Yep I am back! Yes it's Shadow and Amy. . . I tried to write something else but failed miserably so. . . I ended up writing about them again! I don't own any of the characters here. . . enjoy! Oh be nice about the spelling okay I have dyslexia. . . I try my best!

My Dark Hero

Chapter one: Telling secrets to trees.

Amy Rose was taking a long walk, it was a lovely summer evening, the air was warm and filled with the scent of the blooming summer flowers.

The young pink hedgehog spotted an old oak tree up on a small mound near her, and on a whim she walked over to the tree.

Amy decided this would be a nice spot to take a brake, from her walk, slowly the pink hedgehog sat down under the sheltering branches of the tree. "Umm this is a really nice spot." Amy said to herself.

Sighing with contentment, the young pink hedgehog leant back against the tree trunk and stared up at the deep green leaves of the tree. "Hey, old tree, can I tell you a secret?"

The old trees leaves rustled gently in the wind and Amy smiled. "I'll take that as a yes then. I finally gave up on Sonic, I haven't chased him for a whole week, I don't even feel like chasing him any more. Since I stopped following Sonic around every were, we have become much closer friends. . . and you know what? I'm really truly happy about that. Surprised? I know I was."

Once again the leaves above Amy rustled and the young pink hedgehog once again smiled up at them. "Oh so you want to hear more do you?"

"Well, there is something else I should tell you . . ." Amy looked around quickly to make sure that there was no one else around, nope all clear. "I'm in love . . . This is a really big secret so no telling. . . I'm in love with Shadow."

Te old trees leaves rustled loudly in a sudden strong gust of wind and the pink hedgehog laughed slightly. "Yeah I know, the likely hood of Shadow the hedgehog, ever noticing my feelings are a lot less then zero. So this secret of mine, is just between you and me. . . I have absolutely no intention of chasing Shadow around, I learnt my lesson on that one and he is far to serious for that kind of thing. . . I just wish . . . No. . . I just hope that someday, maybe he will notice me. . ."

Amy let out a very deep sad sight. "You know. . . this is going to be hard for me. . . Shadow has been hurt a lot. . . and I am fairly sure that his heart is in heaven with Maria. . .but I can't help the way I feel about him. . . I'll keep loving Shadow in secret. . . Even all I can have from him is friendship."

The young pink hedgehog then smiled slightly to herself. "Well old tree, any one going by right now would think that I am totally crazy talking to a tree. . . but for some reason I feel really comfortable talking to you. . . I wonder why?"

Amy's green eyes suddenly became distant and she spoke again to the tree. "I wonder what Shadow is doing right now . . . I haven't seen him for such a long time. Well were ever Shadow may be, I hope that he is safe and well."

Amy simply sat after that last statement in silence, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sounds of the forest for a while.

Very slowly the young pink hedgehog stood, gently she patted the old trees trunk. "Well I had better get home before it gets dark and thank you for listening to me."

With a large, very happy smile, plastered over her face the young hedgehog skipped off back towards her house.

Slowly out of the foliage of the tree a shape appeared. . . the shape had a distinctly hedgehog out line. . . quietly the figure stepped out into the light, the ruby eyes of the dark hedgehog were wide. . .

(Yeah just a short start I know, I decided to get this idea down before it ran away! I hope to continue soon. . .I hope you all liked it. . . wonder what Shadow's going to say or think?)