Hello every one! Ok, I found some one to read ove this for me! Mirwen8 is kick ass and read it over for me. The next chap. will come out within a fue days with any luck.

With that out of the way, this is going to be put under Vampire Knight heading instead of the Twilight one because most of the story takes place at Cross Academy. I'll try to explain the Twilight characters as thoroughly as possible, so that anyone that hasn't read the books can understand the story. If you haven't read them yet and you like Vampire Knight you need to look into the books! And there will be parings in this story, but they aren't going to be what they might immediately look like. I'm trying something new here.

Sorry for the long note, I own nothing, on with the story.

Jacob heard him long before he saw him. The wheezing, gasping sobs were clear from almost a mile away with his enhanced hearing. Even still when the source of the noise finally came into view a dark thrill ran through him. Sitting at the base of a large tree, deep in the dark woods, was a boy.

He was young, no older than sixteen. Silvery blond hair fell into his face, which was white as a sheet and covered in a thin layer of sweat. He had his knees drawn up to his chest and his arms wrapped so tightly around his torso it actually looked painful. The closer Jacob crept the stronger the sickly sweet odor that burned his nose became.

The boy was a vampire.

A low growl escaped Jacob. Finally, after weeks of running in an attempt to distance himself from Bella and her choice, he had found an outlet for his anger. Here was a vampire that he could kill without so much as a second thought. There were no Cullens to make things difficult with their damn treaty, and no Bella to make him feel guilty. There was only instinct, and it demanded he do what he was made to do.

The blood sucker glanced up and his eyes immediately fell onto Jacob. The werewolf took no small amount of satisfaction in knowing the way that he must look to the vampire; a huge shaggy wolf the size of a small horse baring his fangs threateningly. It would terrify anyone, hell it terrified Bella, and that was saying something. This monster would be shaking in his own skin.

A heartbeat, low and steady up until that moment, suddenly increased its tempo. That gave Jacob a moment's pause. Why would there be a heartbeat? Vampires didn't have a pulse, so they couldn't have a beating heart. Was there a human around that was still alive? Was that what he was hearing, and if it was why couldn't he smell them?

Silver-gray eyes watched Jacob blankly. They were glazed over in what could only be described as pain. What a vampire could possibly have to be in pain about was a mystery. And … were those tears on the vampire's cheeks? Could vampires cry? That seemed rather unusual.

Jacob took a step forward. The heart beat faster and the boy went absolutely still. He wasn't even breathing, and only the absence of the raged breaths alerted Jacob to the fact that the boy had been breathing to begin with. What sort of vampire had a beating heart, could cry, and actually bothered with breathing? There was no mistaking it, the boy was a vampire. The stink was all over him, and not in the left over sort of way that it used to cling to Bella. Used to, but now--

Now was not the time for reflections on Bella Swan.

Jacob moved forward slowly, his lips pulled back to reveal his long fangs. The slight color that had been present in the boy's face drained away and his jaw tightened. Something flared in his eyes, which flashed a deep crimson. That confirmed it without a shadow of a doubt. Red eyes were the mark of a well fed vampire; Bella had explained that long ago.

This creature was going to die.

Jacob pounced.

The boy moved with lightning fast speed. His hand disappeared into his rumpled black jacket for a split second, only to return with something metallic. A gun. It went off with a bang, bullet whizzing past Jacob's left ear. The boy cursed violently. Quick as a flash, the wolf clamped down on the ridiculous chain that connected the gun to the vampire's jacket. Jerking his head to the side, Jacob heard a satisfying rip and an even more satisfying yelp as the chain tore away from the bloodsucker's clothes. Another quick jerk sent the gun sailing a foot behind the werewolf.

Not for the first time Jacob wished he could smirk in this form.

The vampire was on his feet and lunging for the weapon within a second. Jacob was upon him just as quickly, his massive jaw clamping down on the bloodsuckers' thin arm. His teeth slipped into the boy's flesh as easily as if it were butter. Warm butter. Blood spilled down past his jowls. The boy screamed as he was jerked backwards by Jacob's iron tight grip, feet slipping on the loose litter.

And suddenly Jacob was more confused then ever before. Vampires, even the young ones, had flesh that was harder than this one's. And no vampire Jacob had ever fought had blood in its vein. That was the whole reason they craved it, why they needed it to live. They had no blood of there own to sustain themselves with, so they needed the blood of others.

What in the world was going on? Vampires didn't cry, they didn't have heartbeats, they didn't bleed, and they certainly didn't need a gun to defend themselves with. What in the world was this kid?

Jacob was pulled from his confusion by a sudden, sharp pain exploding in his nose. As the boy elbowed him in the snout a second time with his free appendage he released the trapped arm on instinct and shook his head to rid himself of the pain. The boy used that moment to make another scrambling bid for the gun. His hand barely ghosted over the weapon before Jacob was there, twisting the metal into a useless mess with his teeth.

An angry growl escaped him.

Real, honest fear flashed in the boy's eyes as he stared up into the werewolf's face. Jacob slammed into him, pinning him to the ground on his back. The force of the impact knocked the boy's breath out of his lungs. Another oddity, the fact that he had breath at all. And then the strangest thing of all occurred. The boy's fear filled gray eyes suddenly closed. Absolute acceptance seemed to emanate from his very being. Whatever Jacob planned to do the boy would not try to stop.

Why? What vampire would willingly accept death when he had the ability to fight?

Jacob growled in equal parts anger and annoyance. The boy didn't move, didn't even flinch. And then suddenly, his eyes shot open, blood red staring up at Jacob with an eerie glow. Agony flashed across his face as his back arched and his fingers dug into the soft leaves beneath him. He whimpered and tossed his head as his whole body seemed to go into seizures. Something close to pleading shone from his eyes as he looked up at Jacob.

What the hell was going on? What was that desperate look for? Four long, miserable minutes passed. When the pain finally subsided the boy seemed to be drained. He lay still upon the ground, watching Jacob listlessly. Sweat dampened his hair and made it cling to his pale forehead. His breath came in unsteady puffs as more tears slowly made their way down his cheeks.

Unbidden, images of Bella flashed through the werewolf's mind.

Jacob was furious. Not because he was staring down at a vampire. Not because of the bad memories this moment was bringing up. No, he was furious because he suddenly felt guilty. There was no way he could stare down into the face of a child younger then he even was who was welcoming death so submissively and not feel something. He sighed. Much as he hated to admit it, the boy had quipped his interest and his ire. Killing him didn't seem to be such a great idea anymore. He continued to stare down into eyes that shifted between gray and red with each pained breath as he considered.

What options did Jacob really have? The most productive one would obviously be to do what he had intended to do when this confrontation began. Unfortunately that wasn't going to happen with the way things were going. Could he just let the boy go? Would that be betraying some fundamental part of who he was? More importantly, would that put anyone else in danger?

The boy gave a small shudder. Jacob blinked down at him. Was that out of fear? He certainly didn't smell frightened. Another shudder ran through the small vampire. His pale lips were pressed together tightly and looked to be shaking as well. Jacob sighed in frustration. First the boy practically asked to be killed and now he was so scared he was trembling?

The boy gave a small sigh of his own, his breath rising in a miniscule cloud between the two. And suddenly Jacob realized his mistake. The boy wasn't scared, he was cold. That probability had not been immediately apparent to Jacob because vampires were not supposed to get cold. Once again, this boy seemed to be destroying all his preconceived, tested notions.

Jacob allowed himself to flop down onto the boy, his large body covering the smaller one completely. Unease ran rampant through those gray-red eyes, but he didn't really blame the bloodsucker. Having a massive wolf laying on top on him couldn't have been particularly calming or comfortable. He rested his shaggy head on the boy's chest, his snout inches away from the throat he'd been intending to ripping open. The boy didn't move a muscle. He was most definitely holding his breath. Once again Jacob wished this form allowed him to smirk. He was extremely pleased with the way the boy was reacting. If he couldn't kill the blood sucker he could at least give him a scare.

This close to him Jacob found that the boy's scent was slightly off. He did smell like a vampire, but the scent was muted and awkward. There was no real way to describe it. It was definitely the same sort of scent that clung to the Cullens, but not anywhere near as strong. There was still a human undercurrent to it that not even the newborns he had fought back home had possessed. Jacob sat upon the vampire, deep in thought. The sheer number of things about this boy that didn't add up were staggering. It was like suddenly being presented with a whole new creature, like seeing Bigfoot for the first time. It just wasn't right.

A jolt ran threw Jacob as a soft touch stirred his fur. His eyes snapped to the pale face of the vampire in surprise. The boy was staring up at him hesitantly. Cold fingers brushed through thick fur once again, but very slowly. He seemed to be searching for any sign of ensuing violence on Jacob's part. When he was not immediately slaughtered the boy stroked him again.

"What in the world are you?"

The voice was soft and raw and so utterly human that Jacob nearly cringed. The boy sighed almost sadly.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" he questions miserably.

Jacob heard himself growl low in his throat. The boy froze. There was still a complete absence of fear in his face, and his question certainly wasn't one of fright either. It truly sounded as if he wanted to be killed and found the fact that he wasn't a bit disappointing.

Red flaired in the boy's eyes once again and he cringed. A soft whimper slipped past his clenched teeth as his whole body stiffened. Jacob cocked his head to the side in frustration. Every time the boy's eyes turned red he seemed to be in pain. Why was that? As far as Jacob knew red eyes were the mark of a particularly well fed vampire. It was no reason to be writhing in agony. Then again, the boy had yet to display one characteristic of a normal vampire.

Once the red subsided once more the boy gave a small grown of relief. He cracked his gray eyes open and stared straight up, past Jacob. It was almost as if he were seeing something other than the tree tops above them.

"It hurts," he whispered. Absolute misery clung to his voice. "I just want it to stop."

The boy closed his eyes tightly. "I'm so thirsty it hurts. I'm afraid that I'm going to attack Yuki or one of the other students. I don't want to, but I don't think I can help myself anymore," he half sobbed. He sounded so guilty and so miserable that for half a second Jacob considered trying to comfort him. But he checked that impulse as quickly as it came. Besides, as a wolf there really wasn't much he could do to comfort.

"Someone should just kill me before I do damage that can't be fixed."

Things were beginning to make sense to Jacob now. The vampire had to be young, inexperienced in the ways of his kind. The red of his eyes must be a sign of his worsening thirst, Bella must have gotten that bit of information wrong. Knowing that fact made it harder to justify letting the boy live, he had as good as admitted that he was going to try to attack someone soon. He'd even asked to be killed! And yet, all Jacob wanted to do was sit where he was and see what happened.

A cold wind ran through the trees, making the boy shiver and causing Jacob to freeze. There came on that wind a scent he would have been able to identify anywhere; another vampire. Not a weak, half starved fledgling that didn't even have the characteristics of a proper vampire. No, the one that was currently making his way here was strong. Jacob could practically feel the creature's essence darkening the surrounding air. That didn't frighten the werewolf in anyway; he had faced dangerous bloodsuckers before and come out of it relatively unscathed. What did bother him was the certainty he had that if he was still here when this second vampire arrived someone would die. That someone would be a member of the undead, but Jacob had a sinking feeling that it would be the boy beneath him that would end up dead….again.

He stood carefully, the body prone on the ground going instantly rigged. As quickly and as silently as he could the werewolf slipped into the surrounding darkness, but went no further than was absolutely necessary. He was out of sight and down wind, there was no chance of being spotted. Jacob would attest it to morbid curiosity, there was no way he would stay in the bushes and watch the young vampire because he was concerned. He wasn't. Not at all. He stayed because there was a dangerous vampire about to appear and it was Jacob's duty to determine whether or not he needed to do something about that.

Darkness closed in around the clearing and the cold grew arctic. One moment the boy was alone, shifting slowly on the ground as he tried to rouse himself and the next there was someone beside him.

The new vampire was older than the boy on the ground, tall and lean. His skin was so utterly pale it was white, and his hair was a dark, rich mop of brown curls that bled into the darkness around him. The bloodsucker seemed to radiate power, so much so that the hair on Jacob's back was standing on end. Even Edward had never roused this sort of response.

The newcomer shook his head with a sigh. He leaned down closer to the boy on the ground, who in return tried to scramble away.

"You're a stubborn child, Kiryu ," he said softly. His voice was smooth and seductive, the sort of voice that drew the unsuspecting in. "Is my assistance so repulsive to you that you would rather suffer than accept it?"

The boy, Kiryu, glared, or he tried to. In his weakened state the expression looked more pitiful than intimidating. The older vampire reached out and pulled the boy up close to his chest. Kiryu struggled and fought, cursing with surprising vehemence. His protests were completely ignored. Jacob had to stifle a growl, for some reason Kiryu's distress bothered him.

"It's alright," the vampire said calmly. "Drink, before you lose yourself to your hunger."

"Get away from me Kuran!" Kiryu hissed.

"You've taken my blood before, why is now any different?"

"I didn't want it then either!"

Kuran sighed. With one arm wrapped around Kiryu 's back keeping him pinned against his larger chest, Kuran raked his fingers down the side of his own neck. Blood followed the motion instantly. The boy groaned miserably and closed his eyes. The older bloodsucker calmly dipped his fingers into his blood and then wiped them across the lips of his struggling captive.

The effect was immediate. Whatever restraint the boy had vanished. He lunged forward, sinking his fangs into the other vampire's neck almost desperately. Kuran gave a small gasp as the boy's arms snaked out of the grip they had been in to cling to the other vampire's shirt. Jacob looked away.

He had never seen a vampire feed before. It somehow made it much harder to think of the boy in terms of innocent and non-murder worthy. Not if he was at all capable of doing to a normal person what he was doing to Kuran. Against his better judgment Jacob turned back to the two vampires. Kiryu was drinking deeply from his willing victim. His head was turned away from Jacob, so the werewolf had no way of knowing whether or not he was enjoying his meal. Somehow he hoped Kiryu wasn't.

He was even more confused by Kuran. His face was blank and collected, showing no signs of whether he liked or disliked the fact that he still had his arms around the parasite feeding off of him. A sudden frown flickered across his face before he glanced down at the younger vampire.

"You don't need this much. If you keep drinking the way you are you'll end up killing me. Do you intend to do that?" he asked, his velvety voice full of a subtle sort of condescension.

Kiryu made a small, unintelligible sound deep in his throat and didn't stop drinking. Jacob felt himself shift slightly closer. Would Kuran just let himself be killed? That would be pleasant. To his disappointment, Kuran calmly and efficiently pulled Kuryu away from his neck. Now that his face wasn't so close to the other bloodsucker Jacob could see his expression perfectly. Kiryu's eyes were half lidded and dilated, glowing a deep red. Blood was dripping down his chin and onto his shirt. His body seemed boneless, limp and malleable as he lied in Kuran's arms. He looked drunk, or drugged, as if he had no idea what was going on anymore. The older vampire had his head cocked to the side, considering the boy before him.

Kiryu blinked owlishly, and then blinked again. His eyes flicked to the blood on Kuran's neck and shirt collar. Distress slowly blossomed in them. He said something, but Jacob couldn't make it out, it was too jumbled. He tried to pull away, but for some reason Kuran's blood seemed to have made him no stronger then he was when the confrontation started.

"Go to sleep, Kiryu . You're tired and I don't feel like explaining to Yuki why I had to beat you in order to get you to come back with me," said Kuran. There was something odd in his voice though, something that made Jacob's ears ring and his head feel fuzzy.

Immediately he was reminded of Edward and his ability to read minds. There was a very good chance that this vampire had some sort of ability, like the Cullens all did. Hadn't Bella said once that most vampires developed a special talent when they were turned? If Kuran did have a power, what was it?

Kiryu seemed to sag in his arms almost immediately. This time, when he spoke Jacob had no problem hearing the fleeting, angry words, "I hate you, Kuran."

The older vampire was silent as he waited for Kiryu to fall completely asleep. It took a matter of moments, and Jacob was positive he had done it with some sort of power. Kiryu's head fell forwed, resting against a white clad shoulder. Kuran shifted the boy's weight in his arms, lifting him up and holding him surprisingly gently.

"I'm well aware of that," he murmured to the sleeping boy. He turned, heading back into the woods and way from Jacob. He had reached the thresh hold of the darkness in the trees before stopping suddenly.

Kuran didn't turn around.

"I would suggest you go far away from here. The next time I find you near Kiryu or anyone else, especially in that form, I will kill you, wolf."

The darkness reached out and swallowed Kuran and his charge, leaving Jacob alone in the woods.