Disclaimer: The characters and concepts presented are created and copyright of Akira Amano. The story is copyright of me, so do not use without permission.

The morning after the chaotic last day, the Vongola cabin was just barely stirring. All the weary guardians continued to leisurely nap in the foyer, Tsuna at the center of everyones unconscious attention. Lambo changed into his normal, formal cow-print shirt and returned back downstairs to see Hibari sitting on the empty couch watching the news.

"Oh" Lambo started. "You're up as well?" Hibari didn't acknowledge him, he just sat straight and watched television. Kyoko's face was still rested on Tsuna's chest. She felt quite content to just listen to his heart beating now that she knew he was okay. Chrome was moved closer to the fire so she could warm up from being up most of the night mentally tending to her Boss. "How is he?" Lambo now asked Kyoko.

"He's fine..." she cooed. Lambo smiled. It was good for him to know that everything seemed to be okay, even if he was still stuck in the past. Then, a knock on the door. Lambo glanced at Hibari, thinking he'd answer it since his Boss was incapacitated, but Lambo decided to take it upon himself anyway.

"Coming!" Lambo shouted. He opened the door and greeted the two young stewardesses with his awesome smile. The girls almost instantly broke down into a deep blush and started giggling wildly once they recognized the handsome young man. "Yes?" he said. The girls both shrieked.

"You're the super hot Cow-man!" one of the noted. Lambo blinked.

"Every girl on the mountain knows you!" the other said. "You won that race the other day!"

"Oh no" Lambo started modestly, "I tied. In all honesty, I believe that man truly won." He pointed to the other recognizable hottie among the girls, Hibari, who still didn't move to acknowledge him.

"Yeah right" the girls whispered. "You definitely won. He was just being a jerk and hitting people the whole time."

"And besides" the other said "even if he's hot, he's waaay to scary to even consider dating." Hibari, still maintaining a cool disposition, became infuriated but refused to show it. His eyes rolled into his head out of malice.

"...anyway" Lambo began, trying to get back on topic and prevent a Hibari-related catastrophe, "I think I understand why you two are here. We need to vacate the premises, or something like that?"

"Oh...yes" the girls answered sadly. "But before that, can we get an autograph?"

"Certainly" Lambo said, trying to be modest. He reached over for a pen, having to sidetrack a bit back inside, and fumbled his way back to the door. "Do you have something for me to sign?" he asked.

"Oh...sort of" the girls giggled. The both unzipped their coats and lifted their shirts. "Just find a good spot, 'kay?" Lambo stared for a second, allowing all the blood to rush up from his gut into his face. The force of his explosive nose bleed propelled him backwards and onto the floor. The girls, embarrassed, shut the door and left tittering happily that they got something (his blood) out of the deal.

"Are you alright, Lambo-kun!?" Kyoko sounded off, still pressed against Tsuna. Lambo bleated and gurgled in his own blood.

"Tol...er...ate..." he lowed. Hibari's expression returned to normal after seeing the cowboy get his just desserts for fame. Suddenly, the entire room began to stir. Gokudera and Yamamoto rubbed the sun from their eyes, then Haru and Bianchi woke up and looked around curiously. Chrome stirred momentarily, but the exhaustion forced her back to sleep. Lambo pushed himself up a bit and saw everyone getting up. Then, he exploded in a cloud of pink.

"Kyoko...chan" Tsuna groaned. Kyoko lifted her head up and looked at Tsuna's face. His eyes were finally opened. "Ugh...what happened?" He got up, rubbed his head with his mitten and looked down at Kyoko. Her eyes were sparkling like stars, staring hotly into his soul. His body felt warm, especially his face, and he smiled.

"Tsuna-kun" Kyoko whispered, leaning in. "Thank you." She kissed him. With everyone in the room she didn't want to overdo it, but Tsuna's cheek still felt wonderfully warm and cozy afterwards. Everyone took their turn sobbingly greeting and happily cheering Tsuna while Kyoko let them crowd him. Everyone was happy that he was up, except Hibari who sat in front of the TV after trying to drown out the noise and Ryohei who was still asleep.

"Attention resort goers" the women on the PA said. "The train will be arriving for all local stops and all subsequent stops in Tokyo. Afterwards, the private charter trolley for the 'Vongola' reservation will arrive. That is all." The intercom beeped off in the terminal. Plenty of people were going home now that all the chaos had stirred up the mountain side. The reports of the avalanche and the fact that two children were trapped in it for several hours wasn't a great thing for the other vacationers to look forward to.

"It's great to have you back, Boss!" Gokudera cheered. Tsuna grinned at his enthusiastic friend. He had said that several hundred times already.

"How's Chrome-chan doing?" Tsuna asked Yamamoto. She was still asleep, wrapped in Yamamoto's coat from the exhaustion channeling she had to do.

"She's fine" Yamamoto said. "Still sleeping. So what exactly happened?" he asked. Tsuna's grin dropped to a serious sort of frown. He took a good hard look at his hand, flexing it to make sure he could still feel it. The details of the dream fight were as vivid as when they happened. His mind was still swimming with questions he needed answered from Chrome, most of which were relayed through Hibari out of heated curiosity.

"Perhaps you should just trust Tsuna" Reborn started from Yamamoto's fedora. "It's not something that the family should worry about."

"Yeah" Tsuna said. Whatever would make it easier for everyone to believe, even if he had to stay silent, would be best.

"The train should be coming along anytime now" Reborn said. "I hope he isn't late..."

"Who?" Tsuna asked. Then he was answered. Dino and all his men came marching into the station. Dino was wrapped casually in heavy bandages, unlike most of the Vongolas who wore their pain in the open.

"Eh?" Ryohei grunted, still barely awake enough to sit up straight. "You guys are here too?"

"Yup" Dino said. "We chartered the train that's picking you guys up and we're riding with you."

"That was nice of you, Dino-san" Kyoko said.

"So you're both okay, Tsuna-kun?" Dino asked to him and Kyoko at once. They both glanced at each other, then darted their heads away and shyly nodded. This is a Mafia leader? Dino thought to himself.

"I refuse to share a cabin with you" Hibari said blatantly to Dino.

"Hey!" Ryohei shouted. "What's with that attitude!? These guys bought us a train to use and you're saying that kind of crap!? I'm not putting up with you for another train ride, dammit!"

"Onii-san" Kyoko started. "Just calm down. Kyoya-san can sit by himself if he wants!"

"I'm not letting him get his way again!" Ryohei insisted. "You better get ready for a---"

"ONII-SAN!!!" Kyoko roared. Ryohei froze in place. The entire terminal stopped moving. The clouds in the sky even stopped for a moment and a chilly wind blew through the terminal. Kyoko glared him down as hard as she could, then sat down in a huff. Ryohei just stood perfectly still, as if his sister was a dog that would bite off his head if he moved an inch.

"...wow..." Haru whispered.

"I've never heard you that angry before" Tsuna chuckled.

"Well, fighting wouldn't help us do anything at this point" Kyoko argued. She moved in closer to Tsuna and Gokudera moved out of the way in respect. "I guess facing death gave me a new outlook on things. I can't always just be soft and bendable to other people all the time. Sometimes, you have to force your way to work..." She looked over at Tsuna with her glistening eyes and saw him kindly smile. He knew what she was talking about. He temporarily lived it against Mukuro.

"Yeah" Tsuna said.

"Attention" the announcement went off again, " the reserved train for the Vongola party is now arriving. Will everyone within said party please board the train immediately, as it will be departing on schedule."

"Well, you heard her" Gokudera said. "Let's go home." The train pulled in, no less normal besides the obvious 'Vongola' family emblems everywhere, and they all got on. Tsuna too a seat near the middle, with Yamamoto on his left and Kyoko on his immediate right. Chrome woke up and was wearily dragged to a seat across from Tsuna by Haru. The children, being Lambo and I-pin, refused to sit and just ran around. Dino's men occupied the next car down, while Dino and Romario sat with the Vongolas. Gokudera sat beside Kyoko to get close to the Boss and Ryohei sat next to him because he was close to his sister. Hibari got his own private car...again, and Reborn was content on Tsuna's shoulder. During the course of the long ride, Kyoko became comfortable on his shoulder as well.

In time, the long ride took its tole. Even stir crazy Ryohei fell asleep from the gentle rocking of the metal on tracks. Gokudera had passed out because Bianchi forgot to keep her goggles on, but he stayed asleep anyway. The only ones awake were Hibari as he tended to his bird, Most of Dino's men, and of course Tsuna and Kyoko.

"Kyoko-chan" Tsuna whispered, "there's something I need to tell you..."

"I know" she whispered back. "You saved me. Thank you so much, Tsuna-kun. I don't know how, but I'll try and make it up to you..."

"That's not it" Tsuna interrupted. "You see...all this Mafia stuff that we do is real. I don't know how I can explain this gently, but we're a real crime family. I never wanted to get dragged into it, but that's where I am now. We've all risked our lives almost countless times already for virtually no reason, but I don't want one of those reasons to be you." Kyoko looked up at him, confused, and felt soft tears forming in her eyes. "Kyoko-chan" Tsuna said, choking back his sobs, "I did save you...but I don't want to have to save you again. Please, if you want to be safe, stay away from me...and us..."

"Tsuna-kun" she replied, "I don't care about that." Tsuna's eyes shot open. He turned to her with his mouth wide open in shock and confusion from her reply. "If it's real or not...and how you saved me, I don't care. I want to be with you Tsuna...honestly, I have for a while, I just couldn't admit it to myself. I'm so embarrassed..." She buried her face in his shoulder, giving him time to retrieve his soul from leaking out of his mouth. The sheer scope of events that was happening right now was barely believable to him.

Chrome silently stirred, just barely awake now, and peeked through her eye across the aisle.

"You...really don't care?" Tsuna nervously said. Kyoko shook her head into his arm. "But...but what about Mafia wars? Crime wars! People with guns in cars, dive-by shootings, dogfights! Although, those are with fighter planes, I'm sure there are Mafias with planes in their disposal! Even Dino's in the Mafia, why else would he have all those guys with him!?"

"Tsuna-kun" Kyoko cooed. She brought up a finger to his mouth and shushed him. "As long as I'm with you, I won't have to worry about that, right?" Tsuna was taken by surprise with her trust. "I have faith in you, Tsuna. No matter what you and everyone else has always pulled through before. You're just to good of a person to give up on anyone, Tsuna-kun...I'll stay by your side no matter what."

"Kyoko...chan" Tsuna said in astonishment. Chrome used all her personal restrain to not 'awe' or 'ooh' at the scene and disturb Haru beside her. An in-fight with the unofficial Vongola women would only bring unnecessary trouble. However, she did have an idea to seal the couple together perfectly. First, she dully used her powers to incrementally move Tsuna's head forward in Kyoko's eyes. Then, she did the revers to Tsuna. He knew what was happening of course, but his hormones refused his Hyper Intuition to recognize it.

"Kyoko-chan" Tsuna began again, moving closer for real, "I...I...uh..." he was choking on his words, Kyoko smiled radiantly at him and forced him to finally say it. "I love you..."

"Tsuna-kun" she cooed. They moved in close, lips pursed, and kissed. Chrome smiled discretely and closed her eye once again, faithful that everything would work out wonderfully in the end. The mid-day sun cast a beautiful silhouette of Tsuna and Kyoko together against the floor of the train. Eventually, after a satisfyingly long kiss, the parted, rested their foreheads against each other and smiled.

"...idiots..." Hibari lowed, glancing into the window. "Love has no place in the Mafia world..."

And so concludes this story of utter chaos in the Vongola name. Love eventually triumphed in the end, as it often does, and the family had settled down into peace once more. This, of course, can only be considered a part of a much larger story, the beginning of a much larger tale. With Tsuna and Kyoko now together in spite of what hardships may come, who will stand up and challenge their bond? Mukuro? Hibari? Will Haru make a stand and tear apart the Mafia world for Tsuna alone!? Only one thing can be certain from this tale: Tsuna x Kyoko is THE one true pairing of Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn!