Reviews: The biggest hugs and thanks to; Surrealtraversity, Akaatje, Destiny Kitty, Tenshi of Freedom, Kaz-za-15, Ma.anda, Rapunzelle, Silverwing X Moonrise, chrono-contract, pheonix80, Lhune, kaitouahiru, Thegoldenlock, Blaze Queenie and LunaLocket!!

Last chapter! I really hope you like it. Poor Miguel will finally learn the truth. Enjoy!

Chapter 4

"I think we need to talk," Miguel says as he steps into the room, a stern look on his face.

Kai tries to avoid his eyes, instead turning his attention to the door, watching as it falls shut behind the Spaniard, a soft click as the lock catches echoes through the room. "I don't feel like talking," Kai says quietly, placing his hand on Miguel's shoulder to push past him, eager to leave.

But Miguel is having none of it.

Moving suddenly, Miguel grabs Kai by the wrist and throws him down on the bed in one fluid movement, making it look effortless. He then moves to lean over him, grabbing his wrists and pinning them to the bed with his hands. Using his body, he presses Kai down onto the sheets so he can't move.

A blush cross between being indignant and surprise spreads across Kai's cheeks as he peers up at him through a veil of stormy gray hair. "What are you…?" he stutters.

"I think you owe me an explanation, don't you?" Miguel says firmly, looking at Kai with narrow eyes as he leans forward so they are nearly nose to nose. "I've had a really long day."

Oh yes, a very long day. It started out as normal, but then, boom! Kai comes out of nowhere and turns his life up on its head. Kissing him passionately out in the middle of the street, then again in the park, and then having countless people glare at him for reasons he currently doesn't understand isn't exactly the way he had his day planned. Sure, kissing Kai is a bonus, one he's been dreaming about for ages, but the part of Kai taking off without a word isn't a part of his fantasy.

If this gorgeous, but utterly frustrating enigma thinks he's going to somehow worm his way out of this, he's got another thing coming!

Kai stares up at him for a few moments longer, trying his best to calm his fluttering heart. He swallows thickly and licks his lips, appearing ready to speak. "I…It's Tyson. He tells me that he has a crush on me."

Miguel blinks slowly, not entirely sure why Tyson admitting his feelings for Kai has to do with the enigma pouncing on him in the middle of the street in broad daylight, asking to be kissed senseless.

Not that it bothered him too much at the time. But lets stay on track here.

"And?" he asks, sensing that there is more to this. Oh, there has to be more to this story.

"I don't like him that way," Kai says, turning his head to the side so that he is no longer looking into Miguel's blue eyes. "He told me point blank that unless I'm in love with someone else he'll try to win me over."

Once again Miguel blinks his blue eyes slowly, but then grimaces at the thought of Tyson trying to be romantic and woo Kai over with his gallant efforts. His idea of the perfect date is probably an all-you-can buffet.

"That still doesn't explain why you wanted me to kiss you," Miguel says, taking a moment to notice the blush on Kai's cheeks darken a shade before continuing. "Or when you kissed me on the stairs."

Kai closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I told him I was involved with someone else. It was a secret relationship so no one knows about it."

"So, you told him that we were in a secret relationship?" Miguel asks, seeking to confirm key pieces of information. When Kai nods he doesn't know whether to smile or scowl the teen beneath him for keeping him out of the loop for so long.

"It isn't just him," Kai goes on explaining. "There is also Wyatt, Ray, Aaron, Goki, Jim…"

"Ok, I get the point," Miguel says as he cuts him off, not really wanting to now anymore names. He knew that Kai was popular amongst his fellow bladers, but he didn't realize he was this popular.

Imagine all those bladers trying to court Kai? It'd be an all out war!

"But why me?" Miguel asks.

Kai presses his lips together and draws in a deep breath. "First name that came to mind?" he offers a lame excuse.

Miguel rolls his eyes and pushes Kai's wrists a little bit harder against the bed, leaning forward a little to look at him with narrow eyes. "Don't give me that crap. I was out in the middle of the city at the time. So it wasn't like I just happened to walk past and you spotted me. Tell me the truth. Why me?"

Kai tries to stay defiantly silent, but knows that no matter how much he likes having Miguel's warm body next to his, they can't stay like this forever.

"You interest me," Kai breathes, his flush cheeks darkening even more.

A small sound of surprise passes Miguel's lips and he pulls back slightly. He gazes down at the teen on the bed, taking in the look of humiliation and a sense of fear on Kai's face and he can't help but smile softly.

"Interest?" he asks. "As in the same type of interest Tyson has in you?"

A small, almost unnoticeable nod from Kai is all the answer Miguel needs. A bright smile appears on his lips and he must fight the urge to press their lips together again. He gently releases one of Kai's wrists to place his hand on Kai's cheek, turning his face towards him. He can't help but inwardly coo at how cute Kai is when he refuses to open his eyes.

"The least you can do is to make this into a real secret relationship," Miguel says with a sly smile on his face as he leans forward so they are nose to nose.

"What?" Kai says with a small gasp of surprise as he opens his eyes, a light dusting of red adorning the bridge of his nose.

"Isn't it obvious?" Miguel says as he gives a roll of his eyes. "I have an interest in you, too. After all, I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't."

Kai lies perfectly still, even after Miguel removes his other hand from his wrist. He blinks up at Miguel, slowly opening and closing his eye lids. After a moment of silence between the two as they stare into each other's eyes, Kai moves his arms and places his hands on Miguel's shoulder, grasping at them with his fingers as Miguel leans forward to brush their lips together. Earning himself a small gasp, Miguel presses their lips firmly together, their kiss this time slow and drawn out.

Taking their time, they sensually move their lips together in time, stroking, caressing, and drawing out mews and groans of pleasure from the both of them.

Wrapping his arms around Kai, Miguel rolls over onto his side, bringing Kai with him and never once breaking the kiss. Kai lightly pushes Miguel over onto his back when he moves up and leans against his chest, tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss a little more.

With one hand on the small of Kai's back and the other entangling itself within Kai's silky hair, Miguel runs his tongue along Kai's bottom lip. Licking it lightly, Miguel smiles to himself when Kai parts his lips in anticipation for more, a quiet moan escaping from his throat. Slipping his tongue pass the soft lips, Miguel carefully begins lightly stroking Kai's tongue with his own before running his tongue along the roof of his mouth, earning himself another moan of pleasure.

They continue to kiss passionately, taking their time and breathing quietly through their noses.

Suddenly, Kai's bedroom door flies open. "Hey, Kai – Wah!"

Immediately, Kai and Miguel spring away from each other, Miguel hitting the wall behind him with his head and Kai falling onto the floor with a thud. Curses from both teens in their native tongues soon follow.

"What the hell is going on?!" Tyson demands, his arms flailing about at his sides, his face red either from embarrassment of walking in on such an intimate moment, or anger that they were having an intimate moment.

Kai immediately climbs to his feet and scowls at the shorter teen. "What do you think is going on? I'm spending time with my boyfriend, that's what!"

Boyfriend? Miguel muses as he rubs his head and watches the two teammates argue quite loudly. He likes the sound of that. Kai's boyfriend. It has a nice ring to it.

So, that means they're official now? Great! Miguel can look forward to more of those passionate kisses in the future and he won't have to stalk through the city streets to find him.

Soon, the commotion between Kai and Tyson alerts the other occupants in the house and they all come rushing in. They appear in the doorway, confusion and curiosity in each of their faces, nearly falling over themselves to see inside the bedroom.

"What's going on?" Ray asks, his amber eyes lingering on Kai, but also flickering towards Miguel who is still sitting on Kai's bed.

"Miguel and Kai were making out, that's what!" Tyson practically wails, his arms flailing about at his sides again. "I told Miguel no more than 30 centimeters!"

Ray reels back in surprise at the tactless in Tyson's voice and then turns his gaze towards Kai, looking absolutely gutted, making him and Miguel wince. He blinks his amber eyes for a moment before a smile, albeit a forced one, appears on his lips. "I guess you weren't expecting to be oust like this, were you?"

"Ray, I…" Kai starts, a look of guilt on his expression. "I didn't want you to…"

"It's ok," Ray cuts him off, the look of abandonment still lingering on his face. "It's your choice who you want to be with, after all."

"That's right!" Max suddenly says with a firm voice, folding his arms over his chest to nod sternly. "Kai can date whoever he wants. He isn't a prize to be won. Besides, if Miguel hurts him, we'll just beat him up."

Miguel deadpans at the seriousness in Max's voice. "You're not crushing on him as well, are you?" he asks as he climbs off the bed.

Max gives him a large grin and gives him a peace sign. "Nup! I love Kai like a brother."

"Well then, little brother," Kai says as he begins to force the others out of his room, appearing as if he has taken more than he can stand at the moment. "Take your little friends and let your older brother have some quality time with his boyfriend."

"Okay!" Max says with his usual enthusiasm, taking over from Kai as he herds everyone out, noticing a few tinged cheeks amongst them. He raises an eyebrow, but then blushes too when he assumes what kind of quality time Kai wants with Miguel.

Oh dear…thank goodness Hilary isn't here. The ultimate Yaoi fangirl would have a field day.

"We won't make too much noise," he says with a hint of embarrassment, closing the door behind him.

An expression of confusion appears on Kai's face and turns to share a look with his blonde haired boyfriend. "What was that about?"

"They probably think we were trying to become intimate," Miguel chuckles under his breath.

Kai immediately blushes a shade darker than cherry red and turns his attention to the blonde. "They wouldn't think that if you didn't throw me onto the bed."

Miguel raises an eyebrow, a sense of frustration returning to his being. "I wouldn't have thrown you onto the bed if you just filled me in on what's going on."

"How the hell was I supposed to know you liked me that way?" Kai retorts as he folds his arms over his chest and eyes Miguel with a narrow gaze. "You never showed."

Miguel mimics Kai's expression and folds his arms over his chest as well. "I never did anything because I thought I wasn't good enough for you."

"Not good enough?" Kai stutters and almost blanches. "Are you mad? What gave you the right to assume anything?"

"Well, what about you? I had no idea you felt that way about me!"

"That's irrelevant!"

Miguel blinks slowly, an expression of confusion and slight amusement appears on his face. "How so?"

"I'm a hypocrite," Kai replies with a cute pout.

"And I'm blonde," Miguel retorts coolly as he points to his hair. "So we both have excuses…So, what now?"

"…I don't know."

Suddenly, a flicker of mischievousness appears in Kai's eyes and he smiles slyly. "We could also continue where we left off."

And before Miguel has a chance to reply, Kai flings his arms around his neck and presses their lips together, the two of them falling onto the bed, Kai once again against his chest.

"Wait," Miguel says as he breaks the kiss. "What about the others?"

"What about them?" Kai says, his eyes giving him a come-hither look.

"Good answer," Miguel replies as he places a hand on the back of Kai's head and pulls him down for a kiss.

Whoo! Done! A couple chapters longer than anticipated, but I'm happy with it. I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Please review.