Shawn and Gus hurried back to the yoga class, taking only one wrong turn into a lamas breathing class. They went back to where Susie was sitting Indian-style. They plopped down next to her and started whispering hurriedly.

"Susie," said Shawn. "We've got to get out of here."

"Why?" asked Susie.

"Because the owner of this place is a murderer not to mention--"

But Susie was up and pulling the two men behind her into the hallway. Once there, she turned to them. "What's going on, Shawn?"

"Yeah," said Gus. "What are you talking about? How do you know that Norma killed those women?"

Shawn handed the pill bottle to Susie. "Norma Janson was trying to get pregnant. When she couldn't, her psychologist friend prescribed her these pills for depression. However, Norma wasn't just depressed. She was going crazy with jealousy, being around these pregnant women all the time. The feelings became overwhelming and she killed those five women."

"Where is she now?" asked Susie.

"In her office," said Gus. "Why?"

"Let's go in there and bust her ass."

"No!" said Shawn, grabbing Susie's arm before she waddled off. "No, we can't just go barging in there, accusing her of murder."

"Why not?" asked Susie. "That's what you do all the time."

"We need Lassie and Jules and the Chief here."

"Then call them. We live in the 21st century. We have the amazing thing called cellular phones."

"I think she'd notice the sirens and stuff and she might try to run."

Susie stared at Shawn. "You watch too many movies," she said. Sighing, she said, "Unfortunately, you make some sense."

"We need a plan," said Gus.

"Duh," said Susie. The group was quiet for a few moments. Then, Susie closed her eyes and shook her head. 'I can't believe I'm about to do this,' she told herself. Then she looked at Shawn. "I've got a plan." she said.

"What?" asked Shawn.

"Just stay here." Susie said, walking down the hall and turning the corner. Shawn and Gus looked after her, and then at each other. What was Susie doing?

Moments later, Shawn's phone rang. He answered it. "Hello?"

"Oh my God, my water just broke," said a slightly bored voice.

"Suze?" asked Shawn.

"Who else?" asked Susie. "Now, go get Ms. Janson and get her to go to the nearest hospital and tell the doctors that I'm having a baby."


"Just do it. Then come get me out of this bathroom." Susie hung up before Shawn could get another word in.

"What's going on?" asked Gus.

"Susie's plan. C'mon." Shawn ran towards Norma's office, Gus following. Bursting in, Shawn said, "Ms. Janson! Susie's water broke!"

Norma looked up. "What?" she said. "I thought you said she was only seven months along!"

"Yeah, well, she just called me from the bathroom and said her water broke. And I think I'm going to have to trust her judgment on this. We need you to go to the nearest hospital."

"St. John's?"

"Yes! Go there and tell the doctors to get in position."

Norma got up and hurried out of the office. "I'll meet you inside the front doors," she said.

Gus looked at Shawn. "This is Susie's plan? Getting the criminal out of the building and into the streets? Now what?"

"Something tells me Susie's plan's not over yet," said Shawn. He exited the office and walked towards the bathroom that Susie was in. He knocked on the door and Susie opened it.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm not really having a baby, so yeah." said Susie. "Now, walk me to the car."

Shawn and Gus each took one of Susie's arms and led her down the hall and out of the front door. When they got to the car, Gus got in back while Susie sat up in front next to Shawn.

"Okay," she said. "Call Lassiter and tell him to meet us at the hospital."

Shawn pulled away from the curb and dialed the head detective's number.

"Lassiter," he answered after the second ring.

"Lassie! What are you doing?"

"I'm about to hang up and continue trying to solve a multiple homicide."

"Meet me at St. John's hospital ASAP. Use the siren."


Shawn hung up. "So, what's the rest of your plan?" he asked Susie.

"That was pretty much it." said Susie. There was a shocked silence in the car. Looking at Shawn, she said, "You are so gullible. My plan is for you to get a 'vision' at the hospital and solve the case while Lassie and Jules are there."

Shawn pulled the car into the nearest parking spot. Then he and Gus walked Susie into the hospital. Inside, Norma was waiting with a nurse with a wheelchair. The rest of the women from the home were there too.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Susie asked Shawn.

"I don't know," he said as Norma ran up with the wheelchair.

"Here you go, hon. Sit down. The doctors are getting ready."

"Thank you," Susie gasped, sitting down and clutching her stomach.

"You must be so nervous," Norma said to Shawn.

"Yes ma'am," said Shawn. He looked down at Susie. "Don't worry babe. Just do the breathing that Gus taught you."

Susie grabbed Shawn's hand and squeezed it hard.

"Contraction?" he asked, trying to flex his hand and not show the sudden pain.

Susie nodded. "I'm going to die." She loosened her grip. "Tell them I want drugs."


At that moment, Lassiter, Jules and the Chief walked into the hospital.

"Mr. Spencer, what's going on?" asked Karen.

"Excuse me, we're ready for you." said a doctor behind the group. All the other expecting mothers started wishing luck and offering words of kindness and advice to Susie. The doctor started moving the chair away.

"Uncle Carlton!" yelled Susie, silencing everyone and causing a moment of frozen movement. Lassiter looked at Susie in the chair. Then he saw her stomach. Glaring, he strode over to the chair. Kneeling, he said, "What the hell is going on?"

"Lassie, thank God you're here!" said Shawn. Lassiter stood up and Shawn hugged him. "This is the big moment," he said.

"Spencer, get off of me."

Shawn pulled away. "Yes, what a big moment it is. I have solved the case."

"What are you talking about?" asked Juliet.

"Mr. Spencer, we really should be moving your wife to her room." said the doctor.

"Lassie, arrest this woman for murder!" said Shawn, pointing at Norma.

"What?" said Lassiter, Jules, the Chief, the doctor, Norma and the rest of the clientele from the home.

"Yes," said Shawn. "She's the killer." He put his fingers to his head and closed his eyes. "She was trying to get pregnant by artificial conception. However, when that failed, her psychologist and bestie for life, Carrie Jones prescribed her anti-depressants." Shawn opened his eyes. "But it wasn't enough." Shawn put his hand on Susie's stomach. "Being around all those expectant mothers every day finally got to her. She had to get rid of them. If she couldn't have a baby, why should they get to?"

Everyone looked at Norma. She stood there for a few moments, and then burst into tears. "All I wanted was to be happy," she said. "To know what it felt like to be a mother."

Lassiter strode up to Norma. "You have the right to remain silent," he began, cuffing her wrists.

As he was leading her out, one of the women clutched her stomach.

"Oh!" said another woman. "She's having contractions!"

Susie heaved herself out of the wheelchair to the doctor's astonishment. "Here," she said. "Have my chair."

"But…" the doctor said. "I thought you were…"

"Yeah," said Susie. "I'm not."

"Mr. Spencer, why does Susie look like she's pregnant?" asked the Chief.

"Undercover mission." said Shawn.

The Chief shook her head and walked out to her car. Shawn, Gus and Susie began to follow her.

"That was an interesting plan," said Gus. "I wasn't exactly sure where you were going with it…"

"Thanks," said Susie. "I just hope I was somewhat convincing."

"Totally," said Shawn. "I was sure you broke my hand for a minute."

"Oops," said Susie.

"And that Uncle Carly thing was brilliant."

"I just wanted to see the look on his face," said Susie.

They were almost to the sliding doors when they heard a voice behind them.


The group turned around to find themselves in the company of Henry Spencer.

"Dad." said Shawn. "What are you doing here?"

"I was visiting a friend. Why are you here?"

"Solving a multiple homicide."

Then Henry saw Susie. His eyes widened slightly. He turned to his son. What had Shawn done now? "Shawn, what's going on?"


"Why does Susie look pregnant?"

"Because…. she is?" asked Shawn.

Susie smacked Shawn. "I'm not really pregnant, Mr. Spencer. Trust me."

"Then why…."

"We needed to go undercover," said Shawn.

Henry shook his head and walked out of the hospital.

The next day, the group went to SBPD headquarters. Juliet saw Susie leaning on Lassiter's desk.

"Hey," said Juliet. "Good to see you're back to your normal size."

Susie laughed slightly. "Thanks. It's good to be back to my 'normal size'."

"I don't know how you put up with Shawn." said Juliet. "Especially after that last stunt. I mean, he once proposed to me and then told a lady that we had a little daughter, but it wasn't as humiliating as what he put you through."

"Ah, it wasn't so bad." Juliet looked at Susie. "Okay, yeah it was." Susie said. "But I got my revenge."

"Revenge?" asked Lassiter, walking up with the Chief. "What revenge?"

At that moment, Shawn and Gus came around the corner. They were both wearing pregnancy stomachs under their shirts. Shawn looked like he was going to have twins.

Lassiter, the Chief and Juliet all dropped their jaws.

"What the hell….." said Lassiter.

Shawn and Gus walked up to the group. "Hey guys," said Shawn. "What's up?"

"My back is killing me," Gus said.

The group was silent. Susie smirked slightly. Someone cat-called from down the hall.

"Why I oughta…"said Gus.

"Come on, ladies," said Susie. "We'd better head over to Henry's and tell him the good news."

Shawn, Gus and Susie waved to the law enforcement group and walked down the hall. The other three stood in shocked silence for a few moments.

"Remind me to never piss her off." said Lassiter.