I decided to change it up a bit so here is my first ever Twilight fanfiction its sad and morbid and has a lot of mentions of self harm and suicide.

Plot: What if Edward had never went to Italy? What if Bella never went to La Push? What if Bella turned Suicidal and started cutting? What if Edward came back and watched her do it? Will he be mad? Or will he still love her?

Although I share the same amount of love for Linkin Park as Stephenie Meyer she owns Twilight I could never come up with such a wonderful plat as hers in a life time much less in a dream so here we go my first ever Twilight...

Bella is OOC but just go with it:

I doubt I'll wake tomorrow.

I have not the courage to take another day.

I shouldn't have gotten so attached.

I knew deep in my heart you didn't love me.

Yet I allowed myself to hope.

A mistake.

Breaking into pieces.

These scars are but a broken road leading to my soul.

My once loving heart turned black.

My father is worried I can see it in his eyes.

And my mother keeps calling.

Like being stabbed with a dull edged knife.

So I must bid farewell to you.

Although I doubt you'll even read this.

I must say I still love you.

Although its killing me inside.

I thought you were my one and only.

I thought you felt the same.

But you left me to drown in my own blood.

And now I'm surely dead.

The life I had grown used was suddenly taken away. And I was left to die. Ttruth be told I doubted I could life as long as I have without him here. And its only been a month.

My bed was so empty so cold so unforgiving. My fingers traced over my bitterly slashed arms. I felt so empty so draned so.. broken.

Charlie, my loving Charlie his eyes look so dull. I know I should be going to school I know I should be trying but I just can't get myself to stand up.

My knuckles were still bleeding from where I had made a mistake and looked in the mirror. I just can't stand how ugly I am! I keep seeing his face looking back at me he is telling me I wsn't enough, I wasn't pretty enough, or I was too ordinary for such an extrdinary man like he was. I just couldn't stand it I was so convident when he was around. When he said he loved me I believed him but now, now I know he was only taking pitty.

Letting my thoughts drift to my razor or knife I forgotten which one excatly sitting just out of my reach on my desk. This remembeance of pure bliss when my skin broke modivated me to pull the blankets from my frail body and place my feet onto the cold floor.

The metal was heaven to my fingers it reminded me of his cool touch. My mind went blissfully numb as I twisted my sleeves up to see my poor sorly begotten wrist. I didn't even notice the newly arrived figure standing just within my room from thw window.

Today I decided. That I would not be allowed to life another day. I would not allow myself to keep hurting Charlie, or ignoring Renee and her frantic calls after being updated my Charlie about my condition as they so joyfully put it.

I try to ignore the sensation of being watched that hit me every so often when I was about to cause myself bodily harm. ot was tense my eyes threatened to fall shut so I didn't have to look at my arm the sickning sicking relazation of what I had become played over and over in my head.

I feel the same tears pool in my eyes before slowly falling swiftly dripping onto my arm. I slide the razor found a small piece of skin that it had yet to explore and pressed. I dropped into my one and only momment of peace as I watched the blood seep mixing with my tears and splashing onto the ground.

"Bella..." My breathing hitched. I looked up expecting to see nothing there just another imaginatory thing but there he was incased in the light of the dimly lite morning sky was Edward.

What did you think? review me please I love it when I get any one reading these things and remember even a mean review is a good review.

Its a cliffy I know so I'll make another chapter quickly enough!


Collections of a Tattered Soul