XX – I've edited and will try to improve the story. Ch 1: 1/19/10 Jaz

Disclaimer : I don't own Roswell or its characters.

Roswell season one inspired after watching "four square" Forget season 2 and 3 they never happened. Forget the facts and just enjoy my creativity.

Maxwell "Max" Evans was the strong silent type. He was the mysterious dark eyed boy who didn't seem to fit in. He had a heart of gold, always trying to do the "right thing". At six, when he healed a fallen bird he realized that he would never be normal. Being on the outside looking in was the closest he'd ever get to being just like everyone else.

Michael Guerin was what you would call a loner. He was a kid forced to live by his own means. His past was troubled and his feelings complex. His best friend was Maxwell Evans, Isabelle's brother. He was tall, dark, and handsome with that irresistible hint of danger that made all girls take a second glance. Besides Maxwell, only Michael and Isabelle understood what it meant to be different.

Isabelle "Izzy" Evans wasn't your average American teenage girl; she was a so much more than your girl next door. She had beautiful wavy blonde tresses that fell mid back and smile that could light the darkest of nights. She had a brilliant mind and was an all around picture of perfection. She was Roswell High's senior class President, year book editor, and the most popular girl in school. She seemed so perfect, but no one could see the tortured soul that lived inside. Not too many people understood how she could be surrounded by people and still feel so alone. Isabelle Evans wasn't just a model of perfection; she was an alien just like her brother and Michael. They were sent to Earth for their own protection but they didn't know much about their own planet but that was all about to change.

Tess Harding was the forth member of the royal four. She was the one they left behind. She was a queen without a throne also known as the new girl in town. Tess knew that if she could get Max, Isabelle, and Michael to accept her and remember their past that they could save their home planet of Antar. Luckily the time was finally here. The V-formation in the sky represented the unveiling. Destiny could not be denied. All she had to do was sit back and watch.

Chapter 1

Isabelle sat up straight up in bed, panting, heated, and sweating. She'd had another dream. Glancing frantically around the room she tried to get a hold on her surroundings. She got out of bed and walked over to open a window. She found herself staring out at the beautifully starry night sky noticing that the brightest stars in the sky formed what looked like the letter V, similar to the V from the cave painting on the reservation. Wrapping her arms around herself she thought about the dream, Michael, and the baby. Tess had come by yesterday afternoon and told her to follow the signs. She just didn't want to believe it.

Michael had been sleeping over at Max and Isabelle's he woke after another intense dream about him, Isabelle, and their son. Could the dreams mean what he thought they meant? He got up off Maxwell's floor and head to Isabelle's room. After silently opening her door, he saw her standing in front of the window bathed in moonlight. She was so beautiful like a golden goddess from Greek mythology.

Isabelle shivered feeling Michael behind her He must have had the dream also she turned to face him wondering if her suspicions were true. How could this have happened? What did it mean? When Michael wrapped his arms around her offering comfort, she realized that it had to be true.

"Michael what if it's true, what if I'm really ... " (sob) " really pregnant. I know that it's impossible but let's face it, we know next to nothing about the world we come from. And it isn't like there is some kind of book out there on the mating habits of aliens"

"Don't worry Izzy everything will be fine." Michael said not wanting her to worry over things they couldn't change.

Pushing him away she turned to stare at him "FINE! I am not fine. You are not the one this is happening to, so how dare you say that everything is fine"

"That's not what I meant. I meant that we could always push away our pride and ask Tess for help"

"Tess the girl that was raised by a murderer. Yeah. Sure. Why not invite her into the fold and make her our new best friend" Crossing her arms over her chest Isabelle turned back to the V formation.

Michael looked around uncertain of what to do. Sure Izzy could be emotional at times but Tess seemed to be the only person around who knew anything about their situation. Michael believed that they should give Tess a chance. So what if Nasedo had killed a few people. Michael was finally starting to realize that they weren't human. They were sent to this planet for a reason, and Nasedo had every right to kill those who got too close to discovering their secrets. None of them wanted to be experimented on in some government lab. As long as Nasedo had a good reason there was no need to think of him as the bad guy.

Nasedo and Tess seem to be their only guide to information. He knew that the sooner they found out where they were from, the sooner they would be able to find their way back home. Home, a place he'd never had. He wanted to feel like he belonged. He knew that Max and Izzy would always be there for him, but he couldn't help wondering if he had family out there as well. Someone who wanted him safe would fight for him, not with him.

"Look Isabelle do you want to know what's going on or not? All I'm saying is that Tess seems to know a lot more about where we are from and what the symbols mean than we do. So why not ask her help?"

"Fine. We can ask her." She whispered with a note of defeat in her voice. She knew that it was time to swallow her pride.


Tess smiled as she let Kyle aid her in retrieving the book. She was on a step ladder and he had his hands on her hips making sure that she didn't fall. But that wasn't the reason for the smile. She saw Liz and Max watching them all morning, following them, what did they think she was going to do to poor Kyle. Max was spying on her as she reached for the book. "Do you see it?" Kyle inquired.

"Yeah, I almost got it" waving her hand over the wall she revealed a silver hand print then reached into the wall to retrieve the ancient spiral bound book.

"I got it." She exclaimed ignoring Max's prying eyes.

" What is it?" Kyle asked.

"It's a tablet that was written in a dead language. I'm doing a side project to see if I can interpret it using the symbols from ancient civilizations."

Max watched as she and Kyle walked off. After seeing her and the silver hand he knew she and Nasedo must be one in the same and that she had been the one to murder all those people, but what he couldn't figure out was why he felt such a strong pull to her. Shaking off his wayward thoughts he headed back to the table where Liz, his best friend, was waiting for him.


Isabelle and Michael were at the Crashed Down sitting across from one another in a booth waiting on Maria to deliver their order when Tess walked in with Kyle.

"Tess" Michael called across the diner "come here for minute will you?"

Tess gave them a smile then faced Kyle, "Could you get us a table? I'll only be a moment."

"Sure" Kyle said before locating a booth a couple of tables away.

"Hi guys"

Isabelle, whose back was to the door, slid over and Tess sat next to her.

"Look I want to know what you meant with the 4 sugar cubes. And what do you have to do with these weird dreams I've been having?"

"We've been having" Michael inserted.

"Dreams are your deal, I didn't manipulate them or anything, but I think I know what's going on. I can't talk about this right now but here are some directions. I want you to meet hear in about three hours, and I'll explain everything then." Scribbling down the directions on a napkin, Tess slid it across the table to Isabelle.

"Can't you just tell us now?" Tess stood up not bothering to spare Isabelle Evans a second glance. She knew all about the dreams and what they meant but first she wanted Zan, no wait Max, to remember her. She couldn't risk the possibility of Isabelle or Michael saying anything.