Missy: So this is Christmas… and what have you done… another year over… a new one soon to come.

Max: Hey, that's by that uhm… guy.

Missy: (majorly annoyed) JOHN LENNON, Max.

Max: Yeah, that's it.

Missy: (rolls eyes) Yes. It's Christmas everyone! And as my present to you, I have (drumroll)…


I know you all are DYING to get your questions answered, so I have given you a HUGE chapter to hold you off on these cold winter nights! (Winks like a cheesey commercial should)

Missy (still): And we've got all your favourite characters here, just a little bit colder!

Everyone: Hi.

Missy: So, just to clear things up, people who are NOT characters in Across the Universe are entirely made up! Please don't sue me, flame me, delete me, or delete my story off of fanfiction. I'm a nice person, really!!

Lets get started, SHALL WE.

From TakeMeOrLeaveMe2010:

Me. Again. You all may laugh.

To Missy:

CUTE. Keep 'em coming.

To Max:

Ha. My definition of love can and will include sex, if you so please. You seem to be lacking a girl at the moment, so yes, I will take advantage of that.

To Jude:

I lied. It's not SpiffyNerd, it's The Spiffinator. XD

Real question:

Sadie, how do you get that damn hair of yours to look like that? I've got similiar hair, but it's nothing amazing. How do you make it look so...damn? XD

Missy: Just a note, fanfiction has blocked out some of that content. I'm sorry, but I had to guess the 'damn' part. Correct me if I'm wrong. Now. Max, REACTION.

Max: Hm? (reads question) YEAH BABY! (punches fist)

Lucy: (rolls eyes) Your admirer's name doesn't seem ANY more flattering, Jude.

Jude: Lucy.. they're fans. Don't you like having fans?

Lucy: Maybe, if I had them. They're all after you and Max! (pouts)

Jude: Aw, Luce…

Sadie: (ignoring Jude trying to comfort Lucy) Well thankyou for the compliment. (Smiles and blushes). I just let it be the way it is. I try not to brush it, because it collects a lot of static. I use a comb sometimes, but most of the time I use my fingers. (thinks) I wash it a lot, and rinse it out really well. That way it wont be greasy or anything. But I just let it be the way it is, you know?

Missy: (frantically taking notes)

Max: (taps Missy on the shoulder) Next question.

Missy: (looks up) OH. One second….

Great story! Sadie, you are so cool!You don't get enought credit, so I'm going to ask you a question. What is your favorite song to sing? All of you guys rock!

From maximumfan.

Sadie: Well, I do get a lot of credit in this chapter! (smiles) My favourite song to sing… Well, there's quite a few. I love singing 'Yer Blues', just because it's so simple and it leaves a lot of room for filling in the blanks. With whatever, you know? Screaming, kicking, dancing, whatever the crowd wants. I like 'Why Don't We Do It In The Road', too, just because it's really simple and easy to remember (laughs).

Missy: Nice. Hey, guys, she said you all rock.

Max: Yeah. So.

Missy: (in a motherly tone) What do you saaaay?

Everyone: (groans) THANK you.

Missy: Good.

hello again, since i've asked a questionbefore. (oh and lots more kisses for Max. luv ya! *winks* and some for Judey too, along wth hugs for the rest of you) so, all of you,if you could talk to any celebrity, living or dead, who would it be?

from 'beautiful dreamere'.

Max: Hey. Look. Someone's kissing YOU, Jude.

Jude: (looks over from comforting Lucy, beams) Really??

Lucy: (offended) JUDE!

Jude: Sorry, love…

Missy: Wait, while we still have you guys HERE, could you answer the question?

Lucy: Celebrities don't really matter much to me. A lot of them have their fame for the wrong meanings. I would probably want to meet someone like Martin Luther King Jr, just because he died for a good cause. He's famous for a good cause.

Jude: I think maybe Leonardo Da Vinci.

Max: (groans) Could you come up with a LAMER answer?

Jude: (defensively) I have a lot of questions that I want to ask him!

Max: SURE.

Missy: Well, who would YOU want to meet, Max?

Max: Is there any hot girls in the future land that you people live in?

Missy: (thinks, pulls face) Well… I don't have much of an eye for celebrities either. I mean, there's Joe Anderson and Jim Sturgess…

Everyone: Who are THEY?

Missy: Oh, (blushes) they're no one (LIESLIESLIES). Just some actors.

Max: Okay… What kind of singers are really popular right now? Like, girls?

Missy: (cringes) Uh… Miley Cyrus… Rihanna… Katy Perry…(shudders) Brittney Spears…

Max: Who's she?

Missy: Ugh, you don't want to know!

Max: Oh? If you convert girl-language to guy-language, that means she's my type.

Missy: (thinks) Well, she IS kind of skanky!

Max: (thumbs up)

Missy: (laughs)

Sadie: People always told me that I would love Janis Joplin.

Jojo: And people always told ME that I would love Jimi Hendrix. I've heard a few of his songs, man, they're amazing.

Missy: (nods in agreement) Sadie, you would LOVE Janis (winks to all-knowing audience) Next!

Alright. I'm going to be unique and all-inclusive and send kisses to EVERYONE! Ha! Okay. Questions.
Max: What kind of personality attracts you to a girl most?
Luce: What were your first impressions of Jude?

from 'angel718'.

Max: … (frowns) It's just not the same if EVERYONE gets them.

Lucy: I'm just skipping to my question. (reads) My first impression of Jude? Well. He seemed very quiet. Very shy… kind of polite. He was a good listener. I thought all of this before I met Prudence, of course (laughs). Then I thought he kind of used his timidness to get girls. (looks over at Jude's absolutely gorgeous brown eyes) I was mistaken, of course. (kisses Jude)

Max: Oh, great. Holidays have no exceptions to corniness.

Missy: Well, this is the 'season of love'.

Max: … (confused) how so?

Missy: (shrugs) I donno!

Max: … ok. Well. My question now. Personality… (thinks, thinks, thinks). I like smart girls, I guess. Not ones that are smarter than me, though. I hate it when a girl can outsmart me. It drives me nuts. I like the kind of girl who can really get into things like… golf, or pinball, or whatever… You know, like, guy stuff. Or things that she likes. Just not the typical girl things to like… like singing, or something.

Missy and Sadie: (blush)

Max: Not to say that your voice isn't kickass, Sadie.

Missy: (blushes)

Max: I'm sure yours is too. If you would let us fucking listen. (throws random empty beer cup at Missy)

Missy: (shields self)

Max: So, that's about it. And I really like girls who do it right. The right girls will know what that means. (nods to himself)

Missy: Al-right, then, next question.

First off, Missy. I love this story. Second, kisses for Prudence. :)

Max, you get a question instead of kisses.
Have you ever seen the musical RENT? You really remind me of Roger.

From ATUfan500.

Prudence: (crawls out of dusty corner) Kisses for ME? Thanks!!! (smiles)

Max: (pouts in jealousy). RENT? I've heard of it. Jude took Lucy to see it once…

Lucy: (jumps up from chair) OHHH EMM GEEE, YOU DO LOOK LIKE ROGER!!!

Max: (sinks in chair) Oh, great, look what you've started.

Lucy: and you sing all the time!! …JUST LIKE ROGER.

Max: …next question, please.

Lucy: Oh, Max, will you sing a RENT song for me, please please please?!?!?? Just say…


Lucy: 'take your powder, take your candle, your sweet whisper, I just can't handle!' (dances around the room, clutching chest)

Missy: (watching in amusement)

Max: I'LL GET IT THEN. (obviously annoyed.)

Max, there is depression, a healthy ego, an AMAZINGLY HUGE EGO!, God's Ego..Then theres you. Do you ever plan on settling down with a girl, maybe having some kids? If you already answered that question sorry. Jojo and Sadie, what about you? See any children in the near future?


Missy: (laughs)

Max: (sitting back down, feeling a bit overwhelmed.) Kids? Settling down? I don't know. I guess. Maybe one day. With the right girl. If there is a right girl. Is there? I don't know. It's all too confusing. I don't want to think about it right now.

Sadie: That's sweet, sugar.

Max: Fitting.

Lucy: (fake gasps) Is that a smart ass comment from MAX? Someone call the police!

Sadie: (ignoring the lame comments from the Carrigans) I kind of wanted kids. The times slipped away from me, though. I don't know if it's possible.. (chuckles, looks at Jojo awkwardly)

Jojo: It's something that I want to do, sure. Life's short, you know, it's definitely something I want.

Missy: That's nice. (smiles at the thought of mini Sadies and Jojos)…


Missy, GREAT STORY! Hugs to everyone, extra long FRIENDLY hug to Jude! I have two questions:
a) Missy, what exactly did Max whisper in your ear that made you blush and get all flustered? and, b) Lucy, what was going through your head as you watched the police beat up Jude at the rally? Did you just want to run to him or what?


Jude: (accepts hug)

Missy: Well… we don't really have to bring that up HERE, do we??

Max: (laughs and walks away, opening the fridge, looking for something to eat)

Lucy: The rally… (holds head). So many broken memories there. I had so many friends killed… more injured… most arrested. And then I saw Jude there, screaming my name, and I felt so empty. Even after I had left him completely, he was still there for me, still waiting for me, still wanting me. It broke my heart and put it back together again, in a way.

Jude: (smiles, listens)

Lucy: (looks over at Jude, smiles, kisses him)

Missy: Now, that's all well and good. But we should get going on the next question.

I see nothing wrong with a big ego, thousands of kisses and hugs to Max!
My question...is for Max. Could you ever see yourself settling down with just one girl? Or do you figure on being a playboy for the rest of your lives?

Keep up the good work!

Max: I don't know if I could ever settle down with all these girls sending me virtual kisses!! (laughs, sits down with a beer, throws Jude one) I did answer this one though. But thanks, 'RetteMitch'.

Missy: Now from 'A Fiendish Thingy'. PS, I heart George Harrison. And his amazing line in Help!

This keeps getting better and better...

okay, here's my contribution to the Max's Hugs and Kisses Fund (*hugs and kisses for the handsome Carrigan*)

Now onto the questions:
PRUDENCE: If you weren't into girls, would you consider a relationship with Max?
MAX: Have you ever had a threesome?
JUDE: How long have you been into art?
SADIE: What kind of hair products do you use? I love your hair!

Prudence: Sure. Well… maybe. Me and Max are pretty good friends… I wouldn't want to mess anything up. I just want to be there for him, you know?

Max: Thanks Pru.

Pru: (puts a hand on his shoulder) No problem.

Max: (reads his question) Yes.

Everyone: … (waits for gloating to begin)


Jude: I'm going to answer my question now, okay? (laughs a bit) I got into it when I was pretty young. I was always drawing as a lad. I only started to get serious about it when I was… maybe 14? 15? I don't know. It was when I started having a critical eye for things. They weren't just… doodles and cartoons, anymore. They were art.

Lucy: (blushes)

Sadie: Okay, sweetheart, lets not stir things up.

Jude: (looks up) I didn't mean to… (scared slightly, looks at Lucy, who is fortuneately forgiving)

Sadie: I just buy whatevers at the store. It's more of the way that you treat your hair, not with what you treat it with. Is that complicated? (looks over at Jojo, who happens to be pretending to be listening)

Jojo: Hm? Oh. Yeah. Right.

Sadie: Right. (confirms with a nod)

Missy: A few more questions left, guys…

Hey everyone!

Big hugs! Biggest hug to Jude!

This one is for Jude, Lucy and Max, do all these questions about you two being a couple and such make you uncomfortable? What about the rest of you? I have nothing against gay people! I'm just wondering how it makes you all feel?

-Annie/Juno (Tattoo of the Rain)

Jude: Well, it's a little awkward, all these people asking about my orientation. I mean… is it not clear? (blushes worriedly)

Max: Woah, wait a second…

Lucy: Me and Jude? Not at all… I mean, I love Jude and he loves me, there's nothing uncomfortable about that. (Realizes content of the question) . Oh. Well…

Missy: Awkward…

Jude, Lucy, Max: (look away innocently)

Missy: That's about right. Next question.

So sad to see that this hasn't had questions in a while, but if I'm still allowed I'd like to put my two cents in here.

1st of all, Max, I love your big ego! Nothing sexier. Many kisses and lots of unmentionable deeds are ready for you at your command :) Also, I haven't seen much love for JoJo! You're the best, man, I wish I could play like you...
Anyway, questions: one for Missy - you seem to waver between Jude and Max a lot...why is that? and for Jude - did you always want to be an artist? I think you're brilliant at it but I'd like to hear about how it all began...
Pru, lots of support and best wishes for you and Rita. It's hard to find a girl or guy in this world worth loving. And Sadie, keep rocking. Lucy, I feel sorry for you that Max is your brother...I don't think even that could stop the animal attraction.
Wow, this was long...sorry!

Max: Thank YOU. (as a matter-of-factly)

Jojo: Thanks, man. Just practice and practice. That's how I got where I am today.

Missy: YES, ANOTHER QUESTION FOR ME! (reads) Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that. Well… There's Jude. Right? And he's a super-cute, sensitive, loving, artistic, gentle kind of guy. Who has a hot accent. And then there's Max. Who is the exact opposite… he's not super-cute, he's super HOT, and there is a difference, he's definitely not sensitive,

Max: Ouch.

Missy: Shut up… he doesn't care for much other than his friends and his sisters, he hasn't touched a pencil since he dropped out of school let alone tried to sketch something, and he's the most abusive, clumsy, careless guy ever. But he's funny, and charming, and you can be yourself around him because he wont really try to judge you, or label you or something.

Max:… Yes I will.

Missy: Quit ruining my moments, okay?

Max: (holds up hands in defense) Fine, fine.

Missy: I wish I could have them both… (laughs nervously)

Everyone: (awkward silence)


(no objections)

Missy: Exactly. Thank you fanfic supporters. The virtual kisses thing PROVES IT.

Max: I guess. (drinks from his beer can)

Jude: (looks around awkwardly) Well, I've got a question too. (reads) Well, I started drawing and painting when I was younger. Me mum used to tell me that I would arrange my food in certain ways before eating it… (laughs) it drove her crazy… (thinks back, smiling.) It's just something that I never let go of. It's been with me for a long time. And it's helped me through a lot. Thanks for the compliments, by the way. (smiles)

Lucy: There is NO attraction between me and Max!

Jude: Wha--?

Lucy: (points to screen) Read the question!!

Jude: (reads) Well, it says congratulations to Pru and Rita,

Prudence and Rita: Wow, thanks!!

Jude: (continues) 'Keep Rocking' to Sadie… (reads a little longer) Oh, wow, it really does say that.

Lucy: I told you so!!

Max: Ew. (drinks more beer)

Missy: People are going to start making fun of you for that beer if you don't watch it.

Max: Oh yeah? Like WHO.

Missy: Well, when you mentioned the kissing thing, lots of girls sent virtual kisses, right?

Max: …right.

Missy: (shrugs) I'm just saying.

Max: … they'll send me BEER?

Missy: Sure. What use is virtual beer, though?

Max: …

Missy: NEXT.

Wow haha, this is hilarious!

:Do you enjoy having such an adorable accent?
:Do you have any childhood toys, blankets, etc. that you are attached to?
:What attracted you to Sadie?(Besides her hair!)

Bye! Infinite kisses and snuggles to Maxy and Judey!
P.s. Sorry Luce, but I love ya Judey!

From 'Zaelous Scribbler'.

Jude: (laughs) Well, it seems to attract a lot of attention. I like it, it shows where I'm from and all, you know?

Max: Not now. But there was this fish… I had a stuffed fish. It was blue. I had it before Lucy was born, I think, I can't remember a lot. My crazy old aunt gave it to me, and I took it everywhere. To school, to the park, to the story. My mom would always try and get me new toys, you know, normal ones. Like GI Joes or teddy bears, at least. But I would never let go of that fish.

Missy: What happened?

Max: (glares at Lucy) I think that she can tell the rest of the story.

Lucy: Oh, grow up, I was two years old.

Max: She stole it from me and wouldn't give it back! So I tried to grab it from her and she ripped it!! (screaming at the point of frusturated tears)

Missy: Aw. (hugs)

Max: (hugs pathetically back)

Jojo: (reads his own question) Well, I loved the way that her eyes moved. Just focusing on what she wanted to see. Sadie's the kind of, no BS girl. She doesn't lie, and she dosent pretend to be something she's not. I love that. And her amazing voice. It's just so beautiful and full of personality.

Sadie: (smiling a LOT)

Max: (accepts virtual kisses to help him cheer up)

Jude: (reads his virtual kisses and snuggles but offers them to Max to cheer him up, Max politely refuses) Okay, next question then?

1st: hi everybody!! you're all awesome!
2nd: many kisses to Jude! Love you!
3rd: great story!
ok! my question is for everybody: when you guys burst into song randomly, how is it that you can here the backround music if there's no band playing?

Jude: (accepts kisses [Lucy has left the room temporarily])

Jojo: (laughs at the question) I guess we all seem a little crazy in the movie, huh?

Sadie: A lot of it is symbolic. We thought up the music, so we should be able to hear it, right?

Jude: Yeah. Singing just doesn't make the song. It's everything together.

Lucy: (re-enters the room).

Prudence: (mumbles to self) There was a band at the circus…

Lucy: Is there more questions?

Missy: In fact, there is, and I'm sorry for this chapters incredible length! But the show must go on!

Great story (I'm reviewing like mad today :) Anyways, hi guys! My question goes out to all of you: which Beatle are you most like personality wise? Also, Missy, hit Max REALLY hard on the head and tell him to tone down his giant ego. Kisses for Jojo (no one has said anything about you!) Hugs for all (cept Max, I love you man but you've had enough hugs and kisses)

Missy: (obeys commands to hit Max on the head) TONE DOWN YOUR GIANT EGO!!

Max: OW!

Everyone (but Max) : (laughs)

Max: (feeling bummed) The minute I NEED a hug is the moment I don't get one!!

Missy: I'll give you a hug.

Max: You know what, I'm okay.

Missy: (rolls eyes) I think I'm most like George. We pretty much have the same teeth!! I hope that dosent creep anyone out…. We both play guitar, we both do not want to be famous, we both have faith in God, we both want to learn how to play the sitar (George dosent consider his skills actually 'playing it'. ). We just have a lot in common.

Max: I would have to say I'm most like John. Before he got married to that Cynthia chick. I mean, he was all about rock and roll, and beer, and girls, and all the cool stuff that I'm into. Then he got married and started wearing suits all the time…

Missy: There is NOTHING wrong with wearing suits all the time.

Max: Alright…

Jude: One time a girl told me I look like Paul McCartney. I don't think so. But maybe that's who I should pick.

Lucy: I'd like to think John. When he went revolutionary. But I don't want to compare myself to him, his fans get upset easily.

Missy: …Damn right, we do.

. . . And here I am again. I love asking people questions. They make me more informed. ;)

Questions for everyone! =D

Jude - I've seen your art style a lot, and it's pretty good. But they mostly consist of messy colorless sketches and abused strawberry splats. (No offense, but I do feel sorry for those strawberries. _) Have you considered taking up any other art style? Maybe even tried making comic strips? I think it would be awesome if you were a comic strip maker. X3

Lucy - Let me tell you, I really admire your efforts to stop the Vietnam War using peaceful methods. Peace is actually the one thing the world needs right now . . . John Lennon would be proud. X3 Anyways, are there any memorable experiences that you had while on the trail for peace? Maybe lend a helping hand or two? :)

Max - Okay, I know Vietnam was probably a whole nightmare for you (war is always a nightmare), but were there any positive things that happened to you while you were there? (Like go a bit of sightseeing, making new friends, finding hot girls, etc.)

Sadie - *fan hug* You and the Po Boys are awesome! XD Are you guys going to go on any tour soon? (Come to the Philippines! We have coconuts! XD)

Jojo - Why the heck did you do the 'repeat-everything-Sadie-sings' move? No offense, man, but it kinda ruined the song and drained a little of its coolness. :/ *brick'd*

Prudence - I'm currently writing a story about a circus, but strangely enough, I've never been to one. Seeing that you've worked in Mr. Kite's for some time, could you tell me how it's like working in the circus? Also a little info about circuses in general if you have any? (Aside from the fact that they're crazy-fun?)

And, a question for everyone - If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be?

0_o Wow, I feel like an interviewer or something. XD Thanks!

--Nature the DemiX Fangirl

Jude: Comic strips? I don't know. I haven't seen a lot of them. I mean, Max has some lying around. It's not something that terribly intrests me too much… (thinks about the comment and feels slightly hurt) I just… I just paint my feelings, you know? … And I think that I would be chocolate.

Missy: That's okay. I love them.

Lucy: (reads her own question) Memorable expierences. As in good memories, or bad ones? Well… as for bad memories, there were a lot. Many of my friends were arrested. Most of them, actually. Jude was hurt pretty badly. He could've died. As for good memories… There was the one peaceful march we went with Prudence to. It was all good fun, when nothing mattered. We all listened to Paco, and things were going really well in life, you know? It was just fun. I'm pretty sure I'd be vanilla… (looks at Jude) Nothing goes better with chocolate than vanilla.

Max: (reads his) Postive things? In 'Nam? (groans) Well… there was this one girl. She drove one of the jeeps. She wasn't supposed to be there, obviously… But she was there, anyways. She was really, really hot. And when we were out far enough, she would let down her hair, because she had to hide it all up in a helmet. Just so people wouldn't know she was a girl. She was so funny, and she always had a pack of cigarettes when everyone else was out. She didn't tell me her name, but she kept me going out there.

Missy: That's… surprisingly sweet, Max.

Sadie: Yes! We'll be going on tour hopefully sometime next summer. Philippines? Why not? Coconut lime is my favourite icecream, is that okay if I can be that?? I love coconuts.

Max: (mumbles) I hate coconuts.

Sadie: Oh, cheer up, Max.

Jojo: (reads his question) I don't really like remembering that kind of thing. It was a stupid move, I know, I shouldn't have done it. I want to forget about it, you know?

Prudence: The circus is great fun, as long as there isn't any animals. We made Mr. H and Mr. K let most of the animals free after we saw what they did to them. It's horrible. (cheers up a little) And if I were to be any flavour, I would be bubblegum. The blue kind with the pink swirls. There's so many colours…

Missy: Max, how about you? What flavour of icecream would you be?

Max:. .. Mint chocolate chip.

Missy: Why?

Max: (thinks) I don't know. I like the way it looks. The way it tastes.

Missy: (nods.) Good reasons. We've got four more questions, and then maybe our reviewers will start leaving VIRTUAL PRESENTS (hint hint)

Kisses to Max and Jude and Hugs for everyone else. Max don't you dare grow that stupid mustache back!
I have a question for Jude and one for Max. Max did you realy just start singing 'hey Jude' in that bar? Jude how the hell did you know he was singing 'hey Jude' in that bar?

From 'Max needs to shave'

Max: Seriously. First, Lucy rips up my favourite stuffed animal. THEN, Sadie's going to go away to some coconut town when I HATE COCONUTS. And NOW, people are making fun of my moustache, AGAIN! Even in the persons penname! I frankly feel insulted! (folds arms) And by the way, I wrote the song for Jude before he was deported. I just brought it up again when I missed him one day. How am I supposed to know he was singing it at the same time??

Missy: Calm down… (joking)


Missy: Okay, okay…

Kisses to Max and Jude and hugs to everyone else once again! I have another question for Maxy. Why are you afriad of cats?

From 'Max needs to shave' (again).

Max: …There's reasons.

Lucy: Is there.

Max: Yes, there is.

Lucy: Like what?

Max: Well… they have claws. And they can scratch you with them. And sharp teeth! And they're all gross, they lick themselves!

Jude: (laughs)

Max: shut UP man, I'm serious!

Jude: Sorry mate.

Max: …I… They… Jude… Just get on with the next question.

First off, many kisses to Jude and JoJo, and many other things to Maxwell. -winks-


My question is for everyone [You included Missy.]:

Do you have any unusual fears?

Kel (TheKillerKelli)

Max: I don't have any unusual ones.

Lucy: …cats?

Max: I have REASONS for that!!

Lucy: okay, okay…

Jude: I'm kind of afraid of paper cuts and all that. I hate seeing my own blood. It's so often though, and it usually makes me quite dizzy.

Missy: I can stand my own blood, it's just other peoples that drives me crazy. I'm afraid of those giant things they have at the doorways of stores and stuff, the ones that beep like crazy if you've stolen something. Those CREEP ME OUT. I'm always afraid they'll start beeping at me.

Lucy: I'm kind of afraid of telephone booths. It's always been a fear since I was little. It's such a small space, and I can barely breathe, you know? Maybe I'm a little claustrophobic, I don't know.

Sadie: This might sound a little ridiculous, but I'm afraid of large crowds coming to see us perform. Singing gives me… the biggest adrenaline rush ever, and sometimes, if the crowd is big enough, I'll get so nervous that I'll throw up before the show starts.

Everyone (but Jojo, a very supportive boyfriend) : Ew.

Jojo: I'm terrified of guns. I mean, it's natural, because everyone is, but I'm especially terrified. I cant even look at one if it's on TV. I grew up with them, pretty much, and there were so many people trying to convince me to use one, but I cant even look at them now. I'm scarred and scared for life.

Prudence: Well, I used to be afraid of cows. Just because they were so big, and strong. They were kind of creepy, too, with their utters and their four stomachs. But I'm not too scared of them now. They're just as cool as any other animal.

Missy: Max?

Max: I have none.

Missy: …ok, Max.

Kisses to Lucy. Hugs to everyone else.

To everyone: If you could be any animal in the whole world, what would you be and why?
Another one for everyone: Who is your favorite superhero?

From Freebird87.

Lucy: Thank you. (accepts kisses, ignores looks from Jude) I saw you accept those other ones. Just because I'm not in the room dosent mean I can't see you!

Jude: (looks away, blushes)

Prudence: I would be a butterfly. They have so many colours, and they can fly wherever they want to. And my favourite superhero is Bubbles! The powerpuff girl. (Smiles)

Max: I would be a fucking lion!! (stands) I mean, seriously, couldn't you picture me being a lion?

Everyone: (laughs)

Max: I think that I like Spider-man the best. Just because he can freakin' spin webs and shit.

Jude: I would like to be a squirell of some sort, I think.

Max: (cracks up)

Jude: Well?

Max: Na, that's cool man. .. .. … HAHAHA!

Jude: I just think how it's cool, the way they're so quick, and the way they can run up 90 degree angles. They're pretty clever. And I like Batman, I think. He's the one with the facepaint, right?

Max: That's the JOKER, wise one. And why the hell did you pick Batman? He has NO super powers.

Jude: Oh. Is the Joker a superhero?

Max: No. Did you watch the movie?

Jude: …no.

Max: (sighs) Some people will never know.

Sadie: I wanna be… (thinks) A FISH.

Missy: Why?

Sadie: (laughs) so kids like Max can make little dolls out of it!!

Max: It wasn't a DOLL, It was a STUFFED ANIMAL!

Everyone: (laughs, despite Max's reasoning)

Max: (folds arms)

Sadie: As for superheros? Maybe… the Little Mermaid…

Max: Aw, come on.

Everyone: (but there is no stopping the uncontrollable laughter)

Missy: SEVENTEEN PAGES?!?!? It's time for me to go. I've worked three hours on this, now I think that we all need some more questions! 'Ask Us' is BACK, just in time for the new year. All for the LOW, LOW price of… FREE! Hit it, guys!

Everyone: (starts to do a corny song-and-dance move to a lame commercial song. Use your imagination)

Missy: SEND EM IN.