Slashing Heart
Angel: ya I know I know! I'm already writing two things and plan on writing another soon! But I've had this in my head for days and have been vibrating at the thought! But I cannot take all of the credit. The original idea was from Lady dream-chan's Bloody Wrist. I only own like 70-80 percent of it! but this prologue is more like 90 percent her's and 10 percent mine cause this pretty much is her story! (which I hope you don't mind me using if you read this cause it just fit perfectly with my idea but I had to change a few things) so: onto the summary!
Summary: He's in a dark place that he's been in for years. No one can save him from the hole that he has dug himself into, right? But what if he was found out? Would he be saved? Or would it just cause more problems and make things way worse? Spiritshipping
Disclaimer: I already said I own like 70-80 percent of whole fic and 10 of this chapter. But neither of us owns GX….sadly.
It was a cold night. The wind was blowing through the darkened moon light. A young boy shivered in the shadows.
With every gust of wind he could feel goose-bumps on his body. It didn't help much that is raining and he was soaking wet. He hid under a slid so he didn't get any wetter. He was already so cold.
He felt like nothing mattered. Today he found out that his mother had killed herself while she was out of town after being raped by one of the male attendants and that they were planning on taking his younger sister were his mother was. She had been on a business trip with this man and they were in a hotel. He thought it was odd for she was supposed to be back a few days ago.
The police found the bodies that morning and called his house. Her blood was a few days old so they were far too late to save her.
Apparently his older sister had been starving her self and throwing up. While her mom was away, she had taken care of him, because their father was deathly ill and in the hospital.
Some people came that afternoon that wanted to take his sister to a hospital for help and told him he would be taken to a foster home because his dad was ill and would probably die soon. He knew the last part but the other two were hard to comprehend.
When they tried to grab his arm he jerked away. He screamed when they tried to grab him again. He started fighting them. He called them home wreakers and told them to leave his family alone. He tried his hardest to get them away from him but then they pulled out a needle.
It was a tranquilizer. They stuck the needle in but he ran before they could push the liquid in. They couldn't stop him as he ran out the door. Now they were probably looking for him. He just wondered how far he ran and if they would find him.
He hoped that they wouldn't even think to look for him under the slide. He really hoped. He reached to the needle and pulled it out. His arm hurt. He felt like dieing. For he was already dieing on the inside, so why not on the outside too?
He wanted to die. Every thing in his life was going wrong. It shouldn't be like this. His mother shouldn't be dead, his sister shouldn't be getting taken away, and his father shouldn't be Ill. But it was! And it was horrible!
Why did all this have to happen to him? He was only 7 and his life was falling apart! He felt so alone. He didn't think any one could ever understand how he felt. He just wanted to die.
He lifted his head. Out from under the slide, lying in the grass was something shiny. He slowly made his way out of the slide. He looked to make sure no one was around. He got out from under the slide.
He looked at what had caught his attention. It was a peace of broken glass. He picked it up and went back in the slide. For some reason the glass made him feel good. He felt like he had a say in his life.
He didn't fully understand what he was doing. He placed the glass to his wrist and pushed down.
Blood slowly pored out of his wrist. He took the glass away and watched the beautiful crimson leak out from his wrist.
He felt like every thing was better, but it was just getting worse because now they would find him and see what he had done and he would be taken away to a horrible place. He slowly started to cry. He knew that's what they would do. He wanted to sleep but instead he got out from under the slide.
If they couldn't find him then they wouldn't know what he did and they can't take him away.
So he ran. Broken glass held tight in his hand. Blood mixed with rain. Tears falling from his face.
He ran as fast as his seven year old legs would take him.
It had been three days since the boy had ran away. He hadn't slept or eaten in those three days. He was too weak to run anymore. By now he was probably a few miles away from his home. But he still felt like running.
He knew they were still looking for him. He knew that if he stopped running they would find him. He didn't want to be found.
All he wanted was for things to be how they use to be when he was little. Before they took his mother away.
Before his life fell apart.
It felt like forever ago. Like it was a dream. To him it was all a dream, or rather a nightmare. Any minute now and he would wake up and every thing would be as it should be. He kept waiting.
He had been waiting for what felt like years. He would never wake from this dream. His living nightmare. His worst fear. He couldn't wake up.
This was reality. There was no way to escaping way to brake free. All he could do was run. There was nothing more for him.
By now his sister would be there. In that place. In that place that they took troubled kids. Where they would, supposedly, get help.
The people there were only like that because they were there. That place is what drives you mad. That place is horrible.
They'd take you away for the slightest thing. Maybe if they'd let his older sister see their mother she wouldn't have been starving herself.
Maybe if they hadn't taken his mother away then every thing would be alright. Maybe none of this would have ever happened and he wouldn't have used the broken glass. If they hadn't wreaked his family he would still be able to see happiness. But what's done is done. You can't change the past.
It was a cloudy day. It was close to raining. The boy walked to a play ground and thought.
It had been about a week and no one had found him. Was it possible that no one was looking for him? That no one cared? Was it possible?
He looked at the ground sadly. A tear streamed down his face. He didn't know what to do. Every thing was so hard.
He put his hand in his pocket and gripped the broken glass. Not tight enough to cut himself, just tight enough to let him know it was there. He wanted to cut so badly. He wanted to feel the painful pleasure. He wanted to be free from the pain in his heart.
He looked around and saw that no one was there. No one was playing on the play ground.
No one was walking past him. A car would go by every now and again, but that's about it.
He walked onto the play ground and climbed under the slide. He pulled the glass out of his pocket and placed it to his wrist. Then pushed down. He felt nothing.
He looked sadly at the glass then pushed down harder. He felt a rush of pain. He smiled as he looked at the blood. It hurt but gave him comfort.
He didn't understand. Why did he do this? This sin was horrible. It would send him to hell. But he wanted the pain.
Once again he placed the glass to his wrist. He pushed down even deeper. The pain pulsed through his body. He gasped for breath. Sweat dripped lightly from his forehead.
He put the glass away, back into his pocket. He stared at his wrist, now littered with scars and fresh blood. He just sat there for a wile. Then tears started trailing down his face. Sobs took over his body.
He started to cry. He was hurt. He knew those scares would never go away. He put his legs to his chest and cried.
No one could save him.
He was to far gone.
Ok! That was pretty much the most depressing thing I have ever technically written! As most or some of you could tell, this isn't my normal writing style! But I really wanted to write it!
Tell me if you like it! R&R please! -Angel