1Like I said, I am getting extremely bored with 'The Best Years' so I decided to write another highschool story while listening to 'Rock star' by Prima J.

Sakura: Since this is her first chapter of the new story she asked me, her favorite character to say that she doesn't own me, or any characters, but she owns the plot and her OC's.

Me: THANKIES! Roll It! By the way, the introduction, and maybe most of the chapter will be in Sakura's POV.


"Move out of the way! You're forehead is blocking my sight, pinky!" A random person yelled. Yes, I have a big forehead, and yes, I have pink hair. My image is a lot different than other peoples' are.

I have pink hair that goes down to my lower back, that gets pulled and threatened to get cut every day, a big forehead that gets flicked and made fun of every day, then one sane thing about my eyes that there is nothing wrong with are my emerald eyes. Never in my life has anyone made fun of my eyes, maybe that's because they are covered by my huge coke bottle glasses.

I actually have been told by my brother, Sasori, that at home, I'm really pretty. If only I could do that at school. Stupid parents...


My night couldn't get any better. I'm at the Uchihas' for dinner, which means THE Uchiha Sasuke gets to see me when I'm NOT totally hideous. My parents always confiscate my stuff from my closet in th mornings so I can't wear any of my good clothes, they go and steal my fashionable glasses and my contacts too. My parents are pure evil.

'Why is everything so quiet here?' I can't help thinking that. As soon as I'm about to break the silence I hear a door open and close. I was the first one to watch a girl with long blonde, now messy hair pulled up into a ponytail walk clumsily down the stairs with disheveled hair and clothing walk out the door, giggling. Her name is Yamanaka Ino, practically the only girl he will talk too. The school jock, and he's dating the cheerleading squad captain. I see him walking down the stairs buttoning up his white wrinkled shirt. I practically drooled at the sigh of his chiseled to perfection abs. I inwardly gasp and excuse myself from the table and into the bathroom hoping Sasuke didn't see me. As I walk into the pure white bathroom, and I take a deep red wig out of my huge bag and dark brown color contacts.

"I can do this, just relax." I said over and over to myself outloud, in the middle of saying 'just' I hear a knock on the door. "Uh, its occupied!" I inwardly curse at myself for sounding like such an old person.

"Sakura, it's Sasori, you ok? Mom sent me to see if you were ok." Sasori asked.

"Right now, call me Ayame. As long as Sasuke is here, DON'T call me Sakura. Right now, Sakura doesn't exist. Tell mom and dad."I ordered her 17 year old brother. "Psh. Like I'll let a 15 year old tell me what to do, but hell, why not?" Sasori thought. I put her 3 inch black heels back on her size 6 feet. I gave herself a once over in a full length mirror. My parents took me shopping for the perfect dress for tonight, that I will probably stuff into my huge walk in closet and have it rot. It's a really pretty dress, but I don't think it forms me very well. It's a white knee high dress with a black sash going across my stomach.

"It will accent you're form sweety!" Uh, huh, sure. I hate this dress. I had to walk carefully out of the bathroom so no one would attack me and think I stole my dress. Wow, I just confused myself there.

Sasori sped past me, and to our parents telling them that I am Ayame for the next 3 hours of torture. Oh joy.


I have NEVER in such big paragraphs before. I am liking how this is going, they should be going to school within the next 1, 2 or 3 chapters.

Review Pretty Please!
