see again. Of course they knew the day would come but each and every one of them had put him in the back of their minds and out of their hearts. And now here he was, standing before them all. Dan Scott. Father, Grandfather and murderer. It was enough to take Karen's breath away. This was the man who had destroyed her happiness and ruined her little girl's world forever. But four years had gone by and Karen was not angry or fearful at the sight of Dan. She had rebuilt her life, her happiness and was at peace with her past now.

"Sir you're under arrest please put your hands behind your back" Dan put his hands behind his back as asked, but never breaking the gaze with everyone in the room.

Four years had hardly aged him. He still looked the same Dan Scott, only his build was bigger and he had faint grey hairs starting to show around his facial hair which he also never used to have.

Haley held Jamie protectively. She and Nathan had never wanted Dan to know or even see their son, and now here Jamie was thinking that his Grandpa was someone who had saved him. Haley felt a little naïve and stupid for not realizing this day would eventually come. "What do you mean he saved you?" Haley asked frantically. She was sure it was Dan who had taken Jamie from the church, she had seen him before the wedding, who else would have taken her baby boy?

"Nanny Carrie came and got me from the wedding. She said she was going to be my new mummy"

"Nanny Carrie?" Haley immediately turned to Nathan. Nathan didn't meet Haley's gaze, thinking that she blamed him. He felt a bit of guilt but knew that this wasn't his fault.

The officer stepped over to Haley. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we really need to get to the bottom of this"

"I can't believe we nearly lost him. I really thought he was gone Nathan"

They were sitting at the end of their son's bed while Jamie was sound asleep. It took a while for him to settle down, he had so many questions to ask.

"I thought you said Grandpa was bad" he had asked looking straight into his parents eyes waiting for an answer. Haley didn't exactly know how to answer this question. Although he had helped Jamie, it still made her feel a little uneasy that he had turned up to the wedding intending to see her son. Dan was manipulative and evil.

"He is bad baby" she said soothingly. That's all she could say. How could she tell a four year old that the person who just saved him was a bad person? A very bad person.

Nathan intervened. "If you see him again Jamie, I need you to come tell us okay?"

Jamie nodded in agreement although he still didn't fully understand why his Grandpa was so bad.

"Now go to sleep baby" Haley said kissing Jamie happily on the forehead pretending she wasn't still shaken up about the day's events.

"Night buddy" Nathan said looking down at his son.

"I know hayles, but he's safe now" Nathan wasn't sure he truly believed the words that he was saying. For the first time since his accident he felt that he couldn't protect his family. God, he didn't even know if they were a family anymore.

"Will you stay with us tonight?" Haley asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

Tonight it wasn't about her and what she was feeling. It was about being a family and protecting their son.

And although Nathan had all these different thoughts flying through his head about what this could mean, he didn't dare ask incase he ruined the moment.

He held out his hand to Haley, who took hold of it like a child, smiling nervously.

Should I be doing this? She kept asking herself over and over in her head as she was laying in bed but all she knew at that moment was that she needed Nathan.

Nathan could sense this and immediately held out his arm for Haley to snuggle down into his chest. This is how it should be, he thought, while kissing Haley's soft hair. Tomorrow's problems could wait.