AN: I'm really sorry. I'm not sure what this is. Just a little drabble I suppose. I hope you like it. xD

I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to it, (the characters, etc.)


"James," Lily said, annoyed. "I'm trying to read."

"Why?" James whined.

"We've talked about this before, James," Lily said, not looking up from the huge textbook held up in front of her face. "NEWTs are next week. I need to study, you need to study. Go study!"

"But I don't want to."

"Go find your friends."

"Sirius and Remus are off somewhere, and Peter's sleeping. Besides, we've barely had any us time." James pouted, pulling the book from Lily's face to make sure she saw his Sexy Pout.

Lily laughed and pulled the book back up. "Don't give me that, James."

"Give you what?" James asked, pulling the book down again.

"Oh you know exactly what I mean," Lily laughed again and pulled the book back up. She then turned away from James so that he couldn't grasp the book again.

"Lily," James whined. "I'm so bored!"

"So go study. Or clean your room, or something." She turned around again. "Why don't you go ride your broom?"

"Can't." James said. "The first years are having a lesson." He reached over to take her hand off of her book and placed it in the middle of his. With his thumb, he rubbed small circles along the back of it. "I know what I do want to do though, Lily. Please?"

"No," Lily said, taking her hand back. "I'm trying to read!"

"You can read later. Please, Lily?"

She sighed. "Fine, but just for a little bit."

"Yay!" James said, jumping up like a little kid.

"I don't know why I let you talk me into this," Lily said, putting her bookmark in the page and standing up.

"You know you like it too," James said. He took her book and then put it down on the table.

Lily stopped smoothing out her skirt and looked up at him. "I do not."

"Liar," James said, grinning. "You know you love it." He took her hand, leading her toward the common room door. "Quick before all the good ones are taken."

"You are such a child," Lily laughed as she was dragged forcibly out of the common room. "Slow down!"

"I just so excited!" James said, doing a bit of a skip and then picking up the pace.

--10 minutes later--

"WOOO!! I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!" James yelled, throwing his arms out.

The thestral and Lily shared a look. "Yes, I think he's crazy too," Lily said "but I love him anyway."