Cooro x 300 words x Husky-centric Cooro x 300 words x Husky-centric

I can't stand him sometimes.

'Can you stop being friendly for just one second?' I finally say, hitting his head in a smooth fluid motion with the staff I had stolen from the mansion with the bees, having done it so often before.

He's so friendly and energetic that it's overwhelming.

'But they had apple pie!' He holds up an apple pie - a whole one. People tend to give things to him, because it's so hard to hate him. I have to admit that - why else would I be travelling with him?

But he's so naïve.

'Hey, hey, that person needs help with his stuff!' He points at a man who's struggling to put a sign on the roof of his house. 'I'm going to go help!' And he flies over in +anima form, not thinking about the consequences. Doesn't he realise that people don't like +anima? That we're outcasts?

He acts like a child.

'Don't run off!' I shout after him, but he runs off anyway, too busy having fun to realise that life isn't as wonderful as he thinks it is.

I'm not like him at all.

'Look over there! Flowers!' And then he runs off to the flower field, not even thinking about if somebody owned those flowers, if he'll get yelled at for trampling them.

And I never will be.

But of course he doesn't get yelled at. The gardener just smiles at him and lets him pick some flowers, simply because he beams at them with that smile of his.

But he accepts me for who I am, grumpy, girl-hating, unsociable, boring.

'Hey, Husky! Come over here! The flowers smell really good!' he shouts. I sigh, sounding resigned, though I'm really not.

'Coming, Cooro.'

And that's why I love him and always will.

x owari x awinchan